CORSAIR Announces New AMD X570 and PCIe 4.0 Ready Force Series MP600 M.2 SSD Able to Reach Speeds Up To 4950MB/Sec, 50x the speed of standard disk drives

COMPUTEX, TAIPEI, TAIWAN, May 27th, 2019 – CORSAIR®, a world lea­der in PC gam­ing peri­pherals and enthu­si­ast com­pon­ents, today unvei­led the new CORSAIR Force Series MP600 NVMe PCIe Gen4 x4 M.2 SSD, one of the world’s first PCIe 4.0 M.2 SSDs com­pa­ti­ble with the new AMD X570 chip­set, also reve­a­led today. Unleas­hed by the PCIe 4.0 rea­dy AMD X570 chip­set, the MP600 rea­ches new heights of enthu­si­ast sin­gle-dri­ve sto­rage per­for­mance, deli­ve­ring up to 4950MB/sec sequen­ti­al read – ten times the per­for­mance of many SATA SSDs, and fif­ty times fas­ter than some hard disk drives.

The MP600’s phe­no­me­nal per­for­mance stems from the huge­ly increased band­width of PCIe 4.0 (PCI-Express Gene­ra­ti­on 4), a fea­ture that will be made available to cus­to­mers for the first time as part of the AMD X570 chip­set and 3rd Gene­ra­ti­on AMD Ryzen™ Desk­top Pro­ces­sors. Easi­ly fit­ting into a PCIe 4.0 x4 M.2 slot, the MP600’s NVMe inter­face and high-den­si­ty 3D TLC NAND com­bi­ne with a Phison PS5016-E16 con­trol­ler to enable a new level of sin­gle-dri­ve SSD per­for­mance. Boas­ting up to 4,950MB/s sequen­ti­al read and 4,250MB/s sequen­ti­al wri­te speeds, the MP600 is rea­dy to beco­me the sto­rage cen­ter of your new 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen Desk­top Pro­ces­sor and AMD X570 chip­set-based system.


Along­side today’s unvei­ling of the MP600 and the AMD X570 chip­set, CORSAIR is proud to announ­ce wide-ran­ging com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty across its full lin­e­up of pro­ducts for both the new AMD X570 chip­set and the upco­ming ran­ge of 3rd Gene­ra­ti­on AMD Ryzen™ Desk­top Pro­ces­sors. From high-effi­ci­en­cy power sup­pli­es, per­for­mance all-in-one liquid CPU coo­lers and enthu­si­ast cases to high-speed SSDs and per­for­mance DDR4 memo­ry, CORSAIR com­pon­ents ensu­re that users will get the most from AMD’s exci­ting new plat­form and ran­ge of processors.


AMD is making huge stri­des in brin­ging new, high-per­for­mance fea­tures to the PC enthu­si­ast mar­ket, and we’re deligh­ted to be able to part­ner with them in doing so,” said Andy Paul, Foun­der and CEO of CORSAIR. “With the MP600, AMD X570 mother­board owners will be able to expe­ri­ence the bene­fits of PCIe 4.0 imme­dia­te­ly, with the fas­test CORSAIR SSD yet at the cen­ter of their system.”


CORSAIR has long been a key AMD part­ner, sup­port­ing AMD pro­ces­sers and boards with its wide-ran­ge of per­for­mance DDR memo­ry and PC com­pon­ents” said Chris Kilb­urn, cor­po­ra­te vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger, Cli­ent Chan­nel, AMD. “The MP600 is the ide­al con­ti­nua­tion of that part­ner­ship, brin­ging ama­zing new high-per­for­mance sto­rage to plat­forms built on our revo­lu­tio­na­ry new PCIe 4.0 rea­dy AMD X570 chipset.”



Avai­la­bi­li­ty, War­ran­ty and Pricing



The CORSAIR Force Series MP600 NVMe PCIe Gen4 x4 M.2 SSD will be available along­side the full launch of AMD X570 chip­set mother­boards and new 3rd Gene­ra­ti­on AMD Ryzen™ Desk­top Pro­ces­sors in July 2019. The MP600 will be available from the CORSAIR world­wi­de net­work of aut­ho­ri­zed retail­ers and distributors.


The Force Series MP600 is backed by a five-year war­ran­ty and the CORSAIR world­wi­de cus­to­mer ser­vice and tech­ni­cal sup­port network.


For up-to-date pri­cing of the CORSAIR Force Series MP600, plea­se refer to the CORSAIR web­site or cont­act your local CORSAIR sales or PR representative.


AMD, the AMD logo, Ryzen, and com­bi­na­ti­ons the­reof are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc.



Foun­ded in 1994, CORSAIR has grown from pio­nee­ring the high-per­for­mance DRAM mar­ket into one of the world’s lea­ding pro­vi­ders of high-per­for­mance PC peri­pherals and com­pon­ents. CORSAIR offers a com­ple­te ran­ge of pro­ducts to equip gamers, enthu­si­asts and e‑sports ath­le­tes, inclu­ding mecha­ni­cal key­boards, pre­cis­i­on gam­ing mice, wire­less head­sets, high-per­for­mance com­pon­ents that gamers use to build gam­ing PCs, and the CORSAIR ONE ful­ly-inte­gra­ted gam­ing PC. With a com­pa­ny-wide com­mit­ment to qua­li­ty, inno­va­ti­ve design, advan­ced fea­tures and high per­for­mance, CORSAIR pro­ducts have won thou­sands of media and indus­try awards, ear­ning their place in gamers’ hands and PCs fol­lo­wing years of deve­lo­p­ment and engi­nee­ring by a team dedi­ca­ted to buil­ding gre­at pro­ducts they them­sel­ves would want to use.


Copy­right © 2019 CORSAIR Com­pon­ents, Inc. All rights reser­ved. CORSAIR, the sails logo, and Ven­ge­an­ce are regis­tered trade­marks of CORSAIR in the United Sta­tes and/or other count­ries. All other com­pa­ny and/or pro­duct names may be trade names, trade­marks, and/or regis­tered trade­marks of the respec­ti­ve owners with which they are asso­cia­ted. Fea­tures, pri­cing, avai­la­bi­li­ty, and spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons are sub­ject to chan­ge wit­hout notice