Giga Computing Announces Entry-Level AMD Ryzen-based Servers by GIGABYTE

March 23, 2023 ─ Giga Com­pu­ting, a sub­si­dia­ry of GIGABYTE and an indus­try lea­der in high-per­for­mance ser­vers, ser­ver mother­boards, and work­sta­tions, today announ­ced new GIGABYTE ser­vers for the AMD Ryzen™ 7000 series pro­ces­sor that are high­ly cost-effec­ti­ve, high per­forming, and enter­pri­se fea­ture rich. The line that sepa­ra­ted data cen­ters from per­so­nal users is not so clear becau­se modern desk­top pro­ces­sors have a respec­ta­ble CPU core count and impres­si­ve mul­ti-thre­a­ding per­for­mance, lay­ing the foun­da­ti­on for infra­struc­tu­re that is high­ly mana­geable, sca­lable, and effi­ci­ent. Instal­ling a con­su­mer CPU plat­form into an enter­pri­se rack solu­ti­on pro­vi­des a low-cost bar­ri­er to ent­ry-level ser­vers that are typi­cal­ly used for dedi­ca­ted hos­ting, cloud gam­ing, code deve­lo­p­ment, and con­tent creation.

Of the four new 1U GIGABYTE ser­vers, the E133-C10 is a short-depth edge ser­ver, whe­re­as the R133-C10R133-C11, and R133-C13 are tra­di­tio­nal rack ser­vers. This spec­trum of ent­ry-level ser­vers allows for excel­lent pri­ce points to be rea­ched with each model having its uni­que advan­ta­ge whe­ther that be the need for dual 10GbE ports or sup­port for a dual-slot GPU. On the more bud­get fri­end­ly side are the E133-C10 and R133-C10 ser­vers that are very simi­lar and have been desi­gned to sup­port an AMD Ryzen 7000 “Zen 4” series pro­ces­sor up to 105W TDP. Con­ver­se­ly, the R133-C11 and R133-C13 have addi­tio­nal sup­port for the full spec­trum of pro­ces­sors up to 170W TDP and a power deli­very sys­tem for a dis­crete GPU, so they will be used for 3D mode­ling, machi­ne lear­ning, VDI, and more. Last, each ser­ver comes with a 80+ Pla­ti­num rated power sup­p­ly, and buy­ers can talk to our sales if they pre­fer a 80+ Tita­ni­um unit. Becau­se this is a low power ser­ver it will sure­ly to be deploy­ed in homes, offices, and colo­ca­ti­on centers.

Nota­ble Enter­pri­se Fea­tures in the GIGABYTE Servers

  • Desi­gned and rea­dy for rack installation
  • Onboard Base­board Manage­ment Con­trol­ler (BMC) for remo­te management
  • Red­un­dant Pla­ti­num rated power sup­p­ly units for high efficiency
  • Sup­port for ECC memo­ry to ensu­re sta­bi­li­ty and pre­vent memo­ry loss
  • Hot-swappable SATA bays allow dri­ves to be quick­ly remo­ved or exch­an­ged for another
  • GIGABYTE includes soft­ware and a manage­ment plat­form with no addi­tio­nal licen­se fee
Model E133-C10 R133-C10 R133-C11 R133-C13
Appli­ca­ti­on Edge Gene­ral-pur­po­se
CPU Sup­port Up to 105W TDP Up to 170W TDP
Memo­ry 4 x DDR5-5200 (ECC/­non-ECC) UDIMM
Expan­si­on Slots 1 x FHFL (Gen5 x16)
1 x FHHL (Gen4 x4)
1 x FHFL (Gen5 x16) for GPU
1 x FHHL (Gen4 x4)
Sto­rage 2 x 2.5″ SATA
1 x M.2 (Gen4 x4)
4 x 3.5″/2.5″ SATA
1 x M.2 (Gen4 x4)
4 x 3.5″/2.5″ SATA
4 x 2.5″ 9.5mm SATA
1 x M.2 (Gen4 x4)
4 x 3.5″/2.5″ SATA
1 x M.2 (Gen4 x4)
LAN 2 x 1GbE
1 x MLAN
2 x 10GbE
2 x 1GbE
1 x MLAN
2 x 1GbE
1 x MLAN
Power Sup­p­ly Red­un­dant 550W Red­un­dant 800W

Sup­port for Future Gene­ra­ti­ons of Processors
Even though the­se new pro­ducts are ent­ry-level ser­vers, CPU sup­port does not end here and the AM5 plat­form is sup­port­ed until at least 2025. The next gene­ra­ti­on of AMD Ryzen desk­top pro­ces­sors that will come out later this year will also be sup­port­ed on this AM5 plat­form, so cus­to­mers who purcha­se the­se ser­vers today have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to upgrade to the Ryzen 7000 series successor.

To sub­mit a query: Cont­act Sales
Media Cont­act: Liam Quinn
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About Giga Computing
Giga Com­pu­ting Tech­no­lo­gy is an indus­try inno­va­tor and lea­der in the enter­pri­se com­pu­ting mar­ket. Having spun off from GIGABYTE, we main­tain hard­ware exper­ti­se in manu­fac­tu­ring and pro­duct design, while ope­ra­ting as a stan­da­lo­ne busi­ness that can dri­ve more invest­ment into core com­pe­ten­ci­es. We offer a com­ple­te pro­duct port­fo­lio that addres­ses all workloads from the data cen­ter to edge inclu­ding tra­di­tio­nal and emer­ging workloads in HPC and AI to data ana­ly­tics, 5G/edge, cloud com­pu­ting, and more. Our long­stan­ding part­ner­ships with key tech­no­lo­gy lea­ders ensu­re that our new pro­ducts will be the most advan­ced and launch with new part­ner plat­forms. Our sys­tems embo­dy per­for­mance, secu­ri­ty, sca­la­bi­li­ty, and sus­taina­bi­li­ty. To find out more, visit and join our news­let­ter.