Xilinx Announces Full Production Shipments of 7nm Versal AI Core and Versal Prime Series Devices

Ver­sal Pre­mi­um series also hits mile­stone with first ship­ments to ear­ly access customers

SAN JOSE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Xilinx, Inc. (NASDAQ: XLNX), the lea­der in adap­ti­ve com­pu­ting, today announ­ced that its Ver­sal™ AI Core and Ver­sal Prime series devices are now ship­ping to cus­to­mers in full pro­duc­tion volu­mes. Addi­tio­nal­ly, the third series in the Ver­sal port­fo­lio, Ver­sal Pre­mi­um, has now ship­ped to mul­ti­ple tier-one cus­to­mers through the company’s ear­ly access pro­gram. Ver­sal is the industry’s first adap­ti­ve com­pu­te acce­le­ra­ti­on plat­form (ACAP). Ver­sal ACAPs com­bi­ne sca­lar pro­ces­sing engi­nes, adap­ta­ble hard­ware engi­nes, intel­li­gent engi­nes with lea­ding-edge memo­ry and inter­fa­cing tech­no­lo­gies to deli­ver powerful hete­ro­ge­neous acce­le­ra­ti­on for any appli­ca­ti­on bey­ond the capa­bi­li­ties of an FPGA.

Ver­sal AI Core and Prime Series in Full Production

The Ver­sal AI Core series deli­vers the hig­hest com­pu­te and lowest laten­cy in the Ver­sal port­fo­lio, enab­ling breakth­rough AI infe­rence through­put and per­for­mance through its AI engi­nes. Ver­sal AI Core is opti­mi­zed for com­pu­te-inten­si­ve appli­ca­ti­ons pri­ma­ri­ly for the data cen­ter, 5G wire­less, and A&D mar­kets, inclu­ding machi­ne lear­ning and advan­ced signal pro­ces­sing. Cus­to­mers have deploy­ed Ver­sal AI Core to acce­le­ra­te workloads such as 5G gNodeB base sta­ti­ons, satel­li­te-based broad­band ser­vices, and audio-video bridging in 3D immersi­ve sta­di­um sports videos.

Ver­sal AI Core series cus­to­mer Gilat enables satel­li­te-based mobi­le broad­band for in-flight and con­su­mer broad­band, and cel­lu­lar backhaul.

Gilat pro­vi­des lea­ding satel­li­te-based broad­band com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on solu­ti­ons in mul­ti­ple mar­ket seg­ments. We are exci­ted to be among the first cus­to­mers to adopt the Ver­sal AI Core series. The embedded AI engi­ne tech­no­lo­gy is a key enabler, lea­ding to a mas­si­ve increase in through­put at lower power for Gilat’s next-gene­ra­ti­on wide-band gate­way recei­vers. Incor­po­ra­ting the AI engi­ne tech­no­lo­gy fea­tured in the Ver­sal AI Core will pro­vi­de the fle­xi­bi­li­ty and per­for­mance requi­red by the gro­wing demand for increased band­width and through­put in Gilat’s net­works,” says Noam Rosen­feld, seni­or vice pre­si­dent rese­arch & deve­lo­p­ment at Gilat Satel­li­te Networks.

The Ver­sal Prime series is desi­gned for broad appli­ca­bi­li­ty across mul­ti­ple mar­kets and opti­mi­zes con­nec­ti­vi­ty and in-line acce­le­ra­ti­on of a diver­se set of workloads. Cus­to­mers see suc­cess deploy­ing Ver­sal Prime series for data cen­ter workloads such as sto­rage acce­le­ra­ti­on, fire­walls and other wired com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons appli­ca­ti­ons, and satel­li­te-based broad­band ser­vices in aero­space & defen­se markets.

Ver­sal Pre­mi­um First Cus­to­mer Shipments

Ver­sal Pre­mi­um series, fea­turing high­ly-inte­gra­ted and power-opti­mi­zed cores, has rea­ched a signi­fi­cant mile­stone with ship­ments to mul­ti­ple tier-one cus­to­mers. Ver­sal Pre­mi­um sup­ports the mas­si­ve band­width, secu­ri­ty, and com­pu­te den­si­ty requi­red for next-gene­ra­ti­on enter­pri­se and cloud deploy­ment. Ver­sal Pre­mi­um fea­tures 112Gbps PAM4 trans­cei­vers, 600G Ether­net cores, 400G cryp­to­gra­phic engi­nes, and PCIe® Gen5 con­nec­ti­vi­ty. Ver­sal Pre­mi­um enables a wide array of high-per­for­mance appli­ca­ti­ons, inclu­ding trans­port net­wor­king in wired com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, data cen­ter com­pu­te, next-gene­ra­ti­on enter­pri­se and vir­tu­al fire­walls. To see Ver­sal Pre­mi­um in action, go to https://www.xilinx.com/versal/videos.html for first-sili­con demonstrations.

Visit our web­site for more infor­ma­ti­on on Ver­salVer­sal AI CoreVer­sal Prime and the Ver­sal Pre­mi­um series. For more infor­ma­ti­on on Xilinx and its breakth­rough tech­no­lo­gies, plea­se visit www.xilinx.com.

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About Xilinx

Xilinx, Inc. deve­lo­ps high­ly fle­xi­ble and adap­ti­ve pro­ces­sing plat­forms that enable rapid inno­va­ti­on across a varie­ty of tech­no­lo­gies — from the cloud, to the edge, to the end­point. Xilinx is the inven­tor of the FPGA and adap­ti­ve SoCs (inclu­ding our Adap­ti­ve Com­pu­te Acce­le­ra­ti­on Plat­form, or ACAP), desi­gned to deli­ver the most dyna­mic com­pu­ting tech­no­lo­gy in the indus­try. We col­la­bo­ra­te with our cus­to­mers to crea­te sca­lable, dif­fe­ren­tia­ted and intel­li­gent solu­ti­ons that enable the adap­ta­ble, intel­li­gent and con­nec­ted world of the future. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit xilinx.com.

Source: Xilinx Newsroom

Cate­go­ry: Pro­duct Announcements

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