GIGABYTE Technology, Northern Data AG and AMD Join Forces to Drive HPC Mega-Project

Tai­pei, Tai­wan, Sep­tem­ber 9th 2020 – GIGABYTE Tech­no­lo­gy, (TWSE: 2376), an indus­try lea­der in high-per­for­mance ser­vers and work­sta­tions, today is announ­cing a part­ner­ship with Nor­t­hern Data AG (XETRA: NB2, ISIN: DE000A0SMU87) to crea­te a HPC mega-pro­ject with com­pu­ting power of around 3.1 exaflops.

GIGABYTE will sup­p­ly GPU-based ser­ver sys­tems equip­ped with pro­ven AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sors and AMD Rade­on Instinct™ acce­le­ra­tors from tech­no­lo­gy part­ner AMD, a lea­ding pro­vi­der of high per­for­mance com­pu­ting and gra­phics tech­no­lo­gies, to Nor­t­hern Data.

Nor­t­hern Data deve­lo­ps a dis­tri­bu­ted com­pu­ting clus­ter based on the hard­ware at loca­ti­ons in Nor­way, Swe­den and Cana­da, which in its final stage of deploy­ment will pro­vi­de FP32 com­pu­ting power of around 3.1 exa­flops (3.1 mil­li­on tera­flops and 274.54 peta­flops FP64). The world’s fas­test super­com­pu­ter, the Japa­ne­se “Fuka­gu” (Fuji­tsu), has a cal­cu­la­ti­on power of 1.07 exa­flops FP32 and 415.3 peta­flops FP64, whe­re­as the second fas­test, the US super­com­pu­ter “Sum­mit” (IBM) has a cal­cu­la­ti­on power of 0.414 exa­flops FP32 and 148.0 peta­flops FP64.

Tho­mas Yen, Sales and BDM at GIGABYTE Tech­no­lo­gy, comm­ents: “We are very exci­ted about this mega-pro­ject and the lively part­ner­ship with Nor­t­hern Data. In coope­ra­ti­on with AMD, we are able to design, manu­fac­tu­re and deli­ver high volu­mes of ser­vers in very high pro­duc­tion qua­li­ty within a few months. This has con­vin­ced Nor­t­hern Data to equip its GPU-based HPC plat­form, which does ren­de­ring, deep lear­ning or arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence, with GIGABYTE servers.”

Sukh Dhil­lon, EMEA Com­mer­cial Chan­nel Sales Direc­tor at AMD, comm­ents: “We are deligh­ted to be in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with GIGABYTE and Nor­t­hern Data, one of the glo­bal lea­ders in HPC com­pu­ting. We look for­ward to working on this uni­que flag­ship pro­ject uti­li­zing second gene­ra­ti­on AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors and AMD Rade­on Instinct acce­le­ra­tors hel­ping set supe­ri­or stan­dards for per­for­mance, secu­ri­ty and sca­la­bi­li­ty for the most deman­ding workloads.”

The hard­ware will be deli­ver­ed in the coming weeks and months. GIGABYTE’s high-per­for­mance ser­vers com­bi­ne AMD pro­ces­sors sel­ec­ted by Nor­t­hern Data with a dedi­ca­ted ser­ver archi­tec­tu­re. In this way, GIGABYTE adapts the CPU- and GPU clus­ters deve­lo­ped by Nor­t­hern Data to Nor­t­hern Data’s tech­ni­cal requirements.

GIGABYTE is an engi­neer, visio­na­ry, and lea­der in the world of tech that uses its hard­ware exper­ti­se, paten­ted inno­va­tions, and indus­try lea­der­ship to crea­te, inspi­re, and advan­ce. Renow­ned for over 30 years of award-win­ning excel­lence in mother­boards and gra­phics cards, GIGABYTE is a cor­ner­stone in the HPC com­mu­ni­ty, pro­vi­ding busi­nesses with ser­ver and data cen­ter exper­ti­se to acce­le­ra­te their suc­cess. At the fore­front of evol­ving tech­no­lo­gy, GIGABYTE is devo­ted to inven­ting smart solu­ti­ons that enable digi­ta­liza­ti­on from edge to cloud, and allow cus­to­mers to cap­tu­re, ana­ly­ze, and trans­form digi­tal infor­ma­ti­on into eco­no­mic data that can bene­fit huma­ni­ty and “Upgrade Your Life”. Plea­se visit for more information.