Samsung Introduces Game Changing Exynos 2200 Processor With Xclipse GPU Powered By AMD RDNA 2 Architecture

The new pre­mi­um mobi­le pro­ces­sor comes with hard­ware-acce­le­ra­ted ray tra­cing and sta­te of the art Arm-based pro­ces­sing technology

Sam­sung Elec­tro­nics, a world lea­der in advan­ced semi­con­duc­tor tech­no­lo­gy, today announ­ced its new pre­mi­um mobi­le pro­ces­sor, the Exy­nos 2200. The Exy­nos 2200 is a fresh­ly desi­gned mobi­le pro­ces­sor with a powerful AMD RDNA 2 archi­tec­tu­re based Sam­sung Xclip­se gra­phics pro­ces­sing unit (GPU). With the most cut­ting-edge Arm®-based CPU cores available in the mar­ket today and an upgraded neu­ral pro­ces­sing unit (NPU), the Exy­nos 2200 will enable the ulti­ma­te mobi­le pho­ne gam­ing expe­ri­ence, as well as enhan­cing the over­all expe­ri­ence in social media apps and photography.

Built on the most advan­ced 4‑nanometer (nm) EUV (extre­me ultra­vio­let litho­gra­phy) pro­cess, and com­bi­ned with cut­ting-edge mobi­le, GPU and NPU tech­no­lo­gy, Sam­sung has craf­ted the Exy­nos 2200 to pro­vi­de the finest expe­ri­ence for smart­phone users. With the Xclip­se, our new mobi­le GPU built with RDNA 2 gra­phics tech­no­lo­gy from the indus­try lea­der AMD, the Exy­nos 2200 will rede­fi­ne mobi­le gam­ing expe­ri­ence, aided by enhan­ced gra­phics and AI per­for­mance,” said Yon­gin Park, Pre­si­dent of Sys­tem LSI Busi­ness at Sam­sung Elec­tro­nics. “As well as brin­ging the best mobi­le expe­ri­ence to the users, Sam­sung will con­ti­nue its efforts to lead the jour­ney in logic chip innovation.”

The Industry’s First Hardware-Accelerated Ray Tracing on Mobile for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

The Xclip­se GPU is a one-of-a-kind hybrid gra­phic pro­ces­sor that is posi­tio­ned bet­ween the con­so­le and the mobi­le gra­phic pro­ces­sor. Xclip­se is the com­bi­na­ti­on of ‘X’ that repres­ents Exy­nos, and the word ‘eclip­se’. Like an eclip­se, the Xclip­se GPU will bring an end to the old era of mobi­le gam­ing and mark the start of an exci­ting new chapter.

With the high-per­for­mance AMD RDNA 2 archi­tec­tu­re as its back­bone, the Xclip­se inhe­rits advan­ced gra­phic fea­tures such as hard­ware acce­le­ra­ted ray tra­cing (RT) and varia­ble rate shad­ing (VRS) that were pre­vious­ly only available on PCs, lap­tops and consoles.


Ray tra­cing is a revo­lu­tio­na­ry tech­no­lo­gy that clo­se­ly simu­la­tes how light phy­si­cal­ly beha­ves in the real world. By cal­cu­la­ting the move­ment and the color cha­rac­te­ristic of light rays as they boun­ce off the sur­face, ray tra­cing pro­du­ces rea­li­stic light­ing effects for gra­phi­cal­ly ren­de­red sce­nes. To offer the most immersi­ve gra­phics and user expe­ri­en­ces even on mobi­le, Sam­sung has col­la­bo­ra­ted with AMD to rea­li­ze the industry’s first ever hard­ware-acce­le­ra­ted ray tra­cing on mobi­le GPU.


Varia­ble rate shad­ing is a tech­ni­que that opti­mi­zes GPU workload by allo­wing deve­lo­pers to app­ly lower shad­ing rate in are­as whe­re over­all qua­li­ty will not be affec­ted. This gives GPU more room to work on are­as that mat­ter most to the gamers and impro­ve frame-rate for smoot­her gameplay.


In addi­ti­on, the Xclip­se GPU comes with various tech­no­lo­gies such as advan­ced mul­ti-IP gover­nor (AMIGO) that enhan­ce over­all per­for­mance and efficiency.


AMD RDNA 2 gra­phics archi­tec­tu­re extends power-effi­ci­ent, advan­ced gra­phics solu­ti­ons to PCs, lap­tops, con­so­les, auto­mo­bi­les and now to mobi­le pho­nes. Samsung’s Xclip­se GPU is the first result of mul­ti­ple plan­ned gene­ra­ti­ons of AMD RDNA gra­phics in Exy­nos SoCs,” said David Wang, Seni­or Vice Pre­si­dent of Rade­on Tech­no­lo­gies Group at AMD. “We can’t wait for mobi­le pho­ne cus­to­mers to expe­ri­ence the gre­at gam­ing expe­ri­en­ces based on our tech­no­lo­gy collaboration.”



