Nvidia GeForce-Treiber (GRD) 460.79 WHQL

Der Nvi­dia GeForce-Game-Rea­dy-Trei­ber für Win­dows ist in einer neu­en Ver­si­on erschie­nen. Er unter­stützt alle Nvi­dia-Kar­ten seit der GeForce 600er, über die GeForce 700er, die GeForce 900er, die GeForce 10xx, die GeForce 16xx, die RTX 20xx und bis hin zur aktu­el­len GeForce RTX 30xx Serie, sowie alle Kar­ten der Titan-Serie.

Release Notes 460.79 (PDF)


Game Rea­dy Dri­vers pro­vi­de the best pos­si­ble gam­ing expe­ri­ence for all major new releases. Pri­or to a new title laun­ching, our dri­ver team is working up until the last minu­te to ensu­re every per­for­mance tweak and bug fix is included for the best game­play on day‑1.

Game Rea­dy for Cyber­punk 2077
This new Game Rea­dy Dri­ver pro­vi­des the ulti­ma­te gam­ing expe­ri­ence for Cyber­punk 2077. In addi­ti­on, this dri­ver pro­vi­des opti­mal day‑1 sup­port for the offi­ci­al launch of Mine­craft with RTX for Win­dows 10.

New Fea­tures and Other Changes
NVIDIA Con­trol Panel:
• Added Back­ground Appli­ca­ti­on Max Frame Rate con­trol (Mana­ge 3D Set­tings page)
• Added Color Accu­ra­cy Mode fea­ture (Dis­play > Adjust Desk­top Color Set­tings page)

Fixed Issues in this Release
The fol­lo­wing sec­tions list the important chan­ges and the most com­mon issues resol­ved in this ver­si­on. This list is only a sub­set of the total num­ber of chan­ges made in this dri­ver ver­si­on. The NVIDIA bug num­ber is pro­vi­ded for reference.
• [For­za Motor­sport 7]: The curb may dis­play a black strip during a race on cer­tain tracks. [2781776]
• When set­ting the refresh rate hig­her than 100Hz, the color for­mat swit­ches from RGB to ycbcr422 on MSI MAG24C/MSI Optix G27C2. [3053990]
• [GeForce RTX 3090][SLI][G‑SYNC]: When G‑SYNC is enab­led in SLI sur­round (3x moni­tors), the sys­tem locks up when laun­ching a game. [3167493]
• [GeForce RTX 3‑series]: NvAPI_GPU_GetGPUInfo() returns an incor­rect num­ber of GPU Ten­sor Cores. [3140329]
• [MPC-HC]: The video play­er cra­s­hes when play­ing 1088 pixel-width vide­os. [3148082]
• [5k dis­play]: When the dis­play is set to 5k reso­lu­ti­on, you can­not set the color set­tings from the NVIDIA Con­trol Panel > Chan­ge reso­lu­ti­on page. Eit­her the con­trols are grey­ed out or they revert to the default after app­ly­ing any chan­ge. [200630939/3182567].

Win­dows 10 Issues
• [Steam VR game]: Stut­te­ring and lag­ging occur upon laun­ching a game. [3152190]
• [G‑SYNC][NVIDIA Ampere GPU archi­tec­tu­re]: GPU power con­sump­ti­on may increase in idle mode on sys­tems using cer­tain hig­her refresh-rate G‑SYNC moni­tors. [200667566]
• [Freestyle][Vulkan apps]: With the free­style fil­ters appli­ed, a blue-screen crash occurs when pres­sing [Alt+Tab] while run­ning Vul­kan appli­ca­ti­ons. [200667477]
• [You­Tube]: Video play­back stut­ters while scrol­ling down the You­Tube page. [3129705]
• [Note­book]: Some Pas­cal-based note­books w/ high refresh rate dis­plays may ran­dom­ly drop to 60Hz during game­play. [3009452]
• [G‑Sync][Vulkan Apps]: Per­for­mance drop occurs when using G‑SYNC and swit­ching from full-screen mode to win­do­wed mode using the in-game set­tings. [200681477] — To work­around, eit­her launch the game in win­do­wed mode direct­ly or disable G‑SYNC.
• [GeForce RTX 3070][Clone Mode]: When the reso­lu­ti­on is set to 2560x1440 @ 144Hz, the per­for­mance sta­te is stuck at maxi­mum per­for­mance. [200678414]
• [NVIDIA Turing or later][Windows Movies and TV Play­er]: When play­ing a 4k video in full-screen mode on a 2560x1440 HDR moni­tor, the video extends bey­ond the edge of the screen. [3186830]

Down­load: GeForce Dri­ver Ver­si­on 460.79 W10

GeForce Dri­ver Ver­si­on 460.79 W7/8

Ver­si­on: 460.79
Datei­grö­ße Ver­schie­de­ne
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 09.12.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows 10, 8.x, 7
Lizenz: Trei­ber