AMD Reports Third Quarter 2022 Financial Results

― Data Cen­ter, Gam­ing and Embedded seg­ments each grew signi­fi­cant­ly year-over-year and Cli­ent seg­ment reve­nue was lower than expected ―

― Cash and ope­ra­ting cash flow increased year-over-year ―

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Nov. 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ:AMD) today announ­ced reve­nue for the third quar­ter of 2022 of $5.6 bil­li­on, gross mar­gin of 42%, ope­ra­ting loss of $64 mil­li­on, net inco­me of $66 mil­li­on and diluted ear­nings per share of $0.04. On a non-GAAP(*) basis, gross mar­gin was 50%, ope­ra­ting inco­me was $1.3 bil­li­on, net inco­me was $1.1 bil­li­on and diluted ear­nings per share was $0.67.

GAAP Quar­ter­ly Finan­cial Results

  Q3 2022 Q3 2021 Y/Y
Reve­nue ($M) $ 5,565   $ 4,313   Up 29%
Gross pro­fit ($M) $ 2,354   $ 2,086   Up 13%
Gross mar­gin %   42 %   48 % Down 610 bps
Ope­ra­ting expen­ses ($M) $ 2,426   $ 1,141   Up 113%
Ope­ra­ting inco­me (loss) ($M) $ (64 ) $ 948   Down 107%
Ope­ra­ting margin %   (1 )%   22 % Down 23pp
Net inco­me ($M) $ 66   $ 923   Down 93%
Ear­nings per share $ 0.04   $ 0.75   Down 95%

Non-GAAP(*) Quar­ter­ly Finan­cial Results

  Q3 2022 Q3 2021 Y/Y
Reve­nue ($M) $ 5,565   $ 4,313   Up 29%
Gross pro­fit ($M) $ 2,776   $ 2,087   Up 33%
Gross mar­gin %   50 %   48 % Up 150 bps
Ope­ra­ting expen­ses ($M) $ 1,520   $ 1,035   Up 47%
Ope­ra­ting inco­me ($M) $ 1,264   $ 1,055   Up 20%
Ope­ra­ting margin %   23 %   24 % Down 1pp
Net inco­me ($M) $ 1,095   $ 893   Up 23%
Ear­nings per share $ 0.67   $ 0.73   Down 8%

Third quar­ter results came in below our expec­ta­ti­ons due to the sof­tening PC mar­ket and sub­stan­ti­al inven­to­ry reduc­tion actions across the PC sup­p­ly chain,” said AMD Chair and CEO Dr. Lisa Su. “Despi­te the chal­len­ging macro envi­ron­ment, we grew reve­nue 29% year-over-year dri­ven by increased sales of our data cen­ter, embedded and game con­so­le pro­ducts. We are con­fi­dent that our lea­der­ship pro­duct port­fo­lio, strong balan­ce sheet, and ongo­ing growth oppor­tu­ni­ties in our data cen­ter and embedded busi­nesses posi­ti­on us well to navi­ga­te the cur­rent mar­ket dynamics.”

Q3 2022 Finan­cial Summary

  • Reve­nue of $5.6 bil­li­on increased 29% year-over-year dri­ven by growth across the Data Cen­ter, Gam­ing and Embedded segments.
  • Gross mar­gin was 42%, a decrease of 6 per­cen­ta­ge points year-over-year, pri­ma­ri­ly due to amor­tiza­ti­on of intan­gi­ble assets asso­cia­ted with the Xilinx acqui­si­ti­on. Non-GAAP gross mar­gin was 50%, an increase of 2 per­cen­ta­ge points year-over-year, pri­ma­ri­ly dri­ven by hig­her Embedded and Data Cen­ter seg­ment reve­nue. Gross mar­gin and non-GAAP gross mar­gin include $160 mil­li­on of char­ges for inven­to­ry, pri­cing, and rela­ted reser­ves in the gra­phics and cli­ent businesses.
  • Ope­ra­ting loss was $64 mil­li­on, com­pared to ope­ra­ting inco­me of $948 mil­li­on, or 22% of reve­nue, a year ago. The loss was pri­ma­ri­ly due to the amor­tiza­ti­on of intan­gi­ble assets asso­cia­ted with the Xilinx acqui­si­ti­on and increased R&D invest­ments. Non-GAAP ope­ra­ting inco­me was $1.3 bil­li­on, or 23% of reve­nue, up from $1.1 bil­li­on or 24% a year ago pri­ma­ri­ly dri­ven by hig­her reve­nue and gross mar­gin par­ti­al­ly off­set by hig­her ope­ra­ting expenses.
  • Net inco­me was $66 mil­li­on com­pared to $923 mil­li­on a year ago pri­ma­ri­ly due to the amor­tiza­ti­on of intan­gi­ble assets asso­cia­ted with the Xilinx acqui­si­ti­on and increased R&D invest­ments, par­ti­al­ly off­set by a $135 mil­li­on tax bene­fit in the quar­ter. Non-GAAP net inco­me was $1.1 bil­li­on, up from $893 mil­li­on a year ago pri­ma­ri­ly dri­ven by hig­her reve­nue and gross mar­gin, par­ti­al­ly off­set by hig­her ope­ra­ting expenses. 
  • Diluted ear­nings per share was $0.04 com­pared to $0.75 a year ago pri­ma­ri­ly due to lower net inco­me. Non-GAAP diluted ear­nings per share was $0.67 com­pared to $0.73 a year ago pri­ma­ri­ly due to lower Cli­ent seg­ment revenue.
  • Cash, cash equi­va­lents and short-term invest­ments were $5.6 bil­li­on at the end of the quar­ter. The com­pa­ny repaid the $312 mil­li­on 7.50% Seni­or Notes that matu­red in August and repurcha­sed $617 mil­li­on of com­mon stock during the quarter.
  • Cash from ope­ra­ti­ons was $965 mil­li­on in the quar­ter, com­pared to $849 mil­li­on a year ago. Free cash flow was $842 mil­li­on in the quar­ter com­pared to $764 mil­li­on a year ago.
  • Good­will and acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted intan­gi­ble assets asso­cia­ted with the acqui­si­ti­ons of Xilinx and Pen­san­do were $49.3 billion.

