AMD Radeon™ RX 6600 Graphics Card Delivers Incredible High-Refresh Rate 1080p Gaming

– Up to 1.3X bet­ter per­for­mance-per-watt than the com­pe­ti­ti­on in sel­ect titles at 1080p max settings –

– Harnes­ses AMD RDNA 2 gam­ing archi­tec­tu­re, AMD Fide­li­ty­FX Super Reso­lu­ti­on, AMD Infi­ni­ty Cache, AMD Smart Access Memo­ry tech­no­lo­gy and other powerful fea­tures to pro­vi­de enthu­si­ast-level per­for­mance and stun­ning visu­al fidelity –


AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today laun­ched the AMD Rade­on™ RX 6600 gra­phics card, desi­gned to pro­vi­de visual­ly stun­ning, high-refresh rate 1080p gam­ing expe­ri­en­ces to the midran­ge market.

The AMD Rade­on RX 6600 gra­phics card lever­a­ges breakth­rough AMD RDNA™ 2 archi­tec­tu­re, the only gam­ing archi­tec­tu­re that spans from desk­top PCs, lap­tops and con­so­les to mobi­le devices and auto­mo­ti­ve info­tain­ment sys­tems. Offe­ring 32 MB of high-per­for­mance AMD Infi­ni­ty Cache, 8GB of GDDR6 memo­ry, AMD Smart Access Memo­ry™ tech­no­lo­gy and sup­port for the Micro­soft Win­dows 11 ope­ra­ting sys­tem, the AMD Rade­on RX 6600 gra­phics card is desi­gned to bring next-gene­ra­ti­on desk­top-level expe­ri­en­ces to PC gamers. It also sup­ports the AMD Fide­li­ty­FX™ Super Reso­lu­ti­on open-source spa­ti­al ups­ca­ling solu­ti­on, which is desi­gned to increase frame­ra­tes in sel­ect titles while deli­ve­ring high-reso­lu­ti­on gam­ing experiences.

The AMD Rade­on RX 6600 gra­phics card is desi­gned with the needs of future-rea­dy, high-per­for­mance 1080p gamers in mind. Capa­ble of dri­ving 100+ FPS in top AAA titles1, the AMD Rade­on RX 6600 gra­phics card also offers up to 1.3X bet­ter per­for­mance-per-watt than the com­pe­ti­ti­on in sel­ect titles in 1080p at max set­tings2.

The latest gene­ra­ti­on of games deli­ver mas­si­ve leaps in life-like visu­als that are dri­ving more gra­phics per­for­mance to meet the demand for the best pos­si­ble 1080p gam­ing expe­ri­en­ces,” said Scott Her­kel­man, cor­po­ra­te vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger, Gra­phics Busi­ness Unit at AMD. “To meet this demand, we’ve desi­gned the Rade­on RX 6600 to make the­se new breath­ta­king expe­ri­en­ces available to  more PC gamers, pro­vi­ding the per­for­mance of an enthu­si­ast-class power­house in a midran­ge solution.”

Next-Generation High-Performance 1080p Gaming

The AMD Rade­on RX 6600 gra­phics card offers an ide­al blend of per­for­mance and image qua­li­ty for excep­tio­nal gam­ing expe­ri­en­ces and is an ide­al choice for gamers see­king dis­play-maxing frame­ra­tes and crisp visu­al fide­li­ty at 1080p in today’s most deman­ding titles. The AMD Rade­on RX 6600 gra­phics card takes full advan­ta­ge of num­e­rous advan­ced fea­tures, including:

  • AMD Fide­li­ty­FX tech­no­lo­gy – AMD Fide­li­ty­FX tech­no­lo­gy is an open-source tool­kit of visu­al enhance­ment effects for game deve­lo­pers available at AMD GPUO­pen. The new AMD Fide­li­ty­FX Super Reso­lu­ti­on (FSR) spa­ti­al ups­ca­ling tech­no­lo­gy, sup­port­ed on more than 100 AMD pro­ces­sors and AMD GPUs, as well as on sel­ect com­pe­ti­tor GPUs, offers an avera­ge 2X fas­ter per­for­mance across sel­ect titles in “Per­for­mance” mode at 1080p com­pared to nati­ve reso­lu­ti­on3. To date, game deve­lo­pers have added sup­port or announ­ced plans to add sup­port for FSR in 50 top games and game engines.
  • AMD Smart Access Memo­ry (SAM) tech­no­lo­gy – Now sup­port­ing AMD Rade­on RX 5000 Series gra­phics, SAM tech­no­lo­gy unlocks hig­her per­for­mance when pai­ring AMD Rade­on RX 5000 or Rade­on RX 6000 Series gra­phics with AMD Ryzen™ 5000 or sel­ect Ryzen 3000 Series Desk­top Pro­ces­sors and AMD 500-series mother­boards by giving AMD Ryzen pro­ces­sors access to the enti­re high-speed GDDR6 GPU memory.
  • AMD Infi­ni­ty Cache – 32 MB of last-level data cache inte­gra­ted on the GPU die helps redu­ce laten­cy and power con­sump­ti­on to enable hig­her gam­ing per­for­mance than tra­di­tio­nal archi­tec­tu­ral designs.
  • Micro­soft Win­dows 11 Sup­port – With the latest AMD Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin release, AMD Rade­on gra­phics cards are opti­mi­zed for the latest Win­dows 11 per­for­mance opti­miza­ti­ons and fea­tures, inclu­ding DirectX® 12 Ulti­ma­te, Auto HDR, Micro­soft Direct­S­to­rage and more.

