Radeon Software Adrenalin 2019 Edition 19.5.1

Mit der Ver­si­on 19.5.1 hat AMD ein Update der Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on her­aus­ge­bracht, das vor allem Unter­stüt­zung für das Mai-Update von Win­dows 10 bie­tet. Zusätz­lich wur­de eine gan­ze Rei­he von Feh­lern berei­nigt. Seit der Ver­si­on 19.2.3 wer­den Mobil­pro­zes­so­ren mit inte­grier­ter Vega-Gra­fik unter­stützt, sodass Note­book­be­sit­zer nun nicht mehr auf den Trei­ber­sup­port der jewei­li­gen Her­stel­ler ange­wie­sen sind und die­sen Trei­ber eben­falls nut­zen kön­nen. Für die­se hat AMD auch eine FAQ ver­öf­fent­licht.

Radeon Software Adrenalin 2019 Edition 19.5.1 Highlights

Support For

  • RAGE®2
    • Up to 16% per­for­mance gains with AMD Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 19.5.1, on an AMD Rade­on™ VII.RS-295
  • Windows®10 May 2019 Update
  • Ins­truc­tion Tra­cing for Rade­on GPU Pro­fi­ler 1.5.X

Fixed Issues

  • Per­for­mance metrics over­lay may expe­ri­ence inter­mit­tent fli­cker when play­ing back pro­tec­ted con­tent with this fea­ture enabled.
  • DOOM™ may expe­ri­ence an appli­ca­ti­on hang during launch on AMD XCon­nect™ Tech­no­lo­gy sys­tem configurations.
  • Rade­on Soft­ware instal­la­ti­on may fail or get stuck at 33% when instal­ling on AMD Rade­on HD 7970 sys­tem configurations.
  • Some Rade­on RX 400 and Rade­on RX 500 series gra­phics pro­ducts may expe­ri­ence a sys­tem hang when hot plug­ging 8K displays.
  • AMD Rade­on VII may fail to app­ly Rade­on Set­tings video pro­files to video playback.
  • HTC VIVE™ devices may expe­ri­ence con­nec­tion or detec­tion issues by the OS or SteamVR™.
  • Sys­tem insta­bi­li­ty may be expe­ri­en­ced on ASUS TUF Gam­ing FX505 lap­top when a wire­less dis­play is connected.
  • Stut­te­ring or frame drop may be expe­ri­en­ced when play­ing back DivX inter­la­ced con­tent in the Win­dows® Movies & TV application.
  • Rade­on RX Vega series gra­phics pro­ducts may expe­ri­ence hig­her than expec­ted memo­ry clocks at idle or desk­top with mul­ti-dis­play sys­tem configurations.
  • Some sys­tem con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons may not be able to set 10-Bit color in Rade­on Set­tings when the con­nec­ted dis­play is set to 4K 60hz.
  • Enhan­ced Sync may fail to enable on Rade­on Free­Sync enab­led dis­plays in DirectX®9 API games on game first launch.
  • AMD Link may expe­ri­ence inter­mit­tent authen­ti­ca­ti­on issues. An update of the AMD Link appli­ca­ti­on is also required.
  • Some games may expe­ri­ence tex­tu­re fli­cke­ring or cor­rup­ti­on on Rade­on RX Vega series gra­phics pro­ducts when using the Vul­kan™ API.

Known Issues

  • Rade­on ReLi­ve strea­ming and uploa­ding of vide­os and other con­tent to Face­book™ is curr­ent­ly unavailable.
  • ASUS TUF Gam­ing FX505 may expe­ri­ence dis­crete GPU con­nec­tion issues with devices dis­ap­pearing from device mana­ger when the sys­tem is idle.
  • World War Z™ may expe­ri­ence an appli­ca­ti­on hang after exten­ded peri­ods of play.
  • AMD Rade­on VII may expe­ri­ence screen fli­cker in mul­ti dis­play set­ups on desk­top or while appli­ca­ti­ons are running.
  • Per­for­mance metrics over­lay and Rade­on Watt­Man gau­ges may expe­ri­ence inac­cu­ra­te fluc­tua­ting rea­dings on AMD Rade­on VII.
  • HDR Video may free­ze or have cor­rup­ti­on during play­back when using Movies and TV Appli­ca­ti­on with some Ryzen APUs.


Test­ing con­duc­ted by AMD Per­for­mance Labs as of May 8th, 2019 on the 16GB AMD Rade­on™ VII, on a test sys­tem com­pri­sing of Intel i9-9900K CPU (3.6 GHz), 16GB DDR4 memo­ry, and Win­dows 10x64. PC manu­fac­tu­r­ers may vary con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons, yiel­ding dif­fe­rent results. Rage 2 (Vul­kan) with the high pre­set at 4K (3840x2160), when run­ning Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 19.5.1, on the AMD Rade­on™ VII scored an avera­ge 44.4 FPS while Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 19.4.3 scored an avera­ge 38.3 FPS. The­r­e­fo­re, in the abo­ve com­pa­ri­son, Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 19.5.1 shows 16% grea­ter per­for­mance. All scores are an avera­ge of 3 runs with the same set­tings. Per­for­mance may vary based on use of latest dri­vers. RS-295

Important Notes

  • AMD Ryzen™ Mobi­le Pro­ces­sors with Rade­on™ Vega Gra­phics FAQ for Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on can be found here.
  • Sup­port for AMD Man­t­le API Tech­no­lo­gy has been dis­con­tin­ued start­ing with Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 19.5.1. Users who wish to con­ti­nue to use AMD Man­t­le API Tech­no­lo­gy may do so with pri­or sup­port­ed Rade­on Soft­ware releases.
  • Sup­port for AMD Endu­ro™ tech­no­lo­gy switcha­ble gra­phics mode has been dis­con­tin­ued start­ing with Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 19.5.1. Users who wish to con­ti­nue to use AMD Endu­ro™ tech­no­lo­gy switcha­ble gra­phics mode may do so with pri­or sup­port­ed Rade­on Soft­ware releases.

Package Contents

The Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 19.5.1 instal­la­ti­on packa­ge con­ta­ins the following:

  • Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 19.5.1 1 Dri­ver Ver­si­on (Win­dows Dri­ver Store Ver­si­on 26.20.11015.1003)


Wei­te­re Links: