PowerToys v0.21.1

Erst­mals für Win­dows 95 ver­öf­fent­lich­te Micro­soft eine Samm­lung von kos­ten­lo­sen Hilfs­pro­gram­men unter dem Namen PowerT­oys, zu der auch das bekann­te Twea­kUI gehör­te. Für Win­dows 10 wur­de nun ein Open-Source-Pro­jekt ins Leben geru­fen, das die PowerT­oys wie­der­be­le­ben soll. Gestar­tet war das Pro­jekt mit den Tools Fan­cy­Zo­nes und Short­cut Gui­de. Mitt­ler­wei­le sind noch File Explo­rer, Image Resi­zer, Key­board Mana­ger, Power­Re­name, PowerT­oys Run und Mar­tin Chrzan’s Color Picker hin­zu gekommen.

PowerT­oys v0.11.0 — Fan­cy­Zo­nes und Short­cut Guide


For the enti­re com­mit histo­ry, plea­se look at the 0.21 release. Below are just a few of the bul­let items from this release.

PT Run:

  • Remo­ved need for space in action key­words. This means you now can type >ipconfig
  • Icon caches fixed and now has colo­red icons
  • Impro­ved font ren­de­ring via Cle­ar­Ty­pe (Shout out to @AnuthaDev doing the hea­vy lif­ting here)
  • Result speed improvements
  • URLs are supported
  • Fixed bugs inclu­ding cal­cu­la­ting bugs


  • Win+Arrow key is direc­tion­al based on zone rect
  • Fixed bugs


  • Fixed toast noti­fi­ca­ti­ons run­ning ele­va­ted from non-admin account

Short­cut Guide:

  • Impro­ved vkey cat­ching which will fix some use cases of it not show­ing up

SVG in File Explorer:

  • Embedded image tags will now ren­der in Explorer

Color Picker:

  • Fixed bug whe­re it would launch via fal­se posi­ti­ve keystrokes


  • Set­tings, PT Run and KBM under­go­ing improvements


  • Pipe­line is now set­up and will be doing a full E2E pass on all uti­li­ties shortly.

Dev qua­li­ty of life improvements:

  • Con­tin­ued war­ning count reduc­tion. This release ~80 removed
  • Sty­le­Cop enab­led E2E
  • FxCop start­ing to be added in E2E



Down­load: PowerT­oys
Ver­si­on: v0.21.1
Datei­grö­ße 20,6 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 02.09.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows 10
Lizenz: Open Source
Web­sei­te PowerT­oys (Git­Hub)