ASRock Launches AMD Radeon™ RX 6800 Series Graphics Cards Providing Excellent 4K Gaming Experiences with DirectX® 12 Ultimate and Hardware Raytracing1 Support

TAIPEI, TAIWAN, Novem­ber 17, 2020 – The glo­bal lea­ding mother­board manu­fac­tu­rer, ASRock, laun­ched its AMD Rade­on™ RX 6800 series gra­phics cards, inclu­ding Tai­chi, Phan­tom Gam­ing, and the Chal­len­ger pro­duct series. From the high-end Rade­on™ RX 6800 XT Tai­chi X 16G OC, the mid-level Rade­on™ RX 6800 XT Phan­tom Gam­ing D 16G OC and Rade­on™ RX 6800 Phan­tom Gam­ing D 16G OC, to the main­stream Rade­on™ RX 6800 Chal­len­ger Pro 16G OC, the com­ple­te pro­duct line gives users the most varie­ty of choices.


ASRock’s AMD Rade­on™ RX 6800 series gra­phics cards levera­ge 7nm pro­cess tech­no­lo­gy and AMD RDNA™ 2 gam­ing archi­tec­tu­re, and sup­port the DirectX® 12 Ulti­ma­te soft­ware stan­dard and hard­ware-acce­le­ra­ted ray­tra­cing. The pro­duct line fea­tures 16GB of 256-bit GDDR6 memo­ry, and also sup­ports the latest PCI® Express 4.0 bus stan­dard. It adopts ASRock’s cus­tom “Stri­ped Axi­al Fan” and Poly­chro­me SYNC ARGB LEDs, with out­stan­ding pre-over­clo­cked GPU clock set­tings and rich addi­tio­nal fea­tures. The per­for­mance of ASRock’s AMD Rade­on™ RX 6800 series gra­phics cards pro­vi­de gamers with an excel­lent 4K gam­ing experience.

The high-end Rade­on™ RX 6800 XT Tai­chi X 16G OC gra­phics card uses the tri­ple-fan Tai­chi 3X coo­ling sys­tem to pro­vi­de powerful coo­ling per­for­mance, and uni­que ARGB Tai­chi halo, side and back LED light­ing effects that sup­port Poly­chro­me SYNC to allow users to cus­to­mi­ze light­ing effects. The metal frame and back­p­la­te pre­vent the PCB from ben­ding, and the Dual BIOS opti­on allows users to free­ly choo­se their favo­ri­te BIOS set­tings. With its excel­lent per­for­mance and rich fea­tures, ASRock Rade­on™ RX 6800 XT Tai­chi X 16G OC gra­phics card is the pre­mi­um choice for power users.


The mid-level ASRock Rade­on™ RX 6800 XT Phan­tom Gam­ing D 16G OC and Rade­on™ RX 6800 Phan­tom Gam­ing D 16G OC gra­phics cards use the tri­ple-fan Phan­tom Gam­ing 3X coo­ling sys­tem to pro­vi­de gre­at heat dis­si­pa­ti­on. The rein­forced metal frame and back­p­la­te pre­vent the board from ben­ding. The ARGB fan and the side ARGB LED board sup­port Poly­chro­me SYNC to allow users to cus­to­mi­ze the light­ing effects. The­se spe­cial sel­ling points, cou­pled with the cool black and red color appearance, make ASRock Rade­on™ RX 6800 Phan­tom Gam­ing series gra­phics cards ide­al to meet the core needs of gamers.


The main­stream ASRock Rade­on™ RX 6800 Chal­len­ger Pro 16G OC gra­phics card uses a tri­ple-fan ther­mal design, which pro­vi­des superb coo­ling per­for­mance, and also has a side ARGB LED panel that sup­ports Poly­chro­me SYNC to allow users to cus­to­mi­ze the light­ing effects. The­se prac­ti­cal designs make the ASRock Rade­on™ RX 6800 Chal­len­ger Pro 16G OC gra­phics card the most sui­ta­ble pro­duct for main­stream customers.



1. Not com­pa­ti­ble with Win­dows® 7.

*Pro­duct spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons are sub­ject to chan­ge wit­hout notice.

For more info plea­se visit:
Rade­on™ RX 6800 XT Tai­chi X 16G OC RX 6800 XT Tai­chi X 16G OC/index.asp
Rade­on™ RX 6800 XT Phan­tom Gam­ing D 16G OC RX 6800 XT Phan­tom Gam­ing D 16G OC/index.asp
Rade­on™ RX 6800 Phan­tom Gam­ing D 16G OC RX 6800 Phan­tom Gam­ing D 16G OC/index.asp
Rade­on™ RX 6800 Chal­len­ger Pro 16G OC RX 6800 Chal­len­ger Pro 16G OC/index.asp