Enhanced 5G Connectivity and Ironclad Security Features

The Exy­nos 2200 is one of the first in the mar­ket to inte­gra­te Arm’s latest Armv9 CPU cores which offer a sub­stan­ti­al impro­ve­ment over Armv8 in terms of secu­ri­ty and per­for­mance, the two are­as that are beco­ming cri­ti­cal­ly important in today’s mobi­le com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons devices.


The octa-core CPU of Exy­nos 2200 is desi­gned in a tri-clus­ter struc­tu­re made up of a sin­gle powerful Arm Cor­tex®-X2 flag­ship-core, three per­for­mance and effi­ci­en­cy balan­ced Cor­tex-A710 big-cores and four power-effi­ci­ent Cor­tex-A510 little-cores.


The digi­tal expe­ri­en­ces of tomor­row requi­re new levels of per­for­mance, secu­ri­ty and effi­ci­en­cy,” said Rene Haas, Pre­si­dent of IP Pro­ducts Group (IPG) at Arm. “As one of the first pro­ces­sors to incor­po­ra­te the new Armv9 CPU cores, Samsung’s Exy­nos 2200 takes advan­ta­ge of Arm’s Total Com­pu­te stra­tegy and key secu­ri­ty fea­tures, like Memo­ry Tag­ging Exten­si­on (MTE), to deli­ver the pur­po­se-built com­pu­te and spe­cia­li­zed pro­ces­sing nee­ded to power future mobi­le experiences.”


The Exy­nos 2200 offers more powerful on-device arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence (AI) with an upgraded NPU. The NPU’s per­for­mance has dou­bled com­pared to its pre­de­ces­sor, allo­wing more cal­cu­la­ti­ons in par­al­lel and enhan­cing the AI per­for­mance. The NPU now offers much hig­her pre­cis­i­on with FP16 (16bit floa­ting point) sup­port in addi­ti­on to power effi­ci­ent INT8 (8bit inte­ger) and INT16.


Also, the Exy­nos 2200 inte­gra­tes a fast 3GPP Release 16 5G modem sup­port­ing both sub-6GHz and mmWa­ve (mil­li­me­ter Wave) spec­trum bands. With E‑UTRAN New Radio – Dual Con­nec­ti­vi­ty (EN-DC), which uti­li­zes both 4G LTE and 5G NR signals, the modem can boost the speed up to 10Gbps.


For safe­kee­ping, the Exy­nos 2200 comes with Inte­gra­ted Secu­re Ele­ment (iSE) to store pri­va­te cryp­to­gra­phic keys as well as to play a role as RoT (Root of Trust). Also, an inline encryp­ti­on HW for UFS and DRAM has been rein­forced to have user data encryp­ti­on safe­ly shared only within the secu­re domain.



Providing Enhanced Visual Experience and Professional-Level Quality Images

The Exy­nos 2200’s image signal pro­ces­sor (ISP) archi­tec­tu­re has been rede­si­gned to sup­port the latest image sen­sors for ultra-high reso­lu­ti­on of up to 200 mega­pi­xel (MP). At 30 frames-per-second (fps), the ISP sup­ports up to 108 MP in sin­gle came­ra mode, and 64+36 MP in dual came­ra mode. It can also con­nect up to seven indi­vi­du­al image sen­sors and dri­ve four con­curr­ent­ly for advan­ced mul­ti-came­ra set­ups. For video recor­ding, the ISP sup­ports up to 4K HDR (or 8K) resolution.


Tog­e­ther with the NPU, the ISP uti­li­zes an advan­ced con­tent-awa­re AI came­ra for more refi­ned and rea­li­stic results. When taking a pho­to­graph, the machi­ne lear­ning based AI came­ra reco­gni­zes mul­ti­ple objects, the envi­ron­ment and faces within the sce­ne. It then appli­es opti­mal set­tings for color, white balan­ce, expo­sure, dyna­mic ran­ge and more to pro­du­ce pro­fes­sio­nal-level qua­li­ty images.


With 8K reso­lu­ti­on sup­port, the Exy­nos 2200’s advan­ced mul­ti-for­mat codec (MFC) makes vide­os tru­ly come to life. It decodes vide­os up to 4K at 240fps or 8K at 60fps and encodes up to 4K at 120fps or 8K at 30fps. In addi­ti­on, the MFC inte­gra­tes power effi­ci­ent AV1 deco­der enab­ling lon­ger play­back time. The advan­ced dis­play solu­ti­on fea­tures HDR10+ adding more dyna­mic ran­ge and depth to the pic­tu­re and offers refresh rates of up to 144Hz for a more respon­si­ve and smoot­her tran­si­tio­ning expe­ri­ence when scrol­ling or play­ing games.


The Exy­nos 2200 is curr­ent­ly in mass pro­duc­tion. Click here to learn more about the Exy­nos 2200.


For more infor­ma­ti­on about Samsung’s Exy­nos pro­ducts, plea­se visit



* Actu­al per­for­mance may vary depen­ding on device and user environment.