AMD: Rome, Matisse und Navi im dritten Quartal

Im Zuge des Ear­ning Calls zu den Zah­len des ers­ten Quar­tals 2019 hat sich AMD zum wei­te­ren Vor­ge­hen im Jah­re 2019 geäu­ßert. Dem­nach wer­den alle 7‑nm-Pro­duk­te frü­hes­tens im Juli erschei­nen, da AMD bei “Rome” und “Navi” expli­zit von einer Vor­stel­lung im drit­ten Quar­tal 2019 spricht.

Inoffizielle AMD-Roadmap für 2019 mit Stand Mai 2019
Inof­fi­zi­el­le AMD Road­map für 2019 mit Stand Mai 2019

Die Ser­ver­pro­zes­so­ren “Rome” auf Basis von Zen 2 sol­len aller­dings an Part­ner bereits im zwei­ten Quar­tal aus­ge­lie­fert wer­den, wohin­ge­gen der offi­zi­el­le Launch erst im drit­ten Quar­tal erfol­gen wird. Bis­lang hat­te AMD immer bei “Rome” und auch bei Ryzen-Desk­top­pro­zes­so­ren der drit­ten Gene­ra­ti­on (“Matis­se”) von einem Start gegen Mit­te des Jah­res gespro­chen. Damit bleibt der 7. Juli wei­ter­hin ein hei­ßer Kan­di­dat für eine Vor­stel­lung der 7‑nm-Pro­duk­te.

Lisa Su wäh­rend des Q1 2019 Ear­ning Calls zu “Rome”:

Tur­ning to our next-gene­ra­ti­on Rome pro­ces­sor, we made excel­lent pro­gress in the quar­ter, achie­ving key pro­duc­tion mile­sto­nes with our lar­gest OEM and cloud cus­to­mers. We’­re very exci­ted about the per­for­mance of Rome, which is on track to deli­ver four times the floa­ting point per­for­mance and dou­ble the com­pu­te per­for­mance per socket com­pared to our cur­rent gene­ra­ti­on EPYC pro­ces­sors. We are on track to begin Rome pro­duc­tion ship­ments in the second quar­ter to sup­port a third quar­ter launch.

I think start­ing with ser­ver, again, it’s the grea­test per­cen­ta­ge of growth. And it real­ly is the start of some ship­ments of Rome. We expect that Rome will launch here in the third quar­ter, and the­re are some pre­pa­ra­ti­ons that need to be done for that.

So we would expect that the­re will be a good amount of time whe­re we will have both Nap­les and Rome in mar­ket at the same point in time, and that just depends on qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on cycles, plat­form needs and some plat­forms are being refres­hed right away, some plat­forms are going to take a litt­le bit lon­ger to be refres­hed. And so, from my stand­point, I think that Nap­les will con­ti­nue to be important for us in 2019, even as we ramp Rome with our launch in the second half of the year.

Dage­gen scheint der Start der neu­en Gra­fik­kar­ten auf Basis der Navi-Archi­tek­tur bis­lang nur grob für das drit­te Quar­tal geplant zu sein oder erst gegen des­sen Ende zu erfol­gen. Eine gleich­zei­ti­ge Vor­stel­lung aller 7‑nm-Lösun­gen dürf­te jeden­falls nicht geplant sein.

Lisa Su wäh­rend des Q1 2019 Ear­ning Calls zu “Navi”:

We belie­ve we made good pro­gress impro­ving chan­nel inven­to­ry levels. Sell-through acce­le­ra­ted sequen­ti­al­ly dri­ven by sales of both our main­stream Rade­on RX GPUs and new high-end Rade­on VII gam­ing GPUs. We are well-posi­tio­ned to grow GPU reve­nue in the second quar­ter and through the second half of the year, as we expect to intro­du­ce our first 7‑nanometer Navi gam­ing GPUs in the third quarter.

Navi is a new archi­tec­tu­re for us in gam­ing. It has a lot of new fea­tures, across the Navi archi­tec­tu­re. Things are pro­gres­sing well. We expect it to launch in the third quarter.From a posi­tio­ning stand­point, I pro­ba­b­ly won’t go through it in gre­at detail right now other than to say that it is 7‑nanometer, Navi, but it will be posi­tio­ned below whe­re, for exam­p­le, our Rade­on VII’s is posi­ti­on today from a pri­ce point standpoint.

And then, in terms of Ray tra­cing, again, we will talk more about our over­all Navi road­map as we get clo­ser to the launch.

Quel­le: AMD Q1 2019 Results — Ear­nings Call Tran­script (See­king­Al­pha)