Microsoft announces acquisition of Fungible to accelerate datacenter innovation

Jan 9, 2023 — Today, Micro­soft is announ­cing the acqui­si­ti­on of Fun­gi­ble Inc., a pro­vi­der of com­posable infra­struc­tu­re aimed at acce­le­ra­ting net­wor­king and sto­rage per­for­mance in dat­a­cen­ters with high-effi­ci­en­cy, low-power data pro­ces­sing units (DPUs).

Fungible’s tech­no­lo­gies help enable high-per­for­mance, sca­lable, dis­ag­gre­ga­ted, sca­led-out dat­a­cen­ter infra­struc­tu­re with relia­bi­li­ty and security.

The Fun­gi­ble team will join Microsoft’s dat­a­cen­ter infra­struc­tu­re engi­nee­ring teams and will focus on deli­ve­ring mul­ti­ple DPU solu­ti­ons, net­work inno­va­ti­on and hard­ware sys­tems advancements.

Today’s announce­ment fur­ther signals Microsoft’s com­mit­ment to long-term dif­fe­ren­tia­ted invest­ments in our dat­a­cen­ter infra­struc­tu­re, which enhan­ces our broad ran­ge of tech­no­lo­gies and offe­rings inclu­ding off­loa­ding, impro­ving laten­cy, incre­asing dat­a­cen­ter ser­ver den­si­ty, opti­mi­zing ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy and redu­cing costs.

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