CORSAIR Ushers in the New Era of AMD with Support for AMD Ryzen™ 7000 CPUs

MILPITAS, CA, August 16th, 2022 – CORSAIR® (NASDAQ: CRSR), a world lea­der in enthu­si­ast com­pon­ents for gamers, crea­tors, and PC buil­ders, today announ­ced its rea­di­ness for the new AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series pro­ces­sors and accom­pany­ing mother­board chip­sets. Fea­turing all new Zen™ 4 CPU archi­tec­tu­re, AMD Ryzen 7000 Series chips deli­ver a sub­stan­ti­al per­for­mance boost over pre­vious-gene­ra­ti­on pro­ces­sors, and CORSAIR has the com­pon­ents to help sup­port this gene­ra­tio­nal upgrade. Tho­se loo­king to build a new AMD sys­tem can take advan­ta­ge of the free online CORSAIR PC Buil­der to help short­list com­pa­ti­ble parts for their new system.


CORSAIR has been working clo­se­ly with AMD in the lead-up to the AMD Ryzen 7000 Series launch, and has alre­a­dy updated its PC Buil­der data­ba­se to include the new pro­ces­sors so that you can cura­te a parts list for a powerful new AMD PC in minu­tes. The CORSAIR PC Buil­der takes your cho­sen CPU, gra­phics card, and mother­board and checks them for com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty against a vast data­ba­se of PC parts, coming up with a com­pre­hen­si­ve list of CORSAIR parts gua­ran­teed to work with your sys­tem. From a cor­rect­ly sized case and appro­pria­te fans, to a PSU rated to power your build and even RGB light­ing, the CORSAIR PC Buil­der takes the guess­work out of buil­ding your new Ryzen 7000 Series powered PC. The CORSAIR PC Buil­der is even able to intel­li­gent­ly opti­mi­ze the parts sel­ec­ted, so that you don’t over­spend or bot­t­len­eck your build with a mis­mat­ched component.

CORSAIR is also rea­dy for the launch with a wide array of pro­ducts to sup­port your new CPU. AMD Ryzen 7000 Series uti­li­ze the next-gene­ra­ti­on AM5 socket, which is alre­a­dy com­pa­ti­ble with all cur­rent CORSAIR all-in-one liquid CPU coo­lers that sup­port AM4, inclu­ding the ver­sa­ti­le ELITE LCD Series, the ultra-bright ELITE CAPELLIX Series, and the per­for­mance-dri­ven RGB ELITE Series. With cele­bra­ted CORSAIR coo­ling, your PC will quiet­ly mana­ge the heat while you reap the bene­fits of next-gene­ra­ti­on AMD CPU performance.



AMD Ryzen 7000 Series pro­ces­sors will sup­port the latest DDR5 per­for­mance memo­ry, brin­ging with it huge impro­ve­ments in fre­quen­cy, band­width and poten­ti­al capa­ci­ty. CORSAIR will be offe­ring a com­ple­te ran­ge of per­for­mance DDR5 memo­ry, spe­ci­fi­cal­ly opti­mi­zed and equip­ped for com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty with AMD Ryzen 7000 Series pro­ces­sors. Look for a full CORSAIR AMD DDR5 announce­ment later this month.

Web Pages

To learn more about buil­ding a new AMD Ryzen 7000 PC with CORSAIR, plea­se visit:

To get star­ted desig­ning a new AMD Ryzen 7000 sys­tem with PC Buil­der, plea­se visit:

For more infor­ma­ti­on on CORSAIR liquid CPU coo­lers, plea­se visit:

For more infor­ma­ti­on on CORSAIR DDR5 pro­ducts, plea­se visit:


The AMD AM5 mother­board socket uti­li­zes the same CPU coo­ler bra­cket size as AM4. The­re is no need to purcha­se new bra­ckets or replace your exis­ting coo­ler when upgrading your sys­tem to the new AM5 platform.


CORSAIR (NASDAQ:CRSR) is a lea­ding glo­bal deve­lo­per and manu­fac­tu­rer of high-per­for­mance gear and tech­no­lo­gy for gamers, con­tent crea­tors, and PC enthu­si­asts. From award-win­ning PC com­pon­ents and peri­pherals, to pre­mi­um strea­ming equip­ment, smart ambi­ent light­ing, and esports coa­ching ser­vices, CORSAIR deli­vers a full eco­sys­tem of pro­ducts that work tog­e­ther to enable ever­yo­ne, from casu­al gamers to com­mit­ted pro­fes­sio­nals, to per­form at their very best.

Copy­right © 2022 Cor­sair Memo­ry, Inc. All rights reser­ved. CORSAIR the sails logo, and VENGEANCE are regis­tered trade­marks of CORSAIR in the United Sta­tes and/or other count­ries. AMD is a trade­mark of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc., regis­tered in the U.S. and other count­ries. All other com­pa­ny and/or pro­duct names may be trade names, trade­marks, and/or regis­tered trade­marks of the respec­ti­ve owners with which they are asso­cia­ted. Fea­tures, pri­cing, avai­la­bi­li­ty, and spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons are sub­ject to chan­ge wit­hout notice.