Specifications, Pricing and Availability

Model Com­pu­te Units GDDR6 Game Clock4 (MHz) Boost Clock5 (MHz) Memo­ry Interface Infi­ni­ty Cache TBP Pri­ce (USD SEP)
AMD Rade­on RX 6600 28 8 GB 2,044 Up to 2,491 128-bit 32 MB 132W $329

AMD Rade­on RX 6600 gra­phics cards are expec­ted to be available from AMD board part­ners inclu­ding ASRock, ASUS, Giga­byte, MSI, Power­Co­lor, SAPPHIRE, XFX and Yes­ton at glo­bal etailers/retailers begin­ning today, start­ing at an SEP of $329 USD. Pre-built sys­tems with AMD Rade­on RX 6600 gra­phics cards from OEMs and sys­tem inte­gra­tors are expec­ted to be available begin­ning in Octo­ber 2021.

Supporting Resources

  • Learn more about the AMD Rade­on RX 6600 gra­phics card here
  • Beco­me a fan of AMD on Face­book
  • Fol­low AMD on Twit­ter

About AMD

For 50 years AMD has dri­ven inno­va­ti­on in high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting, gra­phics and visua­liza­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies ― the buil­ding blocks for gam­ing, immersi­ve plat­forms and the dat­a­cen­ter. Hundreds of mil­li­ons of con­su­mers, lea­ding For­tu­ne 500 busi­nesses and cut­ting-edge sci­en­ti­fic rese­arch faci­li­ties around the world rely on AMD tech­no­lo­gy dai­ly to impro­ve how they live, work and play. AMD employees around the world are focu­sed on buil­ding gre­at pro­ducts that push the boun­da­ries of what is pos­si­ble. For more infor­ma­ti­on about how AMD is enab­ling today and inspi­ring tomor­row, visit the AMD (NASDAQ:AMDweb­siteblogFace­book and Twit­ter pages.