Quar­ter­ly Seg­ment Finan­cial Summary

  • Pri­or peri­od results have been con­for­med to the cur­rent report­ing seg­ments for com­pa­ri­son purposes. 
  • Data Cen­ter seg­ment reve­nue was $1.6 bil­li­on, up 45% year-over-year dri­ven by strong sales of EPYC™ ser­ver pro­ces­sors. Ope­ra­ting inco­me was $505 mil­li­on, or 31% of reve­nue, com­pared to $308 mil­li­on or 28% a year ago. The ope­ra­ting inco­me and mar­gin increa­ses were pri­ma­ri­ly dri­ven by hig­her reve­nue, par­ti­al­ly off­set by hig­her ope­ra­ting expenses.
  • Cli­ent seg­ment reve­nue was $1.0 bil­li­on, down 40% year-over-year due to redu­ced pro­ces­sor ship­ments resul­ting from a weak PC mar­ket and a signi­fi­cant inven­to­ry cor­rec­tion across the PC sup­p­ly chain. Cli­ent pro­ces­sor ASP increased year-over-year dri­ven pri­ma­ri­ly by a richer mix of Ryzen™ desk­top pro­ces­sor sales. Ope­ra­ting loss was $26 mil­li­on, com­pared to ope­ra­ting inco­me of $490 mil­li­on or 29% a year ago. The decrease was pri­ma­ri­ly due to lower revenue.
  • Gam­ing seg­ment reve­nue was $1.6 bil­li­on, up 14% year-over-year dri­ven by hig­her semi-cus­tom pro­duct sales par­ti­al­ly off­set by lower gra­phics reve­nue. Ope­ra­ting inco­me was $142 mil­li­on, or 9% of reve­nue, com­pared to $231 mil­li­on or 16% a year ago. The decrease was pri­ma­ri­ly due to lower gra­phics reve­nue and inven­to­ry, pri­cing and rela­ted char­ges in the gra­phics busi­ness. Ope­ra­ting mar­gin was lower pri­ma­ri­ly due to lower gra­phics reve­nue and hig­her ope­ra­ting expenses.
  • Embedded seg­ment reve­nue was $1.3 bil­li­on, up 1,549% year-over-year dri­ven pri­ma­ri­ly by the inclu­si­on of Xilinx embedded pro­duct reve­nue. Ope­ra­ting inco­me was $635 mil­li­on, or 49% of reve­nue, com­pared to $23 mil­li­on or 30% a year ago. Ope­ra­ting inco­me and mar­gin increa­ses were pri­ma­ri­ly dri­ven by hig­her revenue.
  • All Other ope­ra­ting loss was $1.3 bil­li­on as com­pared to $104 mil­li­on a year ago pri­ma­ri­ly due to amor­tiza­ti­on of intan­gi­ble assets lar­ge­ly asso­cia­ted with the Xilinx acquisition.

