GIGABYTE Announces BIOS Updates For Next Gen. AMD Ryzen CPUs

Easi­ly Update The BIOS To Ful­ly Sup­port AMD Ryzen™ CPUs


Tai­pei, Tai­wan, May 17th, 2019 – GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd, a lea­ding manu­fac­tu­rer of mother­boards and gra­phics cards, has released BIOS updates for X470 and B450 AMD mother­boards. With a simp­le update of the BIOS, users will be able to ful­ly harness full sup­port for next gen. AMD Ryzen™ pro­ces­sors. BIOS updates for the X370 and B350 AMD mother­boards will be released befo­re the end of the month.

In anti­ci­pa­ti­on of the release of next gen. AMD Ryzen™ CPUs, GIGABYTE engi­neers have suc­cessful­ly tes­ted and vali­da­ted GIGABYTE AMD mother­boards with the newest BIOS to ensu­re that users have full sup­port for their new CPUs with top notch com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty. Users can visit the offi­ci­al GIGABYTE web­site to down­load the newest BIOS ver­si­on (F40 and later ver­si­ons), so that they can ful­ly unleash the power of the­se next gen. CPUs.

As advance­ments are made in semi­con­duc­tor tech­no­lo­gy, micro­pro­ces­sors are beco­ming more powerful and offer bet­ter per­for­mance levels. For users loo­king to upgrade their sys­tems, the com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty bet­ween the­se new CPUs and their ori­gi­nal plat­forms is an important con­cern,” said Jack­son Hsu, Direc­tor of the GIGABYTE Chan­nel Solu­ti­ons Pro­duct Deve­lo­p­ment Divi­si­on. “Befo­re the release of this new gene­ra­ti­on of AMD Ryzen™ pro­ces­sors, GIGABYTE wan­ted to make sure that our mother­boards were rea­dy from the start to address this con­cern. We’ve done our home­work and put in the time and dedi­ca­ti­on to ensu­re that users will enjoy the very best PC experience.”

The newest GIGABYTE AM4 mother­board BIOS updates have been uploa­ded to the GIGABYTE offi­ci­al web­site. Users can upgrade the BIOS on their GIGABYTE AM4 mother­boards to the F40 BIOS and later ver­si­ons to get full sup­port for the next gen. AMD Ryzen™ pro­ces­sors. For more infor­ma­ti­on on BIOS updates, plea­se visit the offi­ci­al GIGABYTE web­site or the fol­lo­wing links to their cor­re­spon­ding mother­boards listed:

AMD X470
AMD B450 

For more infor­ma­ti­on on GIGABYTE mother­boards, plea­se visit: