CorePrio v.

Core­Prio ersetzt AMDs Dyna­mic Local Mode für Thre­ad­rip­per 2990WX und 2970WX und soll laut Anga­ben der Pro­gram­mie­rer bes­ser kon­fi­gu­rier­bar und robus­ter sein. Das neue Fea­ture “NUMA Dis­so­cia­ter” soll Epyc- und Thre­ad­rip­per-Sys­te­me mit 4 NUMA-Nodes (Non-Uni­form Memo­ry Access) in bestimm­ten Anwen­dun­gen unter Win­dows deut­lich beschleunigen.



+ Fix NUMA Dis­so­cia­ter check­box would not stay tog­g­led OFF when dia­log re-opened
+ Remo­ve war­ning about use of DLM with NUMA Dis­so­cia­ter. Can be used tog­e­ther. Results will depend on the appli­ca­ti­on load and set­tings. DLM is not able to do any­thing posi­ti­ve for bench­marks that uti­li­ze all CPU cores sin­ce the enti­re pro­ces­sor is loaded.

