Blacknut Cloud Gaming Solution Powered by Radian Arc’s Latest GPU Edge Computing Platform and AMD Radeon™ PRO V520 Graphics plus AMD EPYC™ Series Processors

LOS ANGELES – Octo­ber 20, 2021 – Black­nut will be pre­sen­ting its cloud gam­ing solu­ti­on, built on Radi­an Arc’s turn­key Infra­struc­tu­re as a Ser­vice (IaaS) GPU-Edge plat­form which is powered by AMD Rade­on™ PRO V520 GPUs and AMD EPYC™ CPUs, at Mobi­le World Con­gress Los Ange­les 2021 in the AMD booth #1820.

Cloud gam­ing is an emer­ging cate­go­ry in the games indus­try with mar­ket pro­jec­tions esti­ma­ted to exceed $6 bil­li­on in reve­nue by 2024. Black­nut is the lea­ding cloud gam­ing solu­ti­on dis­tri­bu­ted to con­su­mers and busi­nesses through ISPs, device manu­fac­tu­r­ers, over the top ser­vices and media companies.

Radi­an Arc and Black­nut have deve­lo­ped a turn­key solu­ti­on for cloud gam­ing uti­li­zing AMD Rade­on PRO V520 GPUs and AMD EPYC CPUs to harness a high-per­for­mance gam­ing archi­tec­tu­re, deli­ver­ed across ISPs inclu­ding 5G networks.

Gam­ing is intrin­sic to AMD, whe­ther we are deli­ve­ring CPUs and GPUs for the latest game con­so­les or high-end gam­ing PCs,” said Jeff Con­nell, cor­po­ra­te vice pre­si­dent, Visu­al and Cloud Gam­ing, AMD. “Working with Black­nut and Radi­an Arc, AMD GPUs and CPUs are expan­ding their gam­ing pre­sence by powe­ring high-per­for­mance cloud gam­ing solu­ti­ons that can be deli­ver­ed through ISPs, tel­cos and more.” 

Cloud gam­ing requi­res careful­ly sel­ec­ted com­pon­ents that can­not be found in tra­di­tio­nal cloud pro­vi­ders as well as the exper­ti­se to ope­ra­te them effi­ci­ent­ly and world­wi­de,” said Pas­cal Man­chon, CTO, Black­nut. “We are see­ing a gro­wing demand from our dis­tri­bu­ti­on part­ners for such opti­mi­zed ‘Per­for­mance vs Cost’ solu­ti­ons to deploy cloud gam­ing ser­vices and that is what we deli­ver­ed with Radi­an Arc and AMD.” 

Blacknut’s solu­ti­on is deploy­ed in mul­ti­ple regi­ons of the world, inclu­ding LATAM, EMEA and APAC through part­ner­ships inclu­ding Tele­com Ita­lia, AIS in Thai­land, Hut­chison Drei in Aus­tria, POST Tele­com in Luxem­bourg, Tele­call in Bra­zil, with more to come soon. Tog­e­ther with Radi­an Arc, Black­nut brings the first “Hybrid Cloud Gam­ing” solu­ti­on to mar­ket, allo­wing on-demand gam­ing ser­vices to seam­less­ly run on both public and pri­va­te cloud. 

Faci­li­ta­ted through a CapEx-free model for tele­com ope­ra­tors, Radi­an Arc deli­vers a ground-brea­king, high­ly effi­ci­ent, GPU-based edge plat­form to pro­vi­de the best, low laten­cy and fas­test game start times to con­su­mers. Addi­tio­nal­ly, Radi­an Arc offers its IaaS through joint sales efforts to tele­com ope­ra­tors and game publishers around the world.

By uti­li­zing AMD CPUs and GPUs and crea­ting vir­tu­al GPUs, we are able to deli­ver a high­ly effi­ci­ent CCU to CapEx solu­ti­on,” said David Cook, CEO, Radi­an Arc. “We’ve crea­ted a signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ment in the eco­no­mics and per­for­mance of cloud gam­ing with our approach and through part­ner­ships with net­work operators.” 

Show atten­de­es inte­res­ted in set­ting up a mee­ting with Black­nut and/or Radi­an Arc exe­cu­ti­ves are encou­ra­ged to email:

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About Black­nut
Black­nut is the world’s lea­ding pure play­er cloud gam­ing ser­vice dedi­ca­ted to the gene­ral public, dis­tri­bu­ted both direct-to-con­su­mers and B2B through ISPs, device manu­fac­tu­r­ers, OTT ser­vices & Media com­pa­nies. Black­nut offers the lar­gest cata­lo­gue of +500 pre­mi­um games careful­ly sel­ec­ted for the who­le fami­ly, all included in a month­ly sub­scrip­ti­on. The ser­vice is now available across Euro­pe, Asia & North Ame­ri­ca on a wide ran­ge of devices, inclu­ding PC, mobi­les, set-top-boxes and Smart TVs. Black­nut was foun­ded in 2016 by Oli­vi­er Ava­ro (CEO) and is head­quar­te­red in Ren­nes, France, with offices in Paris, Seo­ul and San Fran­cis­co. For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se visit

About Radi­an Arc
Radi­an Arc pro­vi­des an infra­struc­tu­re-as-a-ser­vice (IaaS) plat­form for run­ning cloud gam­ing, arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence and machi­ne lear­ning appli­ca­ti­ons insi­de tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on car­ri­er net­works. Our teams across the USA, Aus­tra­lia, Cen­tral Euro­pe, Malay­sia, Sin­ga­po­re and Japan offer tele­com ope­ra­tors a GPU-based edge com­pu­ting plat­form wit­hout the need for capi­tal expen­dit­u­re, faci­li­ta­ting low laten­cy and impro­ved eco­no­mics for value-added ser­vices and the mone­tiza­ti­on of 5G invest­ments. Given the com­bi­ned power and effi­ci­en­cy of 5G and GPU edge, Radi­an Arc deli­vers a high-qua­li­ty con­tent and cloud-gam­ing expe­ri­ence to con­su­mers at a lower cost to tele­com ope­ra­tors. For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se visit

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, EPYC and Rade­on are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are for infor­ma­tio­nal pur­po­ses only and may be trade­marks of their respec­ti­ve owners.