Acer Introduces its First Chromebook Powered by Versatile AMD A‑Series Processors with Radeon™ Graphics

LAS VEGAS (2019–01-06)

The Acer Chrome­book 315 boasts a 15.6‑inch IPS dis­play and up to 10 hours of all-day bat­tery life for web brow­sing, office appli­ca­ti­ons, or online gaming

Editor’s Sum­ma­ry

• New Acer Chrome­book 315 powered by revam­ped 7th Gene­ra­ti­on AMD A6-9220C or A4-9120C pro­ces­sors with Rade­on gra­phics for smooth and respon­si­ve web expe­ri­en­ces; ide­al for work and enter­tain­ment with a stun­ning 15.6‑inch display
• Day-to-night bat­tery life for up to 10 hours1 of work, home­work and fun
• Immersi­ve sound direc­ted upward through spea­k­ers sur­roun­ding the key­board; gre­at audio com­ple­ments the spa­cious dis­play for an immersi­ve enter­tain­ment experience
• Two USB 3.1 Type‑C ports on the Acer Chrome­book 315 — one on each side — make char­ging, data trans­fers and dis­play con­nec­tions convenient

Acer today expan­ded its award-win­ning line of 15.6‑inch Chrome­books with its first AMD-based Chrome­book, the Acer Chrome­book 315. Powered by 7th Gen AMD A6-9220C or A4-9120C pro­ces­sors with Rade­on gra­phics, it can speed through deman­ding apps, while run­ning mul­ti­ple tabs and exten­si­ons, all during a bat­tery life of up to 10 hours.

In addi­ti­on to supe­ri­or per­for­mance, the Acer Chrome­book 315 has a Full HD 15.6‑inch IPS2 dis­play that is pro­duc­ti­vi­ty-boos­ting for work and school. It vibrant­ly dis­plays strea­ming video, web games and apps, and it’s available in touch-screen and non-touch con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons (CB315-2HT/CB315-2H).

The 15.6‑inch Chrome­book has been one of the cor­ner­sto­nes of the Acer Chrome­book line,” said James Lin, Gene­ral Man­ger, Com­mer­cial and Detacha­ble Note­books, IT Pro­ducts Busi­ness, Acer Inc. “The Acer Chrome­book 315 builds on the line’s core attri­bu­tes — a huge 15.6‑inch dis­play, gre­at spea­k­ers and a sty­lish design — to now include new AMD pro­ces­sors and Rade­on gra­phics that will effort­less­ly power the gro­wing sel­ec­tion of Chro­me and Android™ apps that have been embra­ced by so many stu­dents, fami­lies and busi­ness users.”

Powerful AMD A‑Series Pro­ces­sors with Rade­on Gra­phics for Multitasking

The Acer Chrome­book 315 is powered by 7th Gen AMD A‑Series pro­ces­sors with Rade­on gra­phics to pro­vi­de fast and effi­ci­ent com­pu­ting in two con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons; eit­her fea­turing the AMD A6-9220C APU or A4-9120C APU in a sys­tem-on-chip design. The new AMD A‑Series pro­ces­sors for Chrome­books enable cus­to­mers to stream video, run the latest apps, play web games and brow­se the Inter­net effort­less­ly for up to 10 hours1. Plus, the Acer Chrome­book 315 sup­ports mil­li­ons of Android apps on Goog­le Play™ for enter­tain­ment, pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, con­nec­ti­vi­ty and more.

We are proud to expand AMD’s port­fo­lio of pro­ducts to include AMD-powered Chrome­books,” said Saeid Mosh­kela­ni, Seni­or Vice Pre­si­dent and Gene­ral Mana­ger, Cli­ent Com­pu­te, AMD. “The new Acer Chrome­book 315 powered by AMD A‑series pro­ces­sors will allow con­su­mers to do more in less time while enjoy­ing some of the best Chrome­book expe­ri­en­ces. In part­ner­ship with Goog­le and Acer, AMD-powered Chrome­books will deli­ver first-rate enter­tain­ment and pre­mi­um pro­duc­ti­vi­ty fea­tures, as well as best-in-class design to the Chrome­book market.”

Dis­play and Audio for Enter­tain­ment, Productivity

The clear and vibrant 15.6‑inch Full HD 1920 x 1080 dis­play is lar­ge enough for ope­ning brow­sers side-by-side, vie­w­ing strea­ming video in sharp detail, and play­ing web games. Cus­to­mers can be pro­duc­ti­ve with more vie­w­ing real estate and the power to run mul­ti­ple tabs and apps. The IPS dis­play lets users easi­ly pre­sent slide shows and share con­tent thanks to its wide 178-degree vie­w­ing angles. Even video chats can be shared. The HD web­cam has a wide 88-degree field-of-view to accom­mo­da­te groups. In addi­ti­on, audio and video are crys­tal clear thanks to high dyna­mic ran­ge ima­ging and the built-in microphone.

Clear and crisp audio is the result of the Acer Chrome­book 315’s two full-sized upward-facing spea­k­ers that flank the key­board. The spea­k­ers sup­port high-defi­ni­ti­on audio and deli­ver enhan­ced volu­me and audio range.

The Acer Chrome­book 315’s lar­ge size means there’s also room for a full-sized, back­lit key­board on touch-screen models, and a lar­ge touchpad.

Excel­lent Con­nec­ti­vi­ty and Sty­lish Portability

The design makes room for amp­le con­nec­tions on the Acer Chrome­book 315. The­re are two USB Type‑C Gen 1 ports — one on each side of the device — to allow fast data trans­fers, char­ging and dis­play out­put from whi­che­ver side is most con­ve­ni­ent. It fea­tures fast WiFi 802.11ac wire­less fea­turing 2x2 MIMO tech­no­lo­gy. Cus­to­mers can con­nect peri­pherals via Blue­tooth 4.2, two USB 3.0 ports and the com­bo head­pho­ne and spea­k­er jack.

The Acer Chrome­book 315 fea­tures a sty­lish IMR top cover and palm rest that are dura­ble and light enough for moving around the home or office. It weighs 1.72 kg (3.79 pounds) while mea­su­ring 380.54 W x 256.28 D x 19.95 H mm (14.98 W x 10.09 D x 0.79 H inches).

Easy to Share and Mana­ge, Espe­ci­al­ly for Parents

The new Acer Chrome­book 315 is not only easy to use, but also easy to share with mul­ti­ple users. Users sim­ply log into their Goog­le account to access Gmail, Goog­le Docs, apps, exten­si­ons, book­marks, and more. Chrome­books run on Google’s Chro­me OS plat­form that updates auto­ma­ti­cal­ly3 and uses mul­ti­ple levels of secu­ri­ty to guard against ever-chan­ging online threats.

With the new Fami­ly Link app on Chrome­books, it’s easy for par­ents to set digi­tal ground rules as their kids are explo­ring the Inter­net. Par­ents can set dai­ly screen time limits, cus­to­mi­ze the list of web­sites and apps their child­ren can use, and even mana­ge their child’s Goog­le account and remo­te­ly lock super­vi­sed accounts on the Acer Chrome­book 315.

Pri­ce and Availability

The Acer Chrome­book 315 will be available with eit­her a touch screen dis­play (CB315-2HT) or non-touch dis­play (CB315-2H) with up to 8GB of RAM and 32GB of eMMC sto­rage. The new line will be available in North Ame­ri­ca in Febru­ary, start­ing at $279.99, and in EMEA in April, start­ing at €349.

Exact spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons, pri­ces, and avai­la­bi­li­ty will vary by regi­on. To learn more about avai­la­bi­li­ty, pro­duct spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and pri­ces in spe­ci­fic mar­kets, plea­se cont­act your nea­rest Acer office via .

1 Bat­tery life may vary depen­ding on model and con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on. Based on Goog­le power Load­Test. ( 
Actu­al bat­tery life varies by model, con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on (inclu­ding sto­rage capa­ci­ty, RAM capa­ci­ty, pro­ces­sor in use, dis­play type and reso­lu­ti­on, etc.), appli­ca­ti­ons, power manage­ment set­tings, ope­ra­ting con­di­ti­ons, and uti­li­zed features.
2 All brands and pro­duct names men­tio­ned her­ein include trade­marks of their respec­ti­ve com­pa­nies and are used sole­ly to descri­be or iden­ti­fy the products
3 Inter­net con­nec­tion required.