Recent PR Highlights

  • Adop­ti­on of AMD data cen­ter solu­ti­ons con­ti­nues to grow among key cus­to­mers and partners: 
    • Micro­soft Azu­re announ­ced the gene­ral avai­la­bi­li­ty (GA) of new con­fi­den­ti­al com­pu­ting VMs lever­aging sta­te-of-the-art AMD secu­ri­ty tech­no­lo­gies offe­red by EPYC pro­ces­sors and new GPU-acce­le­ra­ted VMs. Addi­tio­nal­ly, Ama­zon Web Ser­vices announ­ced the new memo­ry opti­mi­zed ins­tances powered by EPYC processors.
    • AMD announ­ced that AMD Pen­san­do data pro­ces­sing units (DPUs) will be one of the first DPU solu­ti­ons to sup­port VMware vSphe­re® 8 with Dis­tri­bu­ted Ser­vices Engi­ne capa­bi­li­ties run­ning on ser­vers from lea­ding ven­dors inclu­ding Dell Tech­no­lo­gies and HPE.
  • AMD laun­ched the Ryzen 7000 Series pro­ces­sors for desk­top, deli­ve­ring domi­nant per­for­mance and lea­der­ship ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy. Powered by the new “Zen 4” archi­tec­tu­re, the Ryzen 7000 Series pro­ces­sors fea­ture up to 16 cores and 32 threads and are built on an opti­mi­zed, high-per­for­mance 5nm pro­cess node. AMD also announ­ced the new Socket AM5 motherboard.
  • AMD announ­ced the Ryzen 7020 Series pro­ces­sors for mobi­le appli­ca­ti­ons, brin­ging high-end per­for­mance and bat­tery life to ever­y­day users.
  • AMD announ­ced a stra­te­gic col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with glo­bal mobi­li­ty tech com­pa­ny ECARX to col­la­bo­ra­te on the ECARX digi­tal cock­pit for next-gene­ra­ti­on elec­tric vehic­les, the first in-vehic­le plat­form to be offe­red with AMD Ryzen Embedded V2000 pro­ces­sors and AMD Rade­on™ RX 6000 Series GPUs along with ECARX hard­ware and software.
  • AMD intro­du­ced the Ryzen Embedded V3000 Series pro­ces­sors, adding the high-per­for­mance “Zen 3” core to the V‑Series port­fo­lio to deli­ver relia­ble, sca­lable pro­ces­sing per­for­mance for a wide ran­ge of sto­rage and net­wor­king sys­tem applications.
  • AMD and Ener­gy Sci­en­ces Net­work (ESnet) announ­ced the launch of ESnet6, the U.S. Depart­ment of Energy’s next gene­ra­ti­on net­work to enhan­ce col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve sci­ence. AMD Alveo™ U280-based net­work acce­le­ra­tor cards bring powerful adap­ti­ve com­pu­ting to ESnet6, enab­ling deep insights, rapid detec­tion and cor­rec­tion of pro­blems, and con­ti­nuous inno­va­ti­on across the network.
  • AMD and Sam­sung announ­ced the second gene­ra­ti­on of its SmartS­SD, powered by AMD Ver­sal™ Adap­ti­ve SoCs, enab­ling effi­ci­ent data pro­ces­sing for the data cen­ter by inte­gra­ting the com­pu­te and sto­rage functions.
  • AMD announ­ced its 27th annu­al Cor­po­ra­te Respon­si­bi­li­ty Report, demons­t­ra­ting its com­mit­ment to advan­cing com­pu­ting to help sol­ve the world’s most important chal­lenges and detail­ing its pro­gress toward envi­ron­men­tal, social and gover­nan­ce goals.

Cur­rent Outlook
AMD’s out­look state­ments are based on cur­rent expec­ta­ti­ons. The fol­lo­wing state­ments are for­ward-loo­king and actu­al results could dif­fer mate­ri­al­ly depen­ding on mar­ket con­di­ti­ons and the fac­tors set forth under “Cau­tio­na­ry State­ment” below. AMD’s fourth quar­ter is a 14-week quarter.

For the fourth quar­ter of 2022, AMD expects reve­nue to be appro­xi­m­ate­ly $5.5 bil­li­on, plus or minus $300 mil­li­on, an increase of appro­xi­m­ate­ly 14% year-over-year and flat sequen­ti­al­ly. Year-over-year and sequen­ti­al­ly, the Embedded and Data Cen­ter seg­ments are expec­ted to grow. AMD expects non-GAAP gross mar­gin to be appro­xi­m­ate­ly 51% in the fourth quar­ter of 2022.

For the full year 2022, AMD expects reve­nue to be appro­xi­m­ate­ly $23.5 bil­li­on, plus or minus $300 mil­li­on, an increase of appro­xi­m­ate­ly 43% over 2021 led by growth in the Embedded and Data Cen­ter seg­ments. AMD expects non-GAAP gross mar­gin to be appro­xi­m­ate­ly 52% for 2022.

AMD Tele­con­fe­rence
AMD will hold a con­fe­rence call for the finan­cial com­mu­ni­ty at 2:00 p.m. PT (5:00 p.m. ET) today to dis­cuss its third quar­ter 2022 finan­cial results. AMD will pro­vi­de a real-time audio broad­cast of the tele­con­fe­rence on the Inves­tor Rela­ti­ons page of its web­site at

