Process Lasso v10.0

Pro­cess Las­so ist ein auto­ma­ti­sier­tes Win­dows Pro­zess­ma­nage­ment- und Opti­mie­rungs-Tool für Win­dows Vis­ta, 7, 8 und 10, das die Reak­ti­ons­fä­hig­keit des Sys­tems — beson­ders bei hohen Pro­zes­sor­aus­las­tun­gen — durch einen eige­nen Algo­rith­mus posi­tiv beein­flus­sen soll. Neben einer kos­ten­pflich­ti­gen Pro-Ver­si­on sind zusätz­lich eine Ser­ver-Edi­ti­on sowie älte­re Ver­sio­nen für Win­dows XP und Win­dows 2000 verfügbar.


Win­dows has a par­ti­cu­lar­ly bad pro­blem deal­ing with threads that deci­de they want to con­su­me every bit of CPU time they can get their hands on (CPU bound threads). A sin­gle CPU bound thread run­ning at Nor­mal prio­ri­ty can bring an enti­re sin­gle-CPU sys­tem to a stall, as demons­tra­ted by our gra­phi­cal pro­of of con­cept below. Yes, it is true – belie­ve it or not! It is this worst case sce­na­rio that Pro­cess Las­so was ori­gi­nal­ly writ­ten to address. By tem­po­r­a­ri­ly lowe­ring the prio­ri­ty of the offen­ding pro­cess, your PC can be saved from a full stall.”


