G.SKILL Announces Ripjaws Series High Performance DDR3 SO-DIMM Memory

- Up to DDR3 1866MHz 16GB (8GBx2) high per­for­mance kit with ultra low 1.35V voltage– 

Tai­pei, Tai­wan 19th August, 2013 G.SKILL Inter­na­tio­nal Co. Ltd., the lea­ding high per­for­mance memo­ry desi­gner and manu­fac­tu­rer, adds a brand new DDR3 SO-DIMM Series to its pro­duct line, named “G.SKILL Rip­jaws DDR3 SO-DIMM Memory”.

GSkill Bild

First-Class Qua­li­ty

Bes­i­des using only high­ly sel­ec­ted com­pon­ents, every G.SKILL Rip­jaws SO-DIMM memo­ry kit is 100% vali­da­ted with G.SKILL rigo­rous burn-in tests. It ensu­res every Rip­jaws SO-DIMM kit deli­vers per­fect sta­bi­li­ty, per­for­mance, and qua­li­ty for your note­book and PC.

1.35V Low Voltage

Requi­ring only 1.35V, the G.SKILL low vol­ta­ge SO-DIMM memo­ry kit con­su­mes less power and gene­ra­tes less heat than typi­cal SO-DIMM. It is the per­fect memo­ry solu­ti­on to extend your laptop’s bat­tery life and lower ope­ra­ting tem­pe­ra­tu­re for enhan­ced stability.

For 3rd & 4th Gen Intel Core Processor

G.SKILL Rip­jaws 1.35V SO-DIMM kits are com­pa­ti­ble with lap­tops & PCs equip­ped with Intel 3rd & 4th Gene­ra­ti­on Intel Core pro­ces­sors that sup­port 1.35V DDR3 SO-DIMM memory.

Available Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons

GSkill Tabelle

For more details, plea­se visit G.SKILL Offi­ci­al Site : http://gskill.com/en/finder?cat=33&series=1440

Life­time Warranty

All G.SKILL memo­ry pro­ducts come with a life­time war­ran­ty and the G.SKILL tech­ni­cal team is always rea­dy to pro­vi­de con­su­mers with com­ple­te tech­ni­cal sup­port via online forums, tele­pho­ne and email.


Estab­lished in 1989 by com­pu­ter hard­ware enthu­si­asts, G.SKILL is a lea­ding memo­ry & Solid Sta­te Dri­ve & flash memo­ry cards manu­fac­tu­rer based in Tai­pei, Tai­wan. The company’s top prio­ri­ty is qua­li­ty. All of the pro­ducts under­go a series of the most rigo­rous tests and strict qua­li­ty con­trol pro­ces­ses. In addi­ti­on to a com­mit­ted, qua­li­fied IC test­ing house to exami­ne the pro­ducts, all G.SKILL pro­ducts are 100% tes­ted to ensu­re the hig­hest yield, relia­bi­li­ty and quality.