(in mil­li­ons, except per share data) (Unau­di­ted)    
    Three Months Ended
    Sep­tem­ber 24,
  Sep­tem­ber 25,
GAAP gross profit   $ 2,354     $ 2,086    
GAAP gross margin %     42 %     48 %  
Stock-based com­pen­sa­ti­on     8       1    
Acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted cos­ts (1)     2          
Amor­tiza­ti­on of acqui­red intan­gi­ble assets     412          
Non-GAAP gross profit   $ 2,776     $ 2,087    
Non-GAAP gross margin %     50 %     48 %  
GAAP ope­ra­ting expenses   $ 2,426     $ 1,141    
GAAP ope­ra­ting expenses/revenue %     44 %     26 %  
Stock-based com­pen­sa­ti­on     261       98    
Acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted cos­ts (1)     55       8    
Amor­tiza­ti­on of acqui­red intan­gi­ble assets     590          
Non-GAAP ope­ra­ting expenses   $ 1,520     $ 1,035    
Non-GAAP ope­ra­ting expenses/revenue %     27 %     24 %  
GAAP ope­ra­ting inco­me (loss)   $ (64 )   $ 948    
GAAP ope­ra­ting margin %   (1)%     22 %  
Stock-based com­pen­sa­ti­on     269       99    
Acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted cos­ts (1)     57       8    
Amor­tiza­ti­on of acqui­red intan­gi­ble assets     1,002          
Non-GAAP ope­ra­ting income   $ 1,264     $ 1,055    
Non-GAAP ope­ra­ting margin %     23 %     24 %  
    Three Months Ended
    Sep­tem­ber 24,
  Sep­tem­ber 25,
GAAP net inco­me / diluted ear­nings per share   $ 66     $ 0.04     $ 923     $ 0.75    
(Gains) los­ses on equi­ty invest­ments, net     3             (60 )     (0.05 )  
Stock-based com­pen­sa­ti­on     269       0.16       99       0.08    
Equi­ty inco­me in investee     (4 )           (2 )        
Acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted cos­ts (1)     57       0.04       8       0.01    
Amor­tiza­ti­on of acqui­red intan­gi­ble assets     1,002       0.62                
Inco­me tax provision     (298 )     (0.19 )     (75 )     (0.06 )  
Non-GAAP net inco­me / diluted ear­nings per share   $ 1,095     $ 0.67     $ 893     $ 0.73    
(1 )   Acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted cos­ts pri­ma­ri­ly com­pri­sed of tran­sac­tion cos­ts, purcha­se pri­ce adjus­t­ments for inven­to­ry and cer­tain com­pen­sa­ti­on charges

About AMD
For more than 50 years AMD has dri­ven inno­va­ti­on in high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting, gra­phics and visua­liza­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies. AMD employees are focu­sed on buil­ding lea­der­ship high-per­for­mance and adap­ti­ve pro­ducts that push the boun­da­ries of what is pos­si­ble. Bil­li­ons of peo­p­le, lea­ding For­tu­ne 500 busi­nesses and cut­ting-edge sci­en­ti­fic rese­arch insti­tu­ti­ons around the world rely on AMD tech­no­lo­gy dai­ly to impro­ve how they live, work and play. For more infor­ma­ti­on about how AMD is enab­ling today and inspi­ring tomor­row, visit the AMD (NASDAQ: AMDweb­siteblogFace­book and Twit­ter pages.

