ASUS Announces TUF Gaming FX505DY and FX705DY

Latest TUF Gaming laptops feature next-gen AMD Ryzen processors, Radeon graphics, NanoEdge displays with FreeSync technology, and the latest connectivity options


ASUS TUF Gam­ing FX505DY and FX705DY: Latest TUF Gam­ing lap­tops fea­ture next-gen AMD Ryzen pro­ces­sors, Rade­on gra­phics, NanoEdge dis­plays with Free­Sync tech­no­lo­gy, and the latest con­nec­ti­vi­ty opti­ons (Pho­to: Busi­ness Wire)


LAS VEGAS–(BUSINESS WIRE)–CES ASUS today announ­ced TUF Gam­ing FX505DY and TUF Gam­ing FX705DY, a pair of gam­ing lap­tops powered by the latest AMD® Ryzen 5 3550H pro­ces­sor, with up to 32GB of RAM, and a ran­ge of sto­rage opti­ons. This new plat­form is pai­red with dis­crete Rade­on gra­phics tight­ly cou­pled to vivid Free­Sync dis­plays. Slim bezels frame the NanoEdge dis­plays to fur­ther enhan­ce immersi­on and shrink the over­all foot­print, while the rein­forced chas­sis help the machi­nes sur­vi­ve ever­y­day life. Intel­li­gent­ly desi­gned and careful­ly built, FX505DY and FX705DY balan­ce per­for­mance, bat­tery life, and afforda­bili­ty to pro­vi­de a bet­ter gam­ing experience.

Taking Ryzen and Free­Sync on the road

AMD’s Ryzen pro­ces­sors have taken desk­tops by storm, and TUF Gam­ing lap­tops lead the deploy­ment of the newest ver­si­on. Other­wi­se known as Picas­so, this 2nd Gen Ryzen Mobi­le APU is built with indus­try-lea­ding 12nm tech­no­lo­gy. The Ryzen 5 3550H chip powe­ring FX505DY and FX705DY boasts four cores and eight threads that deli­ver capa­ble per­for­mance for popu­lar games and ever­y­day work. Mul­ti­th­rea­ded per­for­mance is par­ti­cu­lar­ly strong, yet the pro­ces­sor fits into a 35W power enve­lo­pe that doesn’t com­pro­mi­se bat­tery life.

Vega-based inte­gra­ted gra­phics allow the APU to power the lap­top all on its own, which helps con­ser­ve power and extend bat­tery life to over seven hours of 1080p video play­back on FX705DY and near­ly six hours on FX505DY. Dis­crete GPUs are whe­re it’s at for pro­per gam­ing so when it’s time to play, AMD Switcha­ble Gra­phics tech auto­ma­ti­cal­ly acti­va­tes the laptop’s dis­crete Rade­on RX 560X. The GPU pumps out smooth frame rates in main­stays like Fort­ni­te and Over­watch, as well as esports clas­sics like League of Legends and Dota 2.

Dis­plays on most afforda­ble gam­ing lap­tops are stuck with a fixed refresh rate, but FX505DY and FX705DY use Free­Sync varia­ble refresh rate tech­no­lo­gy to match the display’s refresh rate with the GPU’s frame rate. Syn­chro­ni­zing the­se com­pon­ents eli­mi­na­tes visu­al tearing, cuts input lag, and redu­ces stut­te­ring to heigh­ten the over­all gam­ing experience.

FX505DY packs a 15.6‑inch FHD IPS-level dis­play, while FX705DY fea­tures a 17.3‑inch panel. Both fea­ture the nar­row-bezel NanoEdge design, and have wide vie­w­ing angles to keep the colors vivid even when vie­w­ing the dis­play off-cen­ter. Alt­hough both offer panels that ope­ra­te within a Free­Sync ran­ge of 40–60Hz, only FX505DY has a high-refresh opti­on that goes from 48–120Hz to offer smoot­her per­for­mance at hig­her frame rates. The 60Hz panel is gre­at for gamers who play more gra­phi­cal­ly deman­ding titles whe­re sky-high frame rates aren’t rea­li­stic for this class of sys­tem. The 120Hz alter­na­ti­ve is recom­men­ded for fast-paced shoo­ters like CS:GO and Overwatch.

Kee­ping it cool and strong

When the action heats up, TUF Gam­ing lap­tops stay cool, thanks to a spe­ci­al­ly-desi­gned ther­mal solu­ti­on keeps inter­nal tem­pe­ra­tures in check and main­ta­ins con­sis­tent per­for­mance over time.

Hyper­Cool tech­no­lo­gy keeps the CPU and GPU cool with inde­pen­dent fans for each chip. As the fans spin, spe­cial anti-dust tun­nels on the edges of the housing catch and direct par­tic­les out of the lap­top to pre­vent them from clog­ging up the coo­ling. This pre­vents dirt from buil­ding up on the heats­inks and exhaust grills, which can impe­de coo­ling enough to affect not only per­for­mance, but also long-term relia­bi­li­ty and stability.

Regard­less of the color and mate­ri­al, FX505DY and FX705DY meet mili­ta­ry-gra­de MIL-STD-810G stan­dards for tough­ness. Stre­nuous test­ing ensu­res they can with­stand extre­me envi­ron­ments, ambi­ent vibra­ti­on, and acci­den­tal knocks. Both models shrug off short drops to a desk, and FX505DY is cer­ti­fied to sur­vi­ve hig­her falls. The hexa­go­nal design on the bot­tom of the lap­tops adds struc­tu­ral rigi­di­ty and deser­ves some of the cre­dit for their toughness.

Kit­ted out for combat

Gam­ing is har­der on a laptop’s keys than regu­lar typ­ing, and the key­boards on FX505DY and FX705DY are wort­hy of the TUF Gam­ing name. The HyperStrike deck brings a desk­top-inspi­red lay­out with sepa­ra­ted blocks of func­tion keys for easier reco­gni­ti­on and a full nume­ric key­pad for fas­ter num­ber crun­ching even on the 15-inch model. In addi­ti­on, there’s a wider space bar, off­set arrow keys, cur­ved key caps, and high­ligh­ted WASD keys.

The key­board is back­lit as well, with Red Mat­ter ver­si­ons of FX505DY and FX705DY pro­vi­ding a red glow that mir­rors their trim, while Gold Steel models fea­ture cus­to­mizable RGB light­ing. The RGB colors and effects can be twea­k­ed with the Armou­ry Cra­te uti­li­ty, which uni­fies vital func­tions like light­ing con­trol, sys­tem moni­to­ring, and con­fi­gura­ble game pro­files that auto­ma­ti­cal­ly load pre­fer­red sys­tem settings.

Plug­ged in and rea­dy to play

TUF Gam­ing FX505DY and FX705DY fea­ture Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) as well as onboard Ether­net for lower laten­cy for serious mul­ti­play­er matches, and three USB ports to con­nect to exter­nal sto­rage wit­hout unplug­ging a gam­ing mou­se and game­pad. Both models deepen gam­ing immersi­on with DTS Headphone:X® tech­no­lo­gy that brings 7.1‑channel vir­tu­al sur­round sound to ste­reo head­sets or spea­k­ers. Gamers can choo­se bet­ween built-in pre­sets for games, movies, and sports or do hands-on tuning with the embedded equalizer.

FX505DY and FX705DY can be hoo­ked up to a moni­tor or TV via HDMI 2.0. Free­Sync works over HDMI with com­pa­ti­ble dis­plays, exten­ding smoot­her gam­ing to even big­ger screens.

TUF whe­re it counts

TUF Gam­ing FX505DY and FX705DY lap­tops mix a cock­tail of AMD com­pon­ents and tech­no­lo­gies to ele­va­te the gam­ing expe­ri­ence. Com­bi­ning a Ryzen APU with dis­crete Rade­on gra­phics and a Free­Sync dis­play checks all the right boxes for gamers loo­king to make the most of their budget.




ASUS TUF Gam­ing FX505DY and FX705DY

Pro­ces­sor AMD® Ryzen3550H
Ope­ra­ting system Win­dows 10
Dis­play 15.6″ FHD NanoEdge wide-view dis­play up to 120Hz

17.3″ FHD NanoEdge wide-view display

Gra­phics AMD® Rade­on RX 560X
Memo­ry Up to 32GB DDR4 2400MHz
Sto­rage Up to 512GB PCIe® SSD

Up to 1TB Fire­Cu­da SSHD

Wire­less 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WLAN

Blue­tooth® 4.2

Con­nec­ti­vi­ty 2 x USB 3.1 Gen1

1 x USB 2.0

1 x HDMI 2.0

1 x RJ-45 jack

1 x 3.5mm head­pho­ne and mic com­bo jack

1 x Ken­sing­ton lock

Key­board and touchpad 1.8mm key travel

Cus­to­mizable RGB or red backlighting

Audio DTS Head­pho­ne: X
Bat­tery 48Wh Lithi­um-poly­mer bat­tery (FX505DY)

64Wh Lithi­um-poly­mer bat­tery (FX705DY)

AC adap­ter 120W power adaptor
Size FX505DY

(AL) 36(W) x 26.2(D) x 2.5(H) cm

(IMR) 36(W) x 26.2(D) x 2.6(H) cm



(AL) 39.9(W) x 27.9(D) x 2.6(H) cm

(IMR) 39.9(W) x 27.9(D) x 2.7(H) cm

Weight 2.2 kg(FX505DY)


[i] Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons, con­tent and pro­duct avai­la­bi­li­ty are all sub­ject to chan­ge wit­hout noti­ce and may dif­fer from coun­try to coun­try. Actu­al per­for­mance may vary depen­ding on appli­ca­ti­ons, usa­ge, envi­ron­ment and other fac­tors. Full spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons are available at .


The TUF Gam­ing FX505DY and TUF Gam­ing FX705DY will begin sel­ling in Q1. Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons, avai­la­bi­li­ty, and pri­cing will vary by regi­on, so check with your local ASUS repre­sen­ta­ti­ve for more information.

For addi­tio­nal details about the new TUF Gam­ing lap­tops, plea­se visit ASUS Edge Up.

About ASUS

ASUS is one of For­tu­ne magazine’s World’s Most Admi­red Com­pa­nies, and is dedi­ca­ted to crea­ting pro­ducts for today and tomorrow’s smart life. Our com­pre­hen­si­ve port­fo­lio includes Zen­bo, Zen­Fo­ne, Zen­Book and a ran­ge of IT devices and com­pon­ents, along with AR, VR and IoT. ASUS employs more than 16,000 peo­p­le world­wi­de and over 5,000 world-class R&D talents. Dri­ven by inno­va­ti­on and com­mit­ted to qua­li­ty, the com­pa­ny won 4,511 awards and ear­ned appro­xi­m­ate­ly US$13 bil­li­on of reve­nue in 2017.