SAPPHIRE introduces new PULSE graphics card family

SAPPHIRE introduces new PULSE graphics card family

April 20th, 2017 SAPPHIRE Tech­no­lo­gy has announ­ced a new fami­ly of pro­ducts in its con­su­mer gra­phics cards busi­ness — SAPPHIRE Pul­se. Focu­sing on what mat­ters most for PC gamers, Pul­se is a com­bi­na­ti­on of per­for­mance, dura­bi­li­ty and gre­at value. Fac­to­ry over­clo­cked, effi­ci­ent coo­ling and sty­lish design are the signa­tu­re of this new series. Today’s announce­ment coin­ci­des with the launch of SAPPHIRE Pul­se Rade­on RX 550, a modern cost- and ener­gy-effi­ci­ent ITX card.

RX 580: The bea­ting heart of a gamer’s PC

SAPPHIRE Pul­se is all about pro­vi­ding PC users with choice and gre­at value for money. Start­ing with the SAPPHIRE Pul­se Rade­on RX 580, this fac­to­ry-over­clo­cked model is dedi­ca­ted to cus­to­mers who seek a powerful, future-pro­of card that plays modern titles at maxi­mum fide­li­ty in 1440p @ 60 FPS. The card fea­tures a Pola­ris GPU with 2304 4th gene­ra­ti­on of Gra­phics Core Next stream pro­ces­sors, boost-clo­cked at 1366 MHz, and 8 GB of VRAM (also available in a 4GB ver­si­on). The indus­try pro­ven SAPPHIRE Dual‑X sys­tem ser­ves as the coo­ling solu­ti­on, with dual ball-bea­ring fans and the SAPPHIRE Quick Con­nect fea­ture for easy clea­ning and replacement.

RX 570: Pul­se of gam­ing in stan­dard and small-form-factors

For gamers on a slight­ly smal­ler bud­get, the SAPPHIRE Pul­se Rade­on RX 570 is the card to pick for smooth 1080p gam­ing in high details @ 60 FPS. This model is powered by 2048 GCN stream pro­ces­sors that run at a 1284 MHz boost clock. The card is coo­led using the quiet Dual‑X two-fan solu­ti­on, with an easy fan swap Quick Con­nect sys­tem in place as well.

The SAPPHIRE Pul­se Rade­on RX 570 also comes in the ITX for­mat for users who want to power their HTPC or small-form-fac­tor gam­ing PCs. Boost-clo­cked at 1244 MHz and using only a sin­gle 6‑pin power con­nec­tor as well as sin­gle fan for coo­ling, the SAPPHIRE Pul­se Rade­on RX 570 ITX is a show­ca­se of Pola­ris’ power efficiency.

RX 550: Pum­ping new blood in ent­ry level

Last­ly, debut­ing today is the SAPPHIRE Pul­se Rade­on RX 550 – a low-tier model per­fect for online games like League of Legends, Over­watch, Rocket League or Coun­ter Strike: Glo­bal Offen­si­ve. Based on a modern Pola­ris archi­tec­tu­re and sport­ing 512 GCN stream pro­ces­sors boost-clo­cked at 1206 MHz, the RX 550 is up to 5x fas­ter than an Intel Inte­gra­ted Gra­phics (HD 530) and up to 2x fas­ter than the pre­vious gene­ra­ti­on Rade­on R7 250 card. The modern GPU also means bet­ter sup­port for the latest dis­play and video tech­no­lo­gies, such as DirectX 12, Free­Sync or H.265 4K enco­ding. The card is available with 4 GB and 2 GB memo­ry vari­ants. With a TDP of only 75W, a sin­gle quiet fan is used for cooling.

Qua­li­ty com­pon­ents & technology 

All SAPPHIRE Pul­se gra­phics cards come equip­ped with a slew of modern tech­no­lo­gies and dura­ble com­pon­ents that ensu­re a long and sta­ble life. Long-life capa­ci­tors and fuse pro­tec­tion are appli­ed across the enti­re lin­e­up. For impro­ved semi-pas­si­ve coo­ling, each card also sup­ports SAPPHIRE Intel­li­gent Fan Con­trol III that will turn off fans com­ple­te­ly at light load.

In addi­ti­on, the SAPPHIRE Pul­se Rade­on RX 580 and 570 cards also fea­ture the latest SAPPHIRE Black Dia­mond Cho­kes 4 to mini­mi­ze the coil whine. They also come with a solid and sty­lish alu­mi­num back­p­la­te.

Stra­te­gic part­ner­ship with ASRock

PC gamers across the glo­be expect an opti­mal balan­ce bet­ween per­for­mance and pri­ce when choo­sing their equip­ment. Both ASRock and SAPPHIRE have a pro­ven track record in deli­ve­ring award win­ning pro­ducts that gamers’ tru­ly need.

Our mis­si­on is to pro­vi­de an out­stan­ding user expe­ri­ence to all of our cus­to­mers,” said Adri­an Thomp­son, VP Glo­bal Mar­ke­ting, SAPPHIRE. “This part­ner­ship with our col­le­agues at AS Rock will streng­then our abili­ty to deli­ver the fast and exci­ting pro­ducts our cus­to­mers deserve.”

To streng­then the demand for our superb pro­duct port­fo­li­os, ASRock and SAPPHIRE are announ­cing a stra­te­gic tech­no­lo­gy part­ner­ship that will focus on the per­for­mance and fea­tures that gamers deser­ve. Both com­pa­nies will work tog­e­ther to launch cut­ting edge mother­board, CPU, and VGA card con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons that respond to mar­ket demand, whilst at the same time deli­ve­ring superb price/ per­for­mance value.

ASRock is focu­sed on deli­ve­ring inno­va­tively desi­gned mother­boards with extre­me per­for­mance to our cus­to­mers,” said James Lee, Vice Pre­si­dent, Sales and Mar­ke­ting Divi­si­on, ASRock. ”Our part­ner­ship with SAPPHIRE will offer cus­to­mers a con­ve­ni­ent solu­ti­on to increase the PC’s performance.”