Cau­tio­na­ry Statement

This press release con­ta­ins for­ward-loo­king state­ments con­cer­ning Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) such as AMD’s expec­ta­ti­on that its lea­der­ship pro­duct port­fo­lio, strong balan­ce sheet, and ongo­ing growth oppor­tu­ni­ties in its data cen­ter and embedded busi­nesses posi­ti­ons AMD well to navi­ga­te the cur­rent mar­ket dyna­mics; the fea­tures, func­tion­a­li­ty, per­for­mance, avai­la­bi­li­ty, timing and expec­ted bene­fits of AMD pro­ducts; and AMD’s expec­ted fourth quar­ter 2022 and fis­cal 2022 finan­cial out­look, inclu­ding reve­nue and non-GAAP gross mar­gin and expec­ted dri­vers based on cur­rent expec­ta­ti­ons, which are made pur­su­ant to the Safe Har­bor pro­vi­si­ons of the Pri­va­te Secu­ri­ties Liti­ga­ti­on Reform Act of 1995. For­ward-loo­king state­ments are com­mon­ly iden­ti­fied by words such as “would,” “may,” “expects,” “belie­ves,” “plans,” “intends,” “pro­jects” and other terms with simi­lar mea­ning. Inves­tors are cau­tio­ned that the for­ward-loo­king state­ments in this press release are based on cur­rent beliefs, assump­ti­ons and expec­ta­ti­ons, speak only as of the date of this press release and invol­ve risks and uncer­tain­ties that could cau­se actu­al results to dif­fer mate­ri­al­ly from cur­rent expec­ta­ti­ons. Such state­ments are sub­ject to cer­tain known and unknown risks and uncer­tain­ties, many of which are dif­fi­cult to pre­dict and gene­ral­ly bey­ond AMD’s con­trol, that could cau­se actu­al results and other future events to dif­fer mate­ri­al­ly from tho­se expres­sed in, or impli­ed or pro­jec­ted by, the for­ward-loo­king infor­ma­ti­on and state­ments. Mate­ri­al fac­tors that could cau­se actu­al results to dif­fer mate­ri­al­ly from cur­rent expec­ta­ti­ons include, wit­hout limi­ta­ti­on, the fol­lo­wing: Intel Corporation’s domi­nan­ce of the micro­pro­ces­sor mar­ket and its aggres­si­ve busi­ness prac­ti­ces; glo­bal eco­no­mic uncer­tain­ty; loss of a signi­fi­cant cus­to­mer; impact of the COVID-19 pan­de­mic on AMD’s busi­ness, finan­cial con­di­ti­on and results of ope­ra­ti­ons; com­pe­ti­ti­ve mar­kets in which AMD’s pro­ducts are sold; mar­ket con­di­ti­ons of the indus­tries in which AMD pro­ducts are sold; cycli­cal natu­re of the semi­con­duc­tor indus­try; quar­ter­ly and sea­so­nal sales pat­terns; AMD’s abili­ty to ade­qua­te­ly pro­tect its tech­no­lo­gy or other intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty; unfa­vorable cur­ren­cy exch­an­ge rate fluc­tua­tions; abili­ty of third par­ty manu­fac­tu­r­ers to manu­fac­tu­re AMD’s pro­ducts on a time­ly basis in suf­fi­ci­ent quan­ti­ties and using com­pe­ti­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gies; avai­la­bi­li­ty of essen­ti­al equip­ment, mate­ri­als, sub­stra­tes or manu­fac­tu­ring pro­ces­ses; abili­ty to achie­ve expec­ted manu­fac­tu­ring yields for AMD’s pro­ducts; AMD’s abili­ty to intro­du­ce pro­ducts on a time­ly basis with expec­ted fea­tures and per­for­mance levels; AMD’s abili­ty to gene­ra­te reve­nue from its semi-cus­tom SoC pro­ducts; poten­ti­al secu­ri­ty vul­nerabi­li­ties; poten­ti­al secu­ri­ty inci­dents inclu­ding IT outa­ges, data loss, data brea­ches and cyber-attacks; poten­ti­al dif­fi­cul­ties in upgrading and ope­ra­ting AMD’s new enter­pri­se resour­ce plan­ning sys­tem; uncer­tain­ties invol­ving the orde­ring and ship­ment of AMD’s pro­ducts; AMD’s reli­ance on third-par­ty intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty to design and intro­du­ce new pro­ducts in a time­ly man­ner; AMD’s reli­ance on third-par­ty com­pa­nies for design, manu­fac­tu­re and sup­p­ly of mother­boards, soft­ware and other com­pu­ter plat­form com­pon­ents; AMD’s reli­ance on Micro­soft and other soft­ware ven­dors’ sup­port to design and deve­lop soft­ware to run on AMD’s pro­ducts; AMD’s reli­ance on third-par­ty dis­tri­bu­tors and add-in-board part­ners; impact of modi­fi­ca­ti­on or inter­rup­ti­on of AMD’s inter­nal busi­ness pro­ces­ses and infor­ma­ti­on sys­tems; com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty of AMD’s pro­ducts with some or all indus­try-stan­dard soft­ware and hard­ware; cos­ts rela­ted to defec­ti­ve pro­ducts; effi­ci­en­cy of AMD’s sup­p­ly chain; AMD’s abili­ty to rely on third par­ty sup­p­ly-chain logi­stics func­tions; AMD’s abili­ty to effec­tively con­trol sales of its pro­ducts on the gray mar­ket; impact of govern­ment actions and regu­la­ti­ons such as export admi­nis­tra­ti­on regu­la­ti­ons, tariffs and trade pro­tec­tion mea­su­res; AMD’s abili­ty to rea­li­ze its defer­red tax assets; poten­ti­al tax lia­bi­li­ties; cur­rent and future claims and liti­ga­ti­on; impact of envi­ron­men­tal laws, con­flict mine­rals-rela­ted pro­vi­si­ons and other laws or regu­la­ti­ons; impact of acqui­si­ti­ons, joint ven­tures and/or invest­ments, inclu­ding acqui­si­ti­ons of Xilinx and Pen­san­do, on AMD’s busi­ness and AMD’s abili­ty to inte­gra­te acqui­red busi­nesses; impact of any impair­ment of the com­bi­ned company’s assets on the com­bi­ned company’s finan­cial posi­ti­on and results of ope­ra­ti­on; rest­ric­tions impo­sed by agree­ments gover­ning AMD’s notes, the gua­ran­tees of Xilinx’s notes and the revol­ving cre­dit faci­li­ty; AMD’s indeb­ted­ness; AMD’s abili­ty to gene­ra­te suf­fi­ci­ent cash to meet its working capi­tal requi­re­ments or gene­ra­te suf­fi­ci­ent reve­nue and ope­ra­ting cash flow to make all of its plan­ned R&D or stra­te­gic invest­ments; poli­ti­cal, legal, eco­no­mic risks and natu­ral dis­as­ters; future impairm­ents of good­will and tech­no­lo­gy licen­se purcha­ses; AMD’s abili­ty to attract and retain qua­li­fied per­son­nel; AMD’s stock pri­ce vola­ti­li­ty; and world­wi­de poli­ti­cal con­di­ti­ons. Inves­tors are urged to review in detail the risks and uncer­tain­ties in AMD’s Secu­ri­ties and Exch­an­ge Com­mis­si­on filings, inclu­ding but not limi­t­ed to AMD’s most recent reports on Forms 10‑K and 10‑Q.