This press release con­ta­ins for­ward-loo­king state­ments con­cer­ning Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) such as the fea­tures, func­tion­a­li­ty, per­for­mance, avai­la­bi­li­ty, timing and expec­ted bene­fits of AMD pro­ducts inclu­ding the AMD Rade­on™ RX 6600 Series gra­phics cards, which are made pur­su­ant to the Safe Har­bor pro­vi­si­ons of the Pri­va­te Secu­ri­ties Liti­ga­ti­on Reform Act of 1995. For­ward-loo­king state­ments are com­mon­ly iden­ti­fied by words such as “would,” “may,” “expects,” “belie­ves,” “plans,” “intends,” “pro­jects” and other terms with simi­lar mea­ning. Inves­tors are cau­tio­ned that the for­ward-loo­king state­ments in this press release are based on cur­rent beliefs, assump­ti­ons and expec­ta­ti­ons, speak only as of the date of this press release and invol­ve risks and uncer­tain­ties that could cau­se actu­al results to dif­fer mate­ri­al­ly from cur­rent expec­ta­ti­ons. Such state­ments are sub­ject to cer­tain known and unknown risks and uncer­tain­ties, many of which are dif­fi­cult to pre­dict and gene­ral­ly bey­ond AMD’s con­trol, that could cau­se actu­al results and other future events to dif­fer mate­ri­al­ly from tho­se expres­sed in, or impli­ed or pro­jec­ted by, the for­ward-loo­king infor­ma­ti­on and state­ments. Mate­ri­al fac­tors that could cau­se actu­al results to dif­fer mate­ri­al­ly from cur­rent expec­ta­ti­ons include, wit­hout limi­ta­ti­on, the fol­lo­wing: Intel Corporation’s domi­nan­ce of the micro­pro­ces­sor mar­ket and its aggres­si­ve busi­ness prac­ti­ces; glo­bal eco­no­mic uncer­tain­ty; the loss of a signi­fi­cant cus­to­mer; the impact of the COVID-19 pan­de­mic on AMD’s busi­ness, finan­cial con­di­ti­on and results of ope­ra­ti­ons; the com­pe­ti­ti­ve mar­kets in which AMD’s pro­ducts are sold; quar­ter­ly and sea­so­nal sales pat­terns; mar­ket con­di­ti­ons of the indus­tries in which AMD pro­ducts are sold; the cycli­cal natu­re of the semi­con­duc­tor indus­try; AMD’s abili­ty to ade­qua­te­ly pro­tect its tech­no­lo­gy or other intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty; unfa­vorable cur­ren­cy exch­an­ge rate fluc­tua­tions; the abili­ty of third par­ty manu­fac­tu­r­ers to manu­fac­tu­re AMD’s pro­ducts on a time­ly basis in suf­fi­ci­ent quan­ti­ties and using com­pe­ti­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gies; the avai­la­bi­li­ty of essen­ti­al equip­ment, mate­ri­als, sub­stra­tes or manu­fac­tu­ring pro­ces­ses; expec­ted manu­fac­tu­ring yields for AMD’s pro­ducts; AMD’s abili­ty to intro­du­ce pro­ducts on a time­ly basis with fea­tures and per­for­mance levels that pro­vi­de value to its cus­to­mers; AMD’s abili­ty to gene­ra­te reve­nue from its semi-cus­tom SoC pro­ducts; poten­ti­al secu­ri­ty vul­nerabi­li­ties; poten­ti­al IT outa­ges, data loss, data brea­ches and cyber-attacks; uncer­tain­ties invol­ving the orde­ring and ship­ment of AMD’s pro­ducts; AMD’s reli­ance on third-par­ty intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty to design and intro­du­ce new pro­ducts in a time­ly man­ner; AMD’s reli­ance on third-par­ty com­pa­nies for the design, manu­fac­tu­re and sup­p­ly of mother­boards, soft­ware and other com­pu­ter plat­form com­pon­ents; AMD’s reli­ance on Micro­soft Cor­po­ra­ti­on and other soft­ware ven­dors’ sup­port to design and deve­lop soft­ware to run on AMD’s pro­ducts; AMD’s reli­ance on third-par­ty dis­tri­bu­tors and add-in-board part­ners; the impact of modi­fi­ca­ti­on or inter­rup­ti­on of AMD’s inter­nal busi­ness pro­ces­ses and infor­ma­ti­on sys­tems; com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty of AMD’s pro­ducts with some or all indus­try-stan­dard soft­ware and hard­ware; cos­ts rela­ted to defec­ti­ve pro­ducts; the effi­ci­en­cy of AMD’s sup­p­ly chain; AMD’s abili­ty to rely on third par­ty sup­p­ly-chain logi­stics func­tions; AMD’s abili­ty to effec­tively con­trol the sales of its pro­ducts on the gray mar­ket; the impact of govern­ment actions and regu­la­ti­ons such as export admi­nis­tra­ti­on regu­la­ti­ons, tariffs and trade pro­tec­tion mea­su­res; AMD’s abili­ty to rea­li­ze its defer­red tax assets; poten­ti­al tax lia­bi­li­ties; cur­rent and future claims and liti­ga­ti­on; the impact of envi­ron­men­tal laws, con­flict mine­rals-rela­ted pro­vi­si­ons and other laws or regu­la­ti­ons; the impact of acqui­si­ti­ons, joint ven­tures and/or invest­ments on AMD’s busi­ness, inclu­ding the announ­ced acqui­si­ti­on of Xilinx, and the fail­ure to inte­gra­te acqui­red busi­nesses; AMD’s abili­ty to com­ple­te the Xilinx mer­ger; the impact of the announce­ment and pen­den­cy of the Xilinx mer­ger on AMD’s busi­ness; the impact of any impair­ment of the com­bi­ned company’s assets on the com­bi­ned company’s finan­cial posi­ti­on and results of ope­ra­ti­on; the rest­ric­tions impo­sed by agree­ments gover­ning AMD’s notes and the revol­ving cre­dit faci­li­ty; AMD’s indeb­ted­ness; AMD’s abili­ty to gene­ra­te suf­fi­ci­ent cash to ser­vice its debt obli­ga­ti­ons or meet its working capi­tal requi­re­ments; AMD’s abili­ty to repurcha­se its out­stan­ding debt in the event of a chan­ge of con­trol; AMD’s abili­ty to gene­ra­te suf­fi­ci­ent reve­nue and ope­ra­ting cash flow or obtain exter­nal finan­cing for rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment or other stra­te­gic invest­ments; poli­ti­cal, legal, eco­no­mic risks and natu­ral dis­as­ters; future impairm­ents of good­will and tech­no­lo­gy licen­se purcha­ses; AMD’s abili­ty to attract and retain qua­li­fied per­son­nel; AMD’s stock pri­ce vola­ti­li­ty; and world­wi­de poli­ti­cal con­di­ti­ons. Inves­tors are urged to review in detail the risks and uncer­tain­ties in AMD’s Secu­ri­ties and Exch­an­ge Com­mis­si­on filings, inclu­ding but not limi­t­ed to AMD’s most recent reports on Forms 10‑K and 10‑Q.

