WinRAR 5.71

Der Packer RAR oder eben Win­RAR gilt nach wie vor als einer der leis­tungs­fä­higs­ten sei­ner Art. Als kos­ten­pflich­ti­ge Share­ware hat er es jedoch seit gerau­mer Zeit schwer, auf dem Markt gegen die inte­grier­te Out-of-the-box-Lösung für ZIP-Datei­en unter Micro­soft-Betriebs­sys­te­men oder gar die völ­lig kos­ten­lo­sen und noch dazu Open-Source-Lösun­gen wie 7‑Zip zu bestehen.

Ver­si­on 5.71

1. “Con­vert archi­ves” command:

a) impro­ved per­for­mance when pro­ces­sing a lot of small archives
in Win­dows 10;

b) fixed memo­ry leaks which could lead to exces­si­ve memo­ry use
when con­ver­ting to ZIP format.

2. Cor­rupt ZIP archi­ve processing:

a) “Repair” com­mand replaces packed and unpa­cked file sizes stored
in local file hea­der with sizes from cen­tral directory
if local hea­der sizes look invalid;

b) file extra­c­tion is stop­ped at unpa­cked size stored in ZIP headers
even if available packed data allows fur­ther extraction.
It is done to pre­vent unex­pec­ted hard dri­ve space usage.

3. Ctrl+C allows to abort RAR “l” com­mand quick­ly. In pre­vious versions
it could take seve­ral seconds until list com­mand stopped.

4. Bugs fixed:

a) Win­RAR could crash when attemp­ting to dis­play some types of archive
comm­ents in GUI shell, resul­ting in a deni­al of service;

b) if “Save archi­ve name” and “Add to con­text menu” opti­ons were
set in com­pres­si­on pro­fi­le para­me­ters and pro­fi­le was invoked
from Explo­rer con­text menu, Win­RAR pro­po­sed an automatically
gene­ra­ted archi­ve name ins­tead of name saved in profile.

c) Win­RAR dis­play­ed an unnee­ded pair of round bra­ckets in “Archi­ve”
column of “Dia­gno­stic mes­sa­ges” win­dow for sys­tem error messages;

d) “Extra­ct to fol­der\” Win­dows Explo­rer con­text menu com­mand could
fail to unpack ZIP archi­ves if their names included a numeric
part fol­lo­wed by .zip exten­si­on, arbi­tra­ry data was present
befo­re the first file record and “Remo­ve red­un­dant fol­ders from
extra­c­tion path” Win­RAR opti­on was swit­ched on;

e) in “RAR x ‑x<mask> arc­na­me” com­mand, parent fol­ders of files
matching the spe­ci­fied mask also were excluded from extracting;

f) “Find” com­mand retur­ned the cur­rent fol­der own name additionally
to its con­tents for “Cur­rent fol­der” search area if fol­der name
matched “File names to find” mask;

g) if “Find in files” and “Find in archi­ves” are both enabled,
“Find” com­mand did not match an archi­ve name its­elf against
“File names to find” mask after sear­ching insi­de of archive.
So it did not dis­play archi­ve names for masks like *.rar
and appli­ed this mask only to files insi­de of archives;

h) when run­ning an exe­cu­ta­ble direct­ly from archi­ve, Win­RAR 5.70
did not set a tem­po­ra­ry fol­der with unpa­cked files as current.
So exe­cu­ta­bles attemp­ting to access other archi­ved files
in cur­rent fol­der could fail to work;

i) Win­RAR could be inac­ces­si­ble for few seconds after closing
an archi­ved file ope­ned in inter­nal view­er in Win­dows 10;

j) drag­ging a file to sub­fol­der of ZIP archi­ve with “Store full paths”
opti­on enab­led pro­du­ced inva­lid path­na­mes con­sis­ting of repeated
sub­fol­der name. Same inva­lid path­na­mes were pro­du­ced if adding files
to ZIP archi­ve with ‑ap<folder> ‑ep2 switches.


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