(*)   In this ear­nings press release, in addi­ti­on to GAAP finan­cial results, AMD has pro­vi­ded non-GAAP finan­cial mea­su­res inclu­ding non-GAAP gross pro­fit, non-GAAP ope­ra­ting expen­ses, non-GAAP ope­ra­ting inco­me, non-GAAP net inco­me, non-GAAP diluted ear­nings per share. AMD uses a nor­ma­li­zed tax rate in its com­pu­ta­ti­on of the non-GAAP inco­me tax pro­vi­si­on to pro­vi­de bet­ter con­sis­ten­cy across the report­ing peri­ods. For fis­cal 2022, AMD uses a pro­jec­ted non-GAAP tax rate of 13%, which excludes the tax impact of pre-tax non-GAAP adjus­t­ments, reflec­ting curr­ent­ly available infor­ma­ti­on. AMD also pro­vi­ded adjus­ted EBITDA and free cash flow as sup­ple­men­tal non-GAAP mea­su­res of its per­for­mance. The­se items are defi­ned in the foot­no­tes to the sel­ec­ted cor­po­ra­te data tables pro­vi­ded at the end of this ear­nings press release. AMD is pro­vi­ding the­se finan­cial mea­su­res becau­se it belie­ves this non-GAAP pre­sen­ta­ti­on makes it easier for inves­tors to compa­re its ope­ra­ting results for cur­rent and his­to­ri­cal peri­ods and also becau­se AMD belie­ves it assists inves­tors in com­pa­ring AMD’s per­for­mance across report­ing peri­ods on a con­sis­tent basis by exclu­ding items that it does not belie­ve are indi­ca­ti­ve of its core ope­ra­ting per­for­mance and for the other reasons descri­bed in the foot­no­tes to the sel­ec­ted data tables. The non-GAAP finan­cial mea­su­res dis­c­lo­sed in this ear­nings press release should be view­ed in addi­ti­on to and not as a sub­sti­tu­te for or supe­ri­or to AMD’s repor­ted results pre­pared in accordance with GAAP and should be read only in con­junc­tion with AMD’s Con­so­li­da­ted Finan­cial State­ments pre­pared in accordance with GAAP. The­se non GAAP finan­cial mea­su­res refe­ren­ced are recon­ci­led to their most direct­ly com­pa­ra­ble GAAP finan­cial mea­su­res in the data tables in this ear­nings press release. This ear­nings press release also con­ta­ins for­ward-loo­king non-GAAP gross mar­gin con­cer­ning AMD’s finan­cial out­look, which is based on cur­rent expec­ta­ti­ons as of Novem­ber 1, 2022 and assump­ti­ons and beliefs that invol­ve num­e­rous risks and uncer­tain­ties. AMD under­ta­kes no intent or obli­ga­ti­on to publicly update or revi­se its out­look state­ments as a result of new infor­ma­ti­on, future events or other­wi­se, except as may be requi­red by law.

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, EPYC, Rade­on, Ryzen, Thre­ad­rip­per, Ver­sal and com­bi­na­ti­ons the­reof, are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc.
Other names are for infor­ma­tio­nal pur­po­ses only and used to iden­ti­fy com­pa­nies and pro­ducts and may be trade­marks of their respec­ti­ve owner.

(Mil­li­ons except per share amounts and per­cen­ta­ges) (Unau­di­ted)

    Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
    Sep­tem­ber 24,
  Sep­tem­ber 25,
  Sep­tem­ber 24,
  Sep­tem­ber 25,
Net reve­nue   $ 5,565     $ 4,313     $ 18,002     $ 11,608  
Cost of sales     2,799       2,227       8,797       6,105  
Amor­tiza­ti­on of acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted intangibles     412             1,005        
Total cost of sales     3,211       2,227       9,802       6,105  
Gross pro­fit     2,354       2,086       8,200       5,503  
Gross mar­gin %     42 %     48 %     46 %     47 %
Rese­arch and development     1,279       765       3,639       2,034  
Mar­ke­ting, gene­ral and administrative     557       376       1,746       1,036  
Amor­tiza­ti­on of acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted intangibles     590             1,499        
Licen­sing gain     (8 )     (3 )     (97 )     (8 )
Ope­ra­ting inco­me (loss)     (64 )     948       1,413       2,441  
Inte­rest expense     (31 )     (7 )     (69 )     (26 )
Other inco­me (expen­se), net     22       62       (24 )     51  
Inco­me (loss) befo­re inco­me taxes and equi­ty income     (73 )     1,003       1,320       2,466  
Inco­me tax pro­vi­si­on (bene­fit)     (135 )     82       32       284  
Equi­ty inco­me in investee     4       2       11       6  
Net inco­me   $ 66     $ 923     $ 1,299     $ 2,188  
Ear­nings per share                
Basic   $ 0.04     $ 0.76     $ 0.84     $ 1.80  
Diluted   $ 0.04     $ 0.75     $ 0.84     $ 1.78  
Shares used in per share calculation                
Basic     1,615       1,214       1,542       1,214  
Diluted     1,625       1,230       1,555       1,231  



    Sep­tem­ber 24,
  Decem­ber 25,
Cur­rent assets:        
Cash and cash equivalents   $ 3,398     $ 2,535  
Short-term invest­ments     2,193       1,073  
Accounts receiva­ble, net     4,336       2,706  
Invent­ories     3,369       1,955  
Receiv­a­bles from rela­ted parties     4       2  
Pre­paid expen­ses and other cur­rent assets     1,120       312  
Total cur­rent assets     14,420       8,583  
Pro­per­ty and equip­ment, net     1,486       702  
Ope­ra­ting lea­se right-of use assets     490       367  
Good­will     24,187       289  
Acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted intan­gi­bles, net     25,162        
Invest­ment: equi­ty method     80       69  
Defer­red tax assets     32       931  
Other non-cur­rent assets     1,954       1,478  
Total Assets   $ 67,811     $ 12,419  
Cur­rent liabilities:        
Accounts paya­ble   $ 2,337     $ 1,321  
Paya­bles to rela­ted parties     397       85  
Accrued lia­bi­li­ties     3,598       2,424  
Short-term debt           312  
Other cur­rent liabilities     359       98  
Total cur­rent liabilities     6,691       4,240  
Long-term debt, net     2,466       1  
Long-term ope­ra­ting lea­se liabilities     424       348  
Defer­red tax liabilities     2,078       12  
Other long-term liabilities     1,610       321  
Stock­hol­ders’ equity:        
Capi­tal stock:        
Com­mon stock, par value     16       12  
Addi­tio­nal paid-in capital     57,581       11,069  
Tre­asu­ry stock, at cost     (2,815 )     (2,130 )
Accu­mu­la­ted deficit     (152 )     (1,451 )
Accu­mu­la­ted other com­pre­hen­si­ve loss     (88 )     (3 )
Total stock­hol­ders’ equity   $ 54,542     $ 7,497  
Total Lia­bi­li­ties and Stock­hol­ders’ Equity   $ 67,811     $ 12,419  


(Mil­li­ons) (Unau­di­ted)

    Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
    Sep­tem­ber 24,
  Sep­tem­ber 25,
  Sep­tem­ber 24,
  Sep­tem­ber 25,
Net cash pro­vi­ded by (used in)                
Ope­ra­ting activities   $ 965     $ 849     $ 2,998     $ 2,699  
Inves­t­ing activities   $ (1,298 )   $ (83 )   $ 932     $ (686 )
Finan­cing activities   $ (1,233 )   $ (949 )   $ (3,067 )   $ (1,168 )


(Mil­li­ons) (Unau­di­ted)

    Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
    Sep­tem­ber 24,
  Sep­tem­ber 25, 2021   Sep­tem­ber 24,
  Sep­tem­ber 25,
Seg­ment and Cate­go­ry Infor­ma­ti­on(1)                
Data Cen­ter                
    Net revenue   $ 1,609     $ 1,108     $ 4,388     $ 2,531  
    Ope­ra­ting income   $ 505     $ 308     $ 1,404     $ 622  
    Net revenue   $ 1,022     $ 1,692     $ 5,298     $ 5,058  
    Ope­ra­ting inco­me (loss)   $ (26 )   $ 490     $ 1,342     $ 1,558  
    Net revenue   $ 1,631     $ 1,434     $ 5,161     $ 3,844  
    Ope­ra­ting income   $ 142     $ 231     $ 687     $ 527  
    Net revenue   $ 1,303     $ 79     $ 3,155     $ 175  
    Ope­ra­ting income   $ 635     $ 23     $ 1,553     $ 26  
All Other                
    Net revenue   $     $     $     $  
    Ope­ra­ting loss   $ (1,320 )   $ (104 )   $ (3,573 )   $ (292 )
    Net revenue   $ 5,565     $ 4,313     $ 18,002     $ 11,608  
    Ope­ra­ting inco­me (loss)   $ (64 )   $ 948     $ 1,413     $ 2,441  
Other Data                
Capi­tal expenditures   $ 123     $ 85     $ 326     $ 215  
Adjus­ted EBITDA (2)   $ 1,427     $ 1,152     $ 5,533     $ 3,030  
Cash, cash equi­va­lents and short-term investments   $ 5,591     $ 3,608     $ 5,591     $ 3,608  
Free cash flow (3)   $ 842     $ 764     $ 2,672     $ 2,484  
Total assets   $ 67,811     $ 11,153     $ 67,811     $ 11,153  
Total debt   $ 2,466     $ 313     $ 2,466     $ 313  


(1)   The Data Cen­ter seg­ment pri­ma­ri­ly includes ser­ver micro­pro­ces­sors and GPUs, data pro­ces­sing units (DPUs), Field Pro­gramma­ble Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and adap­ti­ve Sys­tem-on-Chip (SoC) pro­ducts for data centers.
    The Cli­ent seg­ment pri­ma­ri­ly includes micro­pro­ces­sors, acce­le­ra­ted pro­ces­sing units (APUs) that inte­gra­te micro­pro­ces­sors and gra­phics, and chip­sets for desk­top and note­book per­so­nal computers.
    The Gam­ing seg­ment pri­ma­ri­ly includes dis­crete gra­phics pro­ces­sing units (GPUs), semi-cus­tom SoC pro­ducts and deve­lo­p­ment services.
    The Embedded seg­ment pri­ma­ri­ly includes embedded micro­pro­ces­sors and GPUs, FPGAs, adap­ti­ve SoC pro­ducts, and Adap­ti­ve Com­pu­te Acce­le­ra­ti­on Plat­form (ACAP) products.
    From time to time, the Com­pa­ny may also sell or licen­se por­ti­ons of its IP portfolio.
    All Other cate­go­ry pri­ma­ri­ly includes cer­tain expen­ses and cre­dits that are not allo­ca­ted to any of the ope­ra­ting seg­ments. Also included in this cate­go­ry are acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted intan­gi­ble asset amor­tiza­ti­on expen­se, stock-based com­pen­sa­ti­on expen­se, acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted cos­ts and licen­sing gain.
(2)   Recon­ci­lia­ti­on of GAAP Net Inco­me to Adjus­ted EBITDA
    Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
    Sep­tem­ber 24,
  Sep­tem­ber 25,
  Sep­tem­ber 24,
  Sep­tem­ber 25,
GAAP net income   $ 66     $ 923     $ 1,299     $ 2,188  
Inte­rest expense     31       7       69       26  
Other (inco­me) expen­se, net     (22 )     (62 )     24       (51 )
Inco­me tax pro­vi­si­on (bene­fit)     (135 )     82       32       284  
Equi­ty inco­me in investee     (4 )     (2 )     (11 )     (6 )
Stock-based com­pen­sa­ti­on     269       99       702       267  
Depre­cia­ti­on and amortization     163       97       450       289  
Amor­tiza­ti­on of acqui­red intan­gi­ble assets     1,002             2,504        
Acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted costs     57       8       464       33  
Adjus­ted EBITDA   $ 1,427     $ 1,152     $ 5,533     $ 3,030  
The Com­pa­ny pres­ents “Adjus­ted EBITDA” as a sup­ple­men­tal mea­su­re of its per­for­mance. Adjus­ted EBITDA for the Com­pa­ny is deter­mi­ned by adjus­ting GAAP net inco­me for inte­rest expen­se, other inco­me (expen­se), net, inco­me tax pro­vi­si­on (bene­fit), equi­ty inco­me in inves­tee, stock-based com­pen­sa­ti­on, depre­cia­ti­on and amor­tiza­ti­on expen­se and acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted cos­ts. The Com­pa­ny also included amor­tiza­ti­on of acqui­red intan­gi­ble assets for the three months and nine months ended Sep­tem­ber 24, 2022. The Com­pa­ny cal­cu­la­tes and pres­ents Adjus­ted EBITDA becau­se manage­ment belie­ves it is of importance to inves­tors and len­ders in rela­ti­on to its over­all capi­tal struc­tu­re and its abili­ty to bor­row addi­tio­nal funds. In addi­ti­on, the Com­pa­ny pres­ents Adjus­ted EBITDA becau­se it belie­ves this mea­su­re assists inves­tors in com­pa­ring its per­for­mance across report­ing peri­ods on a con­sis­tent basis by exclu­ding items that the Com­pa­ny does not belie­ve are indi­ca­ti­ve of its core ope­ra­ting per­for­mance. The Company’s cal­cu­la­ti­on of Adjus­ted EBITDA may or may not be con­sis­tent with the cal­cu­la­ti­on of this mea­su­re by other com­pa­nies in the same indus­try. Inves­tors should not view Adjus­ted EBITDA as an alter­na­ti­ve to the GAAP ope­ra­ting mea­su­re of inco­me or GAAP liqui­di­ty mea­su­res of cash flows from ope­ra­ting, inves­t­ing and finan­cing acti­vi­ties. In addi­ti­on, Adjus­ted EBITDA does not take into account chan­ges in cer­tain assets and lia­bi­li­ties that can affect cash flows.
(3)   Recon­ci­lia­ti­on of GAAP Net Cash Pro­vi­ded by Ope­ra­ting Acti­vi­ties to Free Cash Flow
    Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
    Sep­tem­ber 24, 2022   Sep­tem­ber 25, 2021   Sep­tem­ber 24, 2022   Sep­tem­ber 25, 2021
GAAP net cash pro­vi­ded by ope­ra­ting activities   $ 965     $ 849     $ 2,998     $ 2,699  
Ope­ra­ting cash flow margin %     17 %     20 %     17 %     23 %
Purcha­ses of pro­per­ty and equipment   $ (123 )   $ (85 )   $ (326 )   $ (215 )
Free cash flow   $ 842     $ 764     $ 2,672     $ 2,484  
Free cash flow margin %     15 %     18 %     15 %     21 %
The Com­pa­ny also pres­ents free cash flow as a sup­ple­men­tal Non-GAAP mea­su­re of its per­for­mance. Free cash flow is deter­mi­ned by adjus­ting GAAP net cash pro­vi­ded by ope­ra­ting acti­vi­ties for capi­tal expen­dit­ures. The Com­pa­ny cal­cu­la­tes and com­mu­ni­ca­tes free cash flow in the finan­cial ear­nings press release becau­se manage­ment belie­ves it is of importance to inves­tors to under­stand the natu­re of the­se cash flows. The Company’s cal­cu­la­ti­on of free cash flow may or may not be con­sis­tent with the cal­cu­la­ti­on of this mea­su­re by other com­pa­nies in the same indus­try. Inves­tors should not view free cash flow as an alter­na­ti­ve to GAAP liqui­di­ty mea­su­res of cash flows from ope­ra­ting activities.