AIC Launches Multi-node Server and Storage Systems Powered by AMD EPYC™ 7003 Series Processors

Tai­pei, Tai­wan, Sep­tem­ber 29, 2021—  AIC Inc., (from now on refer­red to as “AIC”), a lea­ding pro­vi­der in enter­pri­se sto­rage and ser­ver solu­ti­ons, today announ­ced the avai­la­bi­li­ty of its new mul­ti-node per­for­mance opti­mi­zed sys­tems powered by AMD EPYC™ 7003 Series pro­ces­sors. The­se AIC and AMD based pro­ducts are ide­al for edge-cloud sto­rage, enter­pri­se sto­rage, arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence, machi­ne lear­ning, HPC, and edge computing.


To ans­wer the soaring mar­ket demand of ser­ver sys­tems that have high sto­rage capa­ci­ty and high per­for­mance, dri­ven by the rapidly incre­asing data-inten­si­ve appli­ca­ti­ons, AIC deve­lo­ped the com­pact and sca­lable HCI ser­ver sys­tems HP201-AG and HP202-AG. The­se new­ly released mul­ti-node sys­tems faci­li­ta­te adap­ti­ve HCI solu­ti­ons to redu­ce an enti­re IT stack of com­pu­te, net­work, and 3 tiers of sto­rage into a 2U ser­ver wit­hout making any com­pro­mi­se to per­for­mance of appli­ca­ti­ons. Fea­turing one AMD EPYC 7003 Series pro­ces­sor and three PCIe Gen 4.0 x16 slots per node, AIC HP201-AG and HP202-AG pro­vi­de high expan­si­on pos­si­bi­li­ties and maxi­mi­zed cost-efficiency.

The AMD EPYC 7003 Series pro­ces­sors are based on the new AMD ‘Zen 3’ core archi­tec­tu­re and con­tain up to 64 cores and 128 threads, deli­ve­ring breakth­rough per­for­mance per socket. The pro­ces­sors also sup­port PCIe Gen 4.0,  pro­vi­ding dou­ble data trans­fer­ring rate and two times hig­her I/O through­put com­pared to PCIe Gen 3.0. With its 4–6‑8 memo­ry chan­nel inter­lea­ving design, the AMD EPYC 7003 Series pro­ces­sor also pro­vi­des high per­for­mance in acce­le­ra­ting memo­ry-inten­si­ve workloads.

We are in a data-cen­tric era that is fue­led by Cloud, 5G edge, and arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence. Enter­pri­ses are now cra­ving for more fle­xi­ble, sca­lable, and high-per­for­mance ser­ver and sto­rage sys­tems that could cope with the mas­si­ve data com­pu­ting” said Micha­el Liang, the Pre­si­dent and CEO of AIC. “Com­bi­ning the advan­cing tech­no­lo­gies of AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors, AIC mul­ti-node plat­forms will sup­port our cus­to­mers to excel in any data-inten­si­ve workloads.”

AMD’s strong col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with AIC con­ti­nues with EPYC 7003 Series pro­ces­sors in two new plat­forms, taking per­for­mance to the next level and tack­ling deman­ding workloads across cloud, enter­pri­se sto­rage and HPC,” said Surya Hotha, seni­or direc­tor, Pro­duct Mar­ke­ting, AMD. “With the AIC HP201-AG and HP202-AG, cus­to­mers can take advan­ta­ge of not only high-per­for­mance cores but also the sca­la­bi­li­ty, con­nec­ti­vi­ty and band­width of our 3rd gene­ra­ti­on EPYC pro­ces­sors, unvei­led through AIC ser­vers and sto­rage appliances.”

About AIC Inc.
AIC is a lea­ding pro­vi­der of both stan­dard OTS (off-the-shelf) and OEM/ODM ser­ver and sto­rage solu­ti­ons. With expert in-house design, manu­fac­tu­ring and vali­da­ti­on capa­bi­li­ties, AIC’s pro­ducts are high­ly fle­xi­ble and con­fi­gura­ble to any form fac­tor, stan­dard or cus­tom. AIC leads the indus­try with over 25 years of expe­ri­ence in mecha­ni­cal, elec­tro­nic, sys­tem-level engi­nee­ring as well as a dedi­ca­ti­on to inno­va­ti­on and cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion. Head­quar­te­red in Tai­wan, AIC has offices and ope­ra­ti­ons throug­hout the United Sta­tes, Asia, and Euro­pe. For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se visit:

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, EPYC and com­bi­na­ti­ons the­reof are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc.