Radeon Software Adrenalin 2019 Edition 19.2.1

Mit der Ver­si­on 19.2.1 bringt AMD ein Update der Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on her­aus. Zusätz­lich zum Sup­port der Spie­le APEX Legends, The Divi­si­on 2 Pri­va­te Beta und Ass­as­sins Creed: Odys­sey wer­den eini­ge Pro­ble­me beho­ben. 

Support For

  • APEX Legends™
  • The Divi­si­on™ 2 Pri­va­te Beta
  • Assassin’s Creed™: Odyssey 
    • Up to 5% per­for­mance impro­ve­ment with AMD Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 19.2.1 on a Rade­on™ RX Vega 64. RS-285

Fixed Issues

  • Batt­le­field™ V play­ers may expe­ri­ence cha­rac­ter out­lines stuck on screen after being revived.
  • Rade­on Set­tings may fail to install while doing a soft­ware update on some Hybrid Gra­phics sys­tem configurations.
  • Some dis­plays may expe­ri­ence a loss of video when laun­ching a full­screen appli­ca­ti­on with Rade­on Free­Sync enabled.
  • Anthem™ may expe­ri­ence a white screen or cor­rup­ti­on while play­ing or laun­ching the game.
  • Rade­on Set­tings may expe­ri­ence a crash if the user chan­ges tabs quick­ly with a very lar­ge game list.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re Rade­on Set­tings update noti­fi­ca­ti­ons may sug­gest older dri­ver releases to upgrade to.
  • HDMI Under­scan set­tings may not retain after sys­tem restart.
  • Rade­on ReLi­ve may inter­mit­tent­ly expe­ri­ence cap­tu­red recor­dings or Instant Replays with inver­ted colors.

Known Issues

  • Mou­se lag or sys­tem slow­down is obser­ved for exten­ded peri­ods of time with two or more dis­plays con­nec­ted and one dis­play swit­ched off.
  • Game Advi­sor may fail to load com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty infor­ma­ti­on for games when the gam­ing libra­ry is very large.
  • Pixel For­mat set­tings may not retain after sys­tem restart.
  • Sce­ne Edi­tor may have issues with scrol­ling when many ele­ments are added to a scene.
  • Cus­tom set­tings in Rade­on Watt­Man may some­ti­mes fail to app­ly on Rade­on RX Vega series gra­phics products.
  • Game and VR Strea­ming opti­ons may be miss­ing in Rade­on Set­tings after a clean instal­la­ti­on or Rade­on Soft­ware upgrade.


RS-285 Test­ing con­duc­ted by AMD Per­for­mance Labs as of Janu­ary 31, 2019 on the 8GB Rade­on™ RX Vega 64, on a test sys­tem com­pri­sing of Intel i7 7700K CPU (4.2 GHz), 16GB DDR4 memo­ry, and Win­dows 10x64.PC manu­fac­tu­r­ers may vary con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons, yiel­ding dif­fe­rent results. Assassin’s Creed Odys­sey (DX11) with the High pre­set at (1920x1080), when run­ning Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 19.2.1, the Rade­on™ RX Vega 64 scored 61 FPS while Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 19.2.1 scored 64 FPS. The­r­e­fo­re, in the abo­ve com­pa­ri­son, Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 19.2.1 shows 5% grea­ter per­for­mance. Per­for­mance may vary based on use of latest drivers.


Wei­te­re Links: