WinSCP 5.18 Beta

Die Open-Source-Soft­ware Win­SCP von Mar­tin Prik­ryl ist ein SFTP‑, FTP‑, Web­DAV- und S3-Cli­ent für Win­dows, der auch das alte SCP-Pro­to­koll unter­stützt. Die Free­ware bie­tet einen geschütz­ten Daten- und Datei­trans­fer zwi­schen ver­schie­de­nen Rech­nern und ermög­licht die Nut­zung ver­schlüs­sel­ter “Tun­nel”.


5.18 beta

  • A com­ple­te list of files that are part of a back­ground trans­fer can be shown. 1785
  • Stream inter­face in .NET assem­bly. 1738
  • With SFTP pro­to­col files can be strea­med to stdout and from stdin in scripting.
  • Sup­port SHA-256 fin­ger­prints of TLS/SSL cer­ti­fi­ca­tes. 1842
  • Exten­si­on Syn­chro­ni­ze with Ano­ther Remo­te Ser­ver.
  • When con­nec­ting to new SSH host, its host key can be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly accept­ed in scrip­ting and .NET assembly.
  • Optio­nal case-sen­si­ti­ve syn­chro­niza­ti­on. 71
  • Enab­led TLS 1.3 by default.
  • XML par­ser upgraded to Expat 2.2.10.
  • SSH core upgraded to PuT­TY 0.74. It brings the fol­lo­wing change: 
    • Secu­ri­ty fix: If an SSH ser­ver accept­ed an offer of a public key and then rejec­ted the signa­tu­re, Win­SCP could access freed memo­ry, if the key had come from an SSH agent. vuln-agent-key­list-used-after-free
  • Resu­me trans­fer when FTP data con­nec­tion dis­con­nects. 1878
  • Sup­port for curve25519-sha256 KEX. 1865
  • Sup­port for authen­ti­ca­ti­on using tem­po­ra­ry cre­den­ti­als from AWS Secu­ri­ty Token Ser­vice (STS). 1839
  • Sup­port for SNI with FTP. 1895
  • Instal­ler upgraded to Inno Set­up 6.1.2.
    • Chan­ge: Instal­ler needs Win­dows 7 SP1/2008 R2 SP1.
  • Alter­na­ti­ve way to pro­vi­de cre­den­ti­als in scrip­tin­g/­com­mand-line wit­hout URL-enco­ding. 1821
  • Com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty with Web­DAV ser­vers that incor­rect­ly encode file URL. 1876
  • Opti­mi­zing S3 con­nec­tion buf­fers for speed. 1732
  • Edited/opened files from a dis­con­nec­ted ses­si­on can now be atta­ched to new ses­si­on even if its user­na­me was ente­red only during authen­ti­ca­ti­on ins­tead of direct­ly on the Log­in dia­log. 1890
  • Retur­ning to Log­in dia­log, when ad-hoc con­nec­tion fails. 1909
  • Local ports for acti­ve FTP mode can be limi­t­ed. 958
  • Allow expli­cit navi­ga­ti­on to a hid­den local fol­der by enab­ling show­ing of hid­den files and fol­der, if not enab­led yet. 1905
  • Added full Go To sub­me­nu to con­text menu of panel path label
  • Auto­ma­ti­cal­ly res­to­re exter­nal edi­tor defaults when chan­ging edi­tor com­mand from Note­pad to 3rd par­ty edi­tor. 1872
  • Sup­press errors when opened/edited files are locked. 1832
  • Sup­port clea­ring GID/UID flag on direc­to­ries with new ver­si­ons of GNU cor­eu­tils. 1850
  • Added /nointeractiveinput to usa­ge screen.
  • List encrypt-then-MAC algo­rith­ms in /info lis­ting. 1917
  • Not using a trans­fer via tem­po­ra­ry file for files that would exceed sys­tem length limit with the tem­po­ra­ry exten­si­on. 1922
  • Auto­ma­ti­cal­ly clo­sing timed out Session. 1923
  • Log­ging IANA encryp­ti­on algo­rithm names. 1886
  • Dis­play­ing, what direc­to­ry is being read at the end of log­in to a ser­ver, in a tool­tip. 1916
  • Use dark win­dow title for the main win­dow in the dark mode on Win­dows 10 2004. 1920
  • Cla­ri­fied that Win­SCP may crash in the war­ning mes­sa­ge when try­ing to load too big file into the inter­nal edi­tor. 1847
  • Do not pre­vent Win­SCP from working when jump list can­not be updated. 1857