The infor­ma­ti­on con­tai­ned her­ein is for infor­ma­tio­nal pur­po­ses only, and is sub­ject to chan­ge wit­hout noti­ce. Time­lines, road­maps, and/or pro­duct release dates shown in this press release are plans only and sub­ject to change.

  1. Test­ing done by AMD per­for­mance labs Sep 28, 2021, on Rade­on RX 6600 with Smart Access Memo­ry enab­led, 16GB DDR4-3600MHz, AMD Ryzen 5 5600X, Win10 Pro x64 19041.508,, vs GeForce RTX 3060 with ReBAR enab­led, 16GB DDR4-3600MHz, AMD Ryzen 5 5600X, Win10 Pro x64 19041.508, 472.12. Using Assassin’s Creed Val­hal­la @ DX12 Ultra High, Batt­le­field 5 @ DX12 Ultra, Call of Duty: Black Ops — Cold War @ DX12 Ultra, Cyber­punk 2077 @DX12 Ultra, Dirt 5 @DX12 Ultra, For­za Hori­zon 4 @ DX12 Max, God­fall @DX12 Epic, Hit­man 3 @ DX12 Ultra and Resi­dent Evil Vil­la­ge @ DX12 Max, RTX 3060 and Rade­on RX 6600. Per­for­mance may vary. RX-716
  2. Test­ing done by AMD per­for­mance labs Sep 28, 2021 on a Rade­on RX 6600 GPU with Smart Access Memo­ry enab­led ( dri­ver), NVIDIA RTX 3060 with ReBAR enab­led (dri­ver 472.12,), AMD Ryzen 5 5600X CPU, 16GB DDR4-3600MHz, Giga­byte X570 Aorus Mas­ter, Win10 Pro 64. Games Tes­ted with DX12 and Max set­tings: Ass­as­sins Creed Val­hal­la, Batt­le­field 5; Call of Duty Black Ops – Cold War; Cyber­punk 2077; Dirt 5; For­za Hori­zon 4; God­fall; Hit­man 3; Resi­dent Evil Vil­la­ge. Per­for­mance Per Watt cal­cu­la­ti­on based on AMD inter­nal ana­ly­sis of the maxi­mum published wat­ta­ge of each card divi­ded by FPS score in the abo­ve titles. Per­for­mance may vary. RX-717
  3. Test­ing by AMD Per­for­mance Labs as of Setptem­ber 28, 2021, on the AMD Rade­on™ 6600 with pre-release AMD Rade­on™ Soft­ware dri­ver with AMD Smart Access Memo­ry enab­led, on a test sys­tem com­pri­sing of an AMD Ryzen™ 5 5600X, 16GB DDR4-3200 RAM, Giga­byte Aorus Mas­ter X570 mother­board on Win­dows 10 Pro (19041.508). Games tes­ted were DEATHLOOP (DX12, Ray­tra­cing On, Ultra Set­tings, 1080p), Myst (DX12, Epic Set­tings, 1080p), and Vam­pi­re: The Mas­quer­a­de — Blood­hunt (DX12, Ultra Set­tings, 1080p). Per­for­mance may vary. RX-722
  4. Game clock is the expec­ted GPU clock when run­ning typi­cal gam­ing appli­ca­ti­ons, set to typi­cal TGP (Total Gra­phics Power). Actu­al indi­vi­du­al game clock results may vary. GD-147
  5. Boost Clock Fre­quen­cy is the maxi­mum fre­quen­cy achie­va­ble on the GPU run­ning a burs­ty workload. Boost clock achie­va­bi­li­ty, fre­quen­cy, and sus­taina­bi­li­ty will vary based on seve­ral fac­tors, inclu­ding but not limi­t­ed to: ther­mal con­di­ti­ons and varia­ti­on in appli­ca­ti­ons and workloads. GD-151

©2021 Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc.  All rights reser­ved. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, Fide­li­ty­FX, Rade­on, RDNA, Ryzen, Smart Access Memo­ry, and com­bi­na­ti­ons the­reof are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc. Other pro­duct names used her­ein are for iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on pur­po­ses only and may be trade­marks of their respec­ti­ve companies.