  • Refac­to­red log sys­tem with CSV as primary
  • Orde­red CPU affi­ni­ty and prio­ri­ty rules
  • Peri­odic pro­cess sam­pling (snapshots)
  • GUI impro­ve­ments
  • Crow­dIn inte­gra­ti­on for translations
  • Num­e­rous fixes and enhancements
(1) GUI: Further increase multi-threadedness of display updates
(1) GUI: On config save error, show error message and offer to elevate
(3) GUI: Add code to enable asynchronous listview updates
(5) Core: Enforce SmartTrim exclusions when only basename given
(5) GUI: Add menu item for direct access to SmartTrim exclusions
(5) GUI: Check 'Induce Performance Mode' context menu item when appropriate even if no pathname available
(5) GUI: When when adding SmartTrim exclusion by context menu use basename if no pathname available
(7) Localization: Integration with Crowdin (translation platform)
(11) GUI: Adjust default column ordering of Active Processes listview
(15) GUI: Integrate more languages to Crowdin
(17) Core: Add registry setting for max log file size before rotate (HKLM\Software\ProcessLasso\MaxLogFileSize)
(17) Core: Tweak default log file size limit
(19) Core: Add periodic process sampling function (emits to CSV)
(19) Core: For process creation log events, remove 'UNKNOWN PARENT' text when parent doesn't or isn't applicable (now empty string)
(19) GUI: Add new menu item 'Options / Log / Configure sampling ...' to open sampling configuration dialog
(27) Core: Strip unavailable CPUs from CPU affinity prior to their application to handle system config change to CPU count
(39) GUI: Add 't' rule character for SmartTrim exclusion
(41) Core: Fix SmartTrim log entry possible integer underflow on RAM freed display
(43) GUI: Replace active processes listview embedded CPU utilization visual with text (unicode blocks) based representation
(43) GUI: Support Dark Mode for Win10 build 21286 
(47) GUI: Add 'View / Graph components / Show power profile' to toggle power profile text on graph
(49) GUI: About dialog: Add 'Help Translate Process Lasso' syslink
(49) GUI: About dialog: Remove 'translated by'
(49) GUI: Show 'Update not available' message box on same monitor as application
(49) GUI: Try to set critical level I/O priorities despite being reserved for system paging operations. Add info message stating such.
(51) GUI: Switch to 'KB' suffix on memory metrics to standardize
(53) GUI: Improve CSV formatting of data copied to cliboard from listview selections
(57) Log: Standardize all CSV output files as UTF-8 encoding /W BOM
(59) Log: Add system time field in addition to local time (not displayed)
(59) Log: Remove deprecated log format marker file
(67) GUI: Make log listview updates more smooth
(69) GUI: Improve behavior of initial log listview population
(71) Core: Batch log writes to once per iteration
(73) All: Don't dual-sign with SHA1 anymore, only SHA2
(73) All: Switch to Bitsum 2021 EV code signing certificate
(75) Logging: Change log filename to 'processlasso.log'
(75) Logging: Performance improvements
(75) Logging: Reduce disk I/O
(75) Logging: Refactored to use CSV format as primary
(75) Logging: Remove now redundant 'Export log to CSV' menu item
(77) Core: Enforce CPU affinity rules in order configured
(77) GUI: Add up/down buttons to CPU affinity rule config dialog
(77) Logging: Log default path when GaaP is now LOCAL_APPDATA instead of APPDATA (roaming)
(81) Core: Changed default config path when GaaP to LOCAL_APPDATA instead of APPDATA (roaming)
(81) Install: Cleanup some deprecated code and file(s)
(81) Install: Do one-time migration of config when Governor installed a normal process, from roaming to local profile
(83) Core: Fix I/O priority adjustments during ProBlaance events were logged despite log disabled
(83) GUI: Remove now redundant 'Emit CSV' log option
(85) GUI: Several menu caption changes
(87) Core/GUI: Add option to toggle logging of process command lines (defaults off)
(87) Core: Cleanup old log files in APPDATA
(91) GUI: Refactored code behind 'ProBalance time' tracking column
(93) GUI: Assorted improvements
(93) GUI: Refactored code behind graph highlight (ProBalance event) tooltips
(95) GUI: Adjust limits to max log rows in GUI and LogViewer listviews
(99) GUI: Change 'Terminate' to 'Close' (graceful)
(99) GUI: Fix issue with 'Terminate Now' and suspended processes
(99) GUI: Make 'Terminate Now' always instantaneous (no attempted graceful close)
(101) Core/GUI: Migrate to new close/terminate functions (affects all features that terminate processes)
(101) GUI: Further refactoring of close/terminate functions
(101) GUI: Remove menu options to configure graceful close timeout
(101) GUI: Resurrect graceful close wait dialog, offering immediate termination by link click
(101) GUI: Some refactoring surrounding graceful process close timeout
(105) GUI: Advance major version to 10.0.0
(105) GUI: Dark mode support for menu bar
(107) GUI: Add process status column to Active processes listview
(107) GUI: Force filtered views to adopt saved columnn view layot info of unfiltered listviews
(107) GUI: Force reset of saved listview column view layout
(107) GUI: Refactoring of listview column view layout persistence (all, active, log)
(107) GUI: Remove CPU graph from active processes listview
(109) GUI: Adjust log context menu item captions
(109) GUI: Disable some log context menu items when multiple rows selected
(109) GUI: More menu captions switched to new standard
(111) Core: Improve formatting of process terminated log entries when runtime is 0 seconds
(111) GUI: Fix filter edit controls could lose top border
(115) Core: Guarantee order precedence of CPU priority class rules
(115) GUI: Add up/down buttons to CPU priority class dialog rules
(117) Core: Fix issue where multiple simultaneous Keep Awake rules of differing types could lose lesser display awake attribute
(123) Core: Improve ordering of SmartTrimExclusions key in INI config
(125) GUI: Add config dialog for Windows Dynamic Thread Boost disabled processes
(125) GUI: Add wildcard support to Windows Dynamic Thread Boosts
(127) GUI: More menu item captions switched to new standard (WiP)
(129) GUI: Add 'Launch processes elevated' checkbox to Keep Running and Watchdog dialogs (an HKLM Lasso registry setting)
(129) GUI: Add 'use any' to name field of activation dialog
(131) Core/GUI: Add new INI setting for foreground boost priority class (default is 0x8000 for Above Normal)
(131) GUI: Move some menu items (Foreground boosting and Dynamic thread priority boosting)
(133) All: Copyright years to 2021
(133) GUI/LogViewer: In dark mode, make filter edit control backgrounds darker than parent to increase visibility
(133) GUI: Change watchdog 'execute' action caption to 'launch a program'
(135) GUI: Move memory priority in process rule string to after CPU affinity for improved clarity
(137) GUI: Add general setting to write latest responsiveness measurement to registry (in HKLM\Software\ProcessLasso\LastResponsinenessMeasurement)
(137) GUI: More menu item work
(137) Languages: Updates to Chinese Simplified
(141) Languages: Updates to French and Russian
(145) Installer: Remove superfluous CANCEL button on installer message confirming download of correct edition (now YES/NO)
(145) Languages: Update PT-BR
(147) GUI: Cosmetic work to Keep Running config dialog
(149) GUI: Remove warning when process edit box is still populated on dialog close from several config dialogs
(151) GUI: Add log action text for ProBalance end due to termination and foreground
(151) GUI: Advise Keep Running not supported with GaaS on context or config menu, direct to info on switching to GaaP
(151) GUI: Allow Keep Running rules to be removed by context menu even if not Pro
(151) GUI: Cosmetic work to Memory Priorities dialog
(153) Languages: Update Polish
(155) Languages: Update Italian
(157) Core: Add log entry description for ProBalance begun evaluation event
(157) Updater: Terminate ThreadRacer if open
(159) GUI: Adjust persistent priority class dialog listview column header
(159) GUI: Improve default actions log sorting behavior
(161) Languages: Update Russian
(163) Languages: Fix a format specifier in watchdog actions that was incorrect in some languages
(163) GUI: Expand vertical size of CPU priority rules dialog
(163) GUI: In several dialog listviews, reserve space so when vertical scrollbar shown, horizontal isn't also
(163) GUI: Fix GUI would stay in dark mode if Windows theme changed from dark to light while GUI not running
(164) LogViewer: One-time reset of column layout and sizes
(164) GUI/LogViewer: Expand default date/time column size
(164) GUI: Expand default PID column width throughout
(164) GUI: Force light mode for About dialog for better appearance



Down­load: Pro­cess Lasso
Ver­si­on: v10.0
Datei­grö­ße 2,28 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 12.03.2021
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows Vis­ta, 7, 8 und 10 (32- und 64-Bit)
Lizenz: Free­ware, Pro Ver­si­on kostenpflichtig
Web­sei­te bits­um
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