  • Allow for­cing use of LIST com­mand to retrie­ve file infor­ma­ti­on in scrip­ting for FTP ser­vers that has bro­ken sup­port for MDTM/SIZE com­mands. 1921
  • Dupli­ca­te and Rena­me com­mands work even for dis­con­nec­ted sessions.
  • IPv6 lite­rals with scope or lite­rals that are alre­a­dy escaped in squa­re bra­ckets are for­mat­ted stan­dard­ly in ses­si­on URL (ins­tead of URL-enco­ding them).
  • Allo­wed lon­ger input on Edit file input box. 1911
  • Added help link to Add exten­si­on box and making the box wider.
  • GSSAPI key exch­an­ge authen­ti­ca­ti­on can be tur­ned on. 1863
  • When try­ing to open an inac­ces­si­ble local direc­to­ry, dis­play an error mes­sa­ge, ins­tead of sil­ent­ly doing nothing.
  • Cle­a­nup appli­ca­ti­on data dia­log labels cache cle­a­nup check­box label updated to reflect pre­vious­ly updated functionality.
  • Dis­ab­ling tips con­trols until some tips are actual­ly available.
  • Optio­nal­ly disable moving using drag&drop. 1884
  • Main win­dow fol­lows Log­in dia­log to ano­ther moni­tor, when swit­ched using key­board short­cuts Shift+Win+Left/Right. 1907
  • When path to an exis­ting local direc­to­ry is spe­ci­fied on the Down­load opti­ons dia­log wit­hout an ope­ra­ti­on mask, a noop ope­ra­ti­on mask is implied.
  • Work­around for wrong descrip­ti­on of Num * key­board short­cut in menus with Ger­man key­board. 1889
  • Files with the same name except for a let­ter case are sor­ted deter­mi­ni­sti­cal­ly. 1894
  • Not offe­ring pas­ting from clip­board on the file panels if the clip­board con­ta­ins mul­ti-line text.
  • Remo­ved the “com­pres­si­on” indi­ca­tor from the sta­tus bar.
  • Exten­ding trans­fer dia­log drop down menu size to 16 entries.
  • Bug fix: Local file panel igno­red chan­ges in lat­ter case of files and fol­ders. 1885
  • Bug fix: Local cus­tom com­mands that need ses­si­on but no remo­te files were not dis­ab­led when ses­si­on was not connected.
  • Bug fix: Cor­rect let­ter case vari­ant of remo­te direc­to­ry in direc­to­ry tree was not always sel­ec­ted. 1891
  • Bug fix: With no con­nec­ted ses­si­on, shared book­marks modi­fi­ca­ti­ons are not preserved.
  • Bug fix: Using list hea­der color appro­pria­te for the actu­al light/dark column back­ground color (list hea­ders are not dark, unless sys­tem wide app dark mode is enabled).
  • Bug fix: Session.ParseUrl can­not accept fin­ger­print para­me­ter for ses­si­ons over TLS. 1925
  • Bug fix: Cus­tom com­mand pat­terns !S/!E do not include fin­ger­print of TLS certificate.
  • Bug fix: Can­not work with filena­mes ending with space with FTP pro­to­col. 1900
  • Bug fix: Can­ce­ling remo­te path drop down did not reset it back to the cur­rent path.
  • Bug fix: Fol­ders in a dri­ve root show­ed incor­rect type name sometimes.
  • Bug fix: Cus­to­mi­zing cus­tom com­mands from Syn­chro­niza­ti­on check­list win­dow was not working. 1908
  • Bug fix: Who­le local dri­ve could have been scan­ned when try­ing to brow­se to non-exis­ting or hid­den folders.
  • Bug fix: Timed out sta­tus bar note was not added to histo­ry popup box, while a ses­si­on is disconnected.
  • Bug fix: Dupli­ca­te com­mand in remo­te file con­text menu ope­ra­ted over sel­ec­ted files ins­tead of the focu­sed file.
  • Bug fix: *nix shell spe­cial cha­rac­ters were unin­ten­tio­nal­ly escaped in PuTTY/SSH ter­mi­nal com­mand pat­terns. 1906




Down­load: Win­SCP & Win­SCP Portable
Ver­si­on 5.18 Beta
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 30.11.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows
Lizenz: Open Source