GIGABYTE Advances To PCIe 4.0 With X570 AORUS Motherboards

Flag­ship 16-Pha­se Digi­tal Power Design For Full Sup­port Of 3rd Gene­ra­ti­on AMD Ryzen™ Desk­top Processors

Tai­pei, Tai­wan, May 27th, 2019 – GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd, a lea­ding manu­fac­tu­rer of mother­boards and gra­phics cards, announ­ced the launch of the newest X570 AORUS series mother­boards pri­med to unleash the poten­ti­al of the high­ly anti­ci­pa­ted 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen™ desk­top™ pro­ces­sors. Ful­ly com­pa­ti­ble with the­se new pro­ces­sors, X570 AORUS series mother­boards kick off the PCIe® 4.0 era with exten­si­ve fea­ture sets. The flag­ship X570 AORUS XTREME mother­board is fit­ted with a 16-pha­se digi­tal power design for unmat­ched power manage­ment and a Fins-Array Sta­cked Fin Heats­ink with Direct Touch Heat­pipes for the stron­gest VRM coo­ling. Both fea­tures are aimed towards opti­mi­zing per­for­mance on the 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen desk­top pro­ces­sors. Sel­ect X570 AORUS mother­boards also deli­ver ultra fast con­nec­ti­vi­ty at 2.4Gbps with the WiFi 6 802.11ax wire­less stan­dard and fur­ther impro­ve the user expe­ri­ence with the newest ite­ra­ti­on of Q‑Flash Plus Tech­no­lo­gy for users to update the BIOS with ease and con­ve­ni­ence. X570 AORUS series mother­boards lead the new era of gam­ing performance.

In anti­ci­pa­ti­on of the release of the AMD X570 chip­set and 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen™ desk­top pro­ces­sors, GIGABYTE is rea­dy to launch a pro­duct series that sets the stan­dard for com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty and pro­duct qua­li­ty from an AMD plat­form based mother­board while che­cking all the boxes for a gam­ing mother­board,” said Jack­son Hsu, Direc­tor of the GIGABYTE Chan­nel Solu­ti­ons Pro­duct Deve­lo­p­ment Divi­si­on. “Gamers and per­for­mance focu­sed users will be impres­sed with the fea­tures that GIGABYTE has imple­men­ted on the X570 AORUS mother­boards. Some of the­se high­light fea­tures include a 16-pha­se digi­tal power design, PCIe 4.0, high speed net­work con­nec­ti­vi­ty, RGB Fusi­on light­ing, and a new BIOS UI. Through our pro­fes­sio­nal rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment, we have engi­nee­red a pro­duct that offers both the per­for­mance and sta­bi­li­ty gamers are loo­king for when buil­ding an AMD plat­form desktop.”

The high­ly anti­ci­pa­ted 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen™ desk­top pro­ces­sors deli­ver on the hype, out­clas­sing pre­vious gene­ra­ti­on pro­ces­sors with impres­si­ve per­for­mance jumps that users covet when they upgrade from one gene­ra­ti­on of pro­ces­sors to the next. Capi­ta­li­zing on this per­for­mance poten­ti­al, GIGABYTE packs at least 14-power pha­ses in the digi­tal power designs of each ATX board in the X570 AORUS Series. Dif­fe­rent tasks requi­re dif­fe­rent levels of power con­sump­ti­on so to account for this vary­ing power con­sump­ti­on, GIGABYTE uses a PowIRs­ta­ge or DrMOS and dif­fe­rent MOS­FETs to ensu­re a more sta­ble cur­rent flow and bet­ter power and ther­mal manage­ment while the CPU is run­ning at its full poten­ti­al. The flag­ship X570 AORUS XTREME mother­board boasts a 16-pha­se, all Infi­ne­on digi­tal power design with each pha­se capa­ble of mana­ging up to 70A for lower impe­dance and impro­ved balan­ce. With 16-pha­ses to work with, the mother­board redu­ces the loa­ding per pha­se so that less heat is gene­ra­ted, impro­ving the over­all power effi­ci­en­cy, dura­bi­li­ty and ser­vice life of the mother­board. This allows for bet­ter per­for­mance and bet­ter over­clo­cking and enables users to maxi­mi­ze the over­clo­cking poten­ti­al on the new 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen desk­top pro­ces­sors wit­hout the con­cerns of an unsta­ble power sup­p­ly or high tem­pe­ra­tures caus­ing over­clo­cking fail­ures or dimi­nis­hed per­for­mance. The Fins-Array Sta­cked Fin Heats­ink, Direct Touch Heat­pipes, and the Nano­car­bon Base­p­la­te pro­vi­de an incre­di­ble amount of coo­ling to the VRM and chip­set making this the most com­pre­hen­si­ve coo­ling solu­ti­on for the 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen™ desk­top pro­ces­sors, per­fect for an AMD plat­form build.

