2K Announces Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth

New sci-fi install­ment in award-win­ning Civi­liza­ti­on fran­chise explo­res humanity’s future, as play­ers lea­ve Earth to explo­re and colo­ni­ze an ali­en world

NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Apr. 14, 2014– 2K and Fira­xis Games today announ­ced that Sid Meier’s Civi­liza­ti­on®: Bey­ond Earth™, a new sci­ence fic­tion-the­med ent­ry in the award-win­ning Civi­liza­ti­on fran­chise, is curr­ent­ly in deve­lo­p­ment by Fira­xis Games for Win­dows-based PC. The game will also be coming to Mac and Linux via Aspyr Media. Sche­du­led for release this fall, Sid Meier’s Civi­liza­ti­on: Bey­ond Earth will send play­ers on an expe­di­ti­on from Earth to lead their peo­p­le into a new fron­tier to explo­re and colo­ni­ze an ali­en pla­net, and crea­te a new civilization.

Sid Meier’s Civi­liza­ti­on: Bey­ond Earth will pro­pel the deve­lo­p­ment of human civi­liza­ti­on bey­ond the tra­di­tio­nal time­line of a Civi­liza­ti­on game, by explo­ring humanity’s future on an ali­en world. For the first time, play­ers will lead fac­tions divi­ded by con­tras­ting cul­tures and evol­ve their new civi­liza­ti­ons to reflect their cho­sen desti­ny. Play­ers will expe­ri­ence an array of new game­play pos­si­bi­li­ties, inclu­ding non­line­ar tech­no­lo­gi­cal pro­gres­si­on, deeper cus­to­miza­ti­on of cho­sen fac­tions, and an enti­re ali­en world that will chan­ge the very iden­ti­ty of each fac­tion based on their choices.

Having cele­bra­ted its 23rd anni­ver­sa­ry last year, Civi­liza­ti­on has cemen­ted its repu­ta­ti­on as one of the grea­test and lon­gest run­ning fran­chi­ses in video game histo­ry,” said Chris­toph Hart­mann, pre­si­dent of 2K. “Sid Meier’s Civi­liza­ti­on: Bey­ond Earth builds upon that suc­cess by pushing the series in new direc­tions with play­ers explo­ring an unknown future on an ali­en planet.”

The Civ team was exci­ted about the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­ti­nue the sto­ry of Civi­liza­ti­on into the future, becau­se it allows the team to break free of his­to­ri­cal con­text,” said Sid Mei­er, direc­tor of crea­ti­ve deve­lo­p­ment at Fira­xis Games. “We’ve always let our fans crea­te the histo­ry of man­kind, and Civi­liza­ti­on: Bey­ond Earth will now let them crea­te the future.”

Key fea­tures of Sid Meier’s Civi­liza­ti­on: Bey­ond Earth include:

  • Seed the Adven­ture: Play­ers will estab­lish a cul­tu­ral iden­ti­ty, sel­ect a lea­der and spon­sor an expe­di­ti­on by assembling the space­craft, car­go and colo­nists through a series of choices that direct­ly impact start­ing con­di­ti­ons when arri­ving on the new ali­en planet.
  • Ali­en World: Explo­ring the bene­fits and dan­gers of a new pla­net fil­led with dan­ge­rous ter­rain, mys­ti­cal resour­ces and hosti­le lif­e­forms unli­ke tho­se of Earth, play­ers will build out­posts, unearth anci­ent ali­en relics, tame new forms of life, deve­lop flou­ris­hing cities and estab­lish trade rou­tes to crea­te pro­spe­ri­ty for their people.
  • New Tech­no­lo­gy Web: Reflec­ting for­ward pro­gress in an uncer­tain future, tech­no­lo­gy advance­ment will occur through a series of non­line­ar choices that affect the deve­lo­p­ment of man­kind. The tech web is orga­ni­zed around three broad the­mes, each with a distinct vic­to­ry condition.
  • New Quest Sys­tem: Quests are infu­sed with fic­tion about the pla­net, and will help gui­de play­ers through a series of side mis­si­ons that will aid in the coll­ec­tion of resour­ces, upgrading units, and advan­cing through the game.
  • New Orbi­tal Lay­er: Play­ers will build and deploy advan­ced mili­ta­ry, eco­no­mic and sci­en­ti­fic satel­li­tes that pro­vi­de stra­te­gic offen­si­ve, defen­si­ve and sup­port capa­bi­li­ties from orbit.

In addi­ti­on to its use of DirectX 11, Sid Meier’s Civi­liza­ti­on: Bey­ond Earth will be among the first wave of pro­ducts opti­mi­zed for the latest in AMD gra­phics tech­no­lo­gies, inclu­ding: the new Man­t­le gra­phics API, for enhan­ced gra­phics per­for­mance; AMD Cross­Fi­re™, for UltraHD reso­lu­ti­ons and extre­me image qua­li­ty; and AMD Eye­fi­ni­ty, which allows for a pan­o­r­amic game­play expe­ri­ence on up to six dif­fe­rent HD dis­plays off of a sin­gle gra­phics card.

Sid Meier’s Civi­liza­ti­on: Bey­ond Earth is not yet rated by the ESRB, and will be available for Win­dows PC, Mac and Linux in North Ame­ri­ca this fall for $49.99. For more infor­ma­ti­on on Sid Meier’s Civi­liza­ti­on: Bey­ond Earth, plea­se visit www.civilization.com, beco­me a fan on Face­book, fol­low Civi­liza­ti­on on Twit­ter and sub­scri­be to Civi­liza­ti­on on You­Tube.

Fira­xis Games is a 2K stu­dio. 2K is a publi­shing label of Take-Two Inter­ac­ti­ve Soft­ware, Inc. (NASDAQ:TTWO).

All trade­marks and copy­rights con­tai­ned her­ein are the pro­per­ty of their respec­ti­ve holders.

About Take-Two Inter­ac­ti­ve Software

Head­quar­te­red in New York City, Take-Two Inter­ac­ti­ve Soft­ware, Inc. is a lea­ding deve­lo­per, mar­keter and publisher of inter­ac­ti­ve enter­tain­ment for con­su­mers around the glo­be. The Com­pa­ny deve­lo­ps and publishes pro­ducts through its two whol­ly-owned labels Rock­star Games and 2K. Our pro­ducts are desi­gned for con­so­le sys­tems, hand­held gam­ing sys­tems and per­so­nal com­pu­ters, inclu­ding smart­phones and tablets, and are deli­ver­ed through phy­si­cal retail, digi­tal down­load, online plat­forms and cloud strea­ming ser­vices. The Company’s com­mon stock is publicly traded on NASDAQ under the sym­bol TTWO. For more cor­po­ra­te and pro­duct infor­ma­ti­on plea­se visit our web­site at http://www.take2games.com.

About 2K

Foun­ded in 2005, 2K deve­lo­ps and publishes inter­ac­ti­ve enter­tain­ment glo­bal­ly for con­so­le sys­tems, hand­held gam­ing sys­tems and per­so­nal com­pu­ters, inclu­ding smart­phones and tablets, which are deli­ver­ed through phy­si­cal retail, digi­tal down­load, online plat­forms and cloud strea­ming ser­vices. 2K publishes titles in today’s most popu­lar gam­ing gen­res, inclu­ding shoo­ters, action, role-play­ing, stra­tegy, sports, casu­al, and fami­ly enter­tain­ment. The 2K label has some of the most talen­ted deve­lo­p­ment stu­di­os in the world today, inclu­ding Fira­xis Games, Visu­al Con­cepts, 2K Marin, 2K Czech, 2K Aus­tra­lia, Cat Dad­dy Games and 2K Chi­na. 2K’s sta­ble of high qua­li­ty titles includes the cri­ti­cal­ly acclai­med Bio­S­hock®, Bor­der­lands™ and XCOM® fran­chi­ses, the bel­oved Sid Meier’s Civi­liza­ti­on series, the popu­lar WWE 2K fran­chise and NBA 2K, the #1 rated and #1 sel­ling bas­ket­ball fran­chise*. 2K is head­quar­te­red in Nova­to, Cali­for­nia and is a whol­ly owned label of Take-Two Inter­ac­ti­ve Soft­ware, Inc. (NASDAQ:TTWO). For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se visit www.2K.com.

*Accor­ding to 2008 — 2014 Metacritic.com and The NPD Group esti­ma­tes of U.S. retail video game sales through Febru­ary 2014.

About Fira­xis Games

Fira­xis Games™ is one of the world’s pre­mier game deve­lo­p­ment stu­di­os, and home of legen­da­ry desi­gner Sid Mei­er. Fira­xis has deve­lo­ped some of the most suc­cessful and award-win­ning com­pu­ter and video games on the mar­ket today, inclu­ding: the award win­ning Sid Meier’s Civi­liza­ti­on® V for the PC, as well as the cri­ti­cal­ly acclai­med expan­si­on pack, Sid Meier’s Civi­liza­ti­on® V: Gods and Kings, Sid Meier’s Civi­liza­ti­on® Revo­lu­ti­on™ for con­so­le, iPho­ne®, iPod touch®, iPad® and Nin­ten­do DS, 2005 PC Game of the Year — Sid Meier’s Civi­liza­ti­on IV®, the expan­si­ons Civi­liza­ti­on IV: War­lords®, Civi­liza­ti­on IV: Bey­ond The Sword™, and Civi­liza­ti­on IV: Colo­niza­ti­on™, the block­bus­ter Sid Meier’s Civi­liza­ti­on® III series, Sid Meier’s Pira­tes!® (PC, Xbox® and PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) sys­tem), Sid Meier’s Sim­Golf™ and Sid Meier’s Rail­roads!™. Fira­xis’ lega­cy titles include the Sid Meier’s Civil War Series!™ (Get­tysburg!, Antie­tam!, and South Moun­tain), and the Sid Meier’s Alpha Cen­tau­ri® series. In 2005, Fira­xis Games was acqui­red by Take-Two Inter­ac­ti­ve Soft­ware, Inc., joi­ning its 2K publi­shing label. Fira­xis Games recent­ly released XCOM®: Ene­my Unknown for Win­dows PC, the Xbox 360® video game and enter­tain­ment sys­tem from Micro­soft and PlayStation®3 com­pu­ter enter­tain­ment sys­tem to cri­ti­cal acclaim.

All trade­marks and copy­rights con­tai­ned her­ein are the pro­per­ty of their respec­ti­ve holders.

Cau­tio­na­ry Note Regar­ding For­ward-Loo­king Statements

The state­ments con­tai­ned her­ein which are not his­to­ri­cal facts are con­side­red for­ward-loo­king state­ments under fede­ral secu­ri­ties laws and may be iden­ti­fied by words such as “anti­ci­pa­tes,” “belie­ves,” “esti­ma­tes,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “poten­ti­al,” “pre­dicts,” “pro­jects,” “seeks,” “will,” or words of simi­lar mea­ning and include, but are not limi­t­ed to, state­ments regar­ding the out­look for the Company’s future busi­ness and finan­cial per­for­mance. Such for­ward-loo­king state­ments are based on the cur­rent beliefs of our manage­ment as well as assump­ti­ons made by and infor­ma­ti­on curr­ent­ly available to them, which are sub­ject to inher­ent uncer­tain­ties, risks and chan­ges in cir­cum­s­tances that are dif­fi­cult to pre­dict. Actu­al out­co­mes and results may vary mate­ri­al­ly from the­se for­ward-loo­king state­ments based on a varie­ty of risks and uncer­tain­ties inclu­ding: our depen­dence on key manage­ment and pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment per­son­nel, our depen­dence on our Grand Theft Auto pro­ducts and our abili­ty to deve­lop other hit titles for cur­rent and next-gene­ra­ti­on plat­forms, the time­ly release and signi­fi­cant mar­ket accep­tance of our games, the abili­ty to main­tain accep­ta­ble pri­cing levels on our games, our abili­ty to rai­se capi­tal if nee­ded and risks asso­cia­ted with inter­na­tio­nal ope­ra­ti­ons. Other important fac­tors and infor­ma­ti­on are con­tai­ned in the Company’s Annu­al Report on Form 10‑K for the fis­cal year ended March 31, 2013, in the sec­tion entit­led “Risk Fac­tors,” the Company’s Quar­ter­ly Report on Form 10‑Q for the fis­cal quar­ter ended Decem­ber 31, 2013, and the Company’s other peri­odic filings with the SEC, which can be acces­sed at www.take2games.com. All for­ward-loo­king state­ments are qua­li­fied by the­se cau­tio­na­ry state­ments and app­ly only as of the date they are made. The Com­pa­ny under­ta­kes no obli­ga­ti­on to update any for­ward-loo­king state­ment, whe­ther as a result of new infor­ma­ti­on, future events or otherwise.

Source: Take-Two Interactive