New AMD FirePro Professional Graphics Deliver Unprecedented Levels of Performance for New Mac Pro

─ Dual AMD Fire­Pro pro­fes­sio­nal gra­phics enable Open­CL com­pu­te power matched with 4K dis­play support ─

SUNNYVALE, Calif. —12/23/2013 

AMD (NYSE: AMD) announ­ced dual AMD Fire­Pro™ pro­fes­sio­nal gra­phics solu­ti­ons (GPUs) deli­ver unpre­ce­den­ted levels of per­for­mance for the new Mac Pro. The AMD Fire­Pro™ D300, D500 and D700 pro­fes­sio­nal GPUs offer excep­tio­nal com­pu­te power and relia­bi­li­ty for crea­ti­vi­ty and pro­duc­ti­vi­ty in a wide ran­ge of appli­ca­ti­ons. With indus­try-adopted Open­CL™ (Open Com­pu­ting Lan­guage) sup­port, Mac Pro users have the abili­ty to seam­less­ly edit full-reso­lu­ti­on 4K video and simul­ta­neous­ly ren­der effects in the back­ground, and still have enough per­for­mance to power up to three high-reso­lu­ti­on 4K dis­plays1.

The­se new AMD Fire­Pro GPUs are built on the strength of AMD’s award-win­ning Gra­phics Core Next GPU design – an archi­tec­tu­re con­cei­ved from the ground up to intel­li­gent­ly mana­ge ren­de­ring and com­pu­te workloads. The com­bi­na­ti­on of AMD Fire­Pro GPUs and Open­CL– stron­gly sup­port­ed by both Apple and AMD – is desi­gned to deli­ver mas­si­ve com­pu­te and gra­phics per­for­mance in one com­pact solution.

We are very proud to offer dual AMD Fire­Pro pro­fes­sio­nal gra­phics in the new Mac Pro to empower users with the power and per­for­mance they need for uncom­pro­mi­sing crea­ti­vi­ty and pro­duc­ti­vi­ty,” said Matt Skyn­ner, cor­po­ra­te vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger, Gra­phics Busi­ness Unit, AMD. “AMD pri­des its­elf on qua­li­ty sup­port and deve­lo­p­ment for our pro­fes­sio­nal gra­phics solu­ti­ons. Backed by award win­ning gra­phics tech­no­lo­gy, we belie­ve Mac Pro users will expe­ri­ence top notch results with AMD Fire­Pro GPUs.”

We are very exci­ted to see the per­for­mance that our DaVin­ci Resol­ve cus­to­mers will get with the dual AMD Fire­Pro GPUs fea­tured in the new Mac Pro,” said Grant Pet­ty, CEO, Black­ma­gic Design. “The com­bi­na­ti­on of the Open­CL acce­le­ra­ti­on of the AMD Fire­Pro with the Mac Pro’s revo­lu­ti­on in pro desk­top design and per­for­mance will be abso­lut­e­ly ama­zing for video and film professionals.”

We real­ly enjoy­ed working with AMD to maxi­mi­ze MARI’s per­for­mance on the new Mac Pro. We’­ve seen some of the best per­for­mance out of the box from MARI with the dual Fire­Pro GPUs in the Mac Pro,” said Jack Gre­as­ley, MARI Pro­duct Mana­ger at The Foundry.

The dual AMD Fire­Pro GPU opti­ons for Mac Pro fea­ture up to 6GB of VRAM and up to 2048 stream pro­ces­sors per GPU, matched with top con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons capa­ble of up to 7 tera­flops of com­pu­ting power. OpenGL and Open­CL are opti­mi­zed in OS X® Mavericks to levera­ge the full com­pu­ting power of the Mac Pro and dual GPUs.

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About AMD

AMD (NYSE: AMD) designs and inte­gra­tes tech­no­lo­gy that powers mil­li­ons of intel­li­gent devices, inclu­ding per­so­nal com­pu­ters, tablets, game con­so­les and cloud ser­vers that defi­ne the new era of sur­round com­pu­ting. AMD solu­ti­ons enable peo­p­le ever­y­whe­re to rea­li­ze the full poten­ti­al of their favo­ri­te devices and appli­ca­ti­ons to push the boun­da­ries of what is pos­si­ble. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo and Fire­Pro are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are for infor­ma­tio­nal pur­po­ses only and may be trade­marks of their respec­ti­ve owners. Open­CL and the Open­CL logo are trade­marks of Apple Inc. used by per­mis­si­on by Khronos. 