PCIe 4.0 is here and with it comes hig­her band­width. With 32GB/s band­width and increased band­width for gra­phics cards, PCIe NVMe AIC SSDs, and M.2 NVMe SSDs, the new inter­face far sur­pas­ses the band­width limi­ta­ti­ons of pre­vious gene­ra­ti­ons. GIGABYTE has key­ed in on the per­for­mance poten­ti­al of PCIe 4.0 and has refi­ned the design of its mother­boards to ele­va­te the per­for­mance of peri­phe­ral com­pon­ents. Design fea­tures such as ser­ver-gra­de PCBs with low induc­tance and a PCIe 4.0 B‑CLK IC maxi­mi­ze the PCIe band­width to increase the data trans­mis­si­on capa­ci­ty on PCIe sto­rage devices and boost over­clo­cking per­for­mance from CPUs and memo­ry. The mother­board unlocks hid­den per­for­mance poten­ti­al on peri­phe­ral com­pon­ents, allo­wing for bla­zing fast trans­mis­si­on speeds on the­se devices. As the PCIe 4.0 era arri­ves, GIGABYTE has also intro­du­ced its newest PCIe 4.0 inter­face based PCIe NVMe M.2 SSD and AORUS M.2 PCIe 4.0 riser cards which allow for 4800 MB/s trans­mis­si­on speeds on the PCIe NVMe M.2 SSDs. Users can install four NVMe M.2 SSDs at once with the AORUS M.2 PCIe 4.0 riser card to increase sto­rage capa­ci­ty and even build a RAID array through the OS for impres­si­ve sto­rage per­for­mance and solid data inte­gri­ty, ful­ly taking advan­ta­ge of the new PCIe 4.0 interface.

M.2 slots on the X570 AORUS Series Mother­boards sup­port PCIe 4.0 and SATA modes so users can purcha­se M.2 SSDs wit­hout com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty con­cerns. The 64Gb/s band­width of PCIe 4.0 enables M.2 NVMe SSDs to per­form at their full poten­ti­al. Ther­mal thrott­ling can be a detri­ment to SSD per­for­mance by slo­wing down read/write speeds and GIGABYTE has imple­men­ted M.2 Ther­mal Guards to com­bat the excess heat from device ope­ra­ti­on. M.2 SSD devices are pro­tec­ted from the heat and can per­form like they are desi­gned to.

The enti­re X570 AORUS lin­e­up offers Intel® Gbe LAN and the X570 AORUS MASTER and X570 AORUS XTREME pro­vi­de 2.5Gbps and 10Gbps con­nec­tion speeds respec­tively. Gamers now have the fas­test and most sta­ble wired net­work con­nec­ti­vi­ty with this set­up. All WiFi enab­led models in the lin­e­up fea­ture the Intel® WiFi 6 802.11ax stan­dard which deli­vers bla­zing fast 2.4Gbps con­nec­tion speeds that almost rival the 2.5Gbps Ether­net con­nec­tion speeds. With both high-speed Ether­net and WiFi, users have extra fle­xi­bi­li­ty and ridi­cu­lous­ly fast con­nec­tion speeds.

Fan favo­ri­te and well-recei­ved fea­tures from pre­vious AORUS lin­eups make their return to sel­ect X570 AORUS mother­boards. Sleek I/O shroud design, RGB Fusi­on LED light­ing, Smart Fan, Hi-Fi audio, and many more trade­mark fea­tures have been fur­ther refi­ned and added to the mix with AMD’s built-in fea­tures. The newest edi­ti­on of Smart Fan tech­no­lo­gy is fea­tured on two of the X570 AORUS mother­boards and comes with a noi­se sen­sor that mea­su­res the deci­bel levels of the fan noi­se and enables users to adjust the noi­se levels to their liking for impro­ved noi­se reduc­tion. Silent and cool fan ope­ra­ti­on has never been more user friendly.

AORUS X570 series mother­boards come with the newest ver­si­on of Q‑Flash Plus Tech­no­lo­gy. Users can easi­ly update the BIOS wit­hout even instal­ling a pro­ces­sor, memo­ry, gra­phics cards, or boot­ing up the PC so they can flash the BIOS wit­hout the con­cerns of not being able to boot up the sys­tem due to com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty issues. X570 AORUS series mother­boards use an upgraded BIOS inter­face, pro­vi­ding users with a more intui­ti­ve user inter­face so they can easi­ly tune their set­tings to upgrade their per­for­mance and overclocking.

X570 AORUS mother­boards use only the finest com­pon­ents rein­forced by GIGABYTE Ultra Dura­ble™ Tech­no­lo­gy to extend pro­duct dura­bi­li­ty and ser­vice life. Through the use of all solid caps, digi­tal power designs, and Smart Fan tech­no­lo­gy to pro­vi­de ener­gy-con­ser­ving and effec­ti­ve coo­ling solu­ti­ons, AORUS mother­boards are an excel­lent choice for users see­king to build a high-end PC sys­tem so they can enjoy the best gam­ing expe­ri­ence mother­boards have to offer. 

For more details, plea­se visit the offi­ci­al GIGABYTE AORUS web­site:

For more infor­ma­ti­on and news on GIGABYTE pro­ducts, plea­se visit the offi­ci­al GIGABYTE web­site: