Beamr Delivers World’s First 8K Live HEVC Software Video Encoder powered by an AMD EPYC™ Processor In Time for Tokyo 2020 Olympics

Beamr has unleas­hed a world record video enco­ding bench­mark by show­ing 8K broad­cast-qua­li­ty live enco­ding in soft­ware run­ning on a sin­gle socket AMD EPYC™ 7742 processor.

TEL AVIV, Isra­elSept. 13, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Beamr Ima­ging Ltd. announ­ced today with AMD  that they have achie­ved a first for the strea­ming video indus­try by demons­t­ra­ting Beamr 5, ope­ra­ting on a sin­gle socket AMD EPYC™ 7742 pro­ces­sor, to encode an unpre­ce­den­ted 79 frames per second in real-time at 8K reso­lu­ti­on and with 10-bit color requi­red for HDR.


Accor­ding to the Con­su­mer Tech­no­lo­gy Asso­cia­ti­on (CTA), by the end of 2022, more than 3.4 mil­li­on 8K TVs will have been sold in the US alo­ne. Mordor Intel­li­gence reports that the Asia-Paci­fic regi­on, spe­ci­fi­cal­ly Chi­na and Japan, will see the fas­test growth in 8K. This is dri­ven by China’s manu­fac­tu­ring domi­nan­ce in the sec­tor, and Japan’s ear­ly adop­ti­on of 8K broad­cas­ting, with the semi­nal event the dis­tri­bu­ti­on of the Tokyo 2020 Olym­pics by NHK. For the video dis­tri­bu­ti­on indus­try, the adop­ti­on of soft­ware-based enco­ding solu­ti­ons that pro­vi­de an easy update path to hig­her reso­lu­ti­ons will be essen­ti­al to com­pe­te today and in the future.

The AMD EPYC 7002 Series Pro­ces­sors arri­ved in per­fect time for broad­cast and OTT video strea­ming cus­to­mers pre­pa­ring for Tokyo 2020. Video ser­vices ever­y­whe­re are begin­ning to com­pe­te with hig­her qua­li­ty and expan­ded reso­lu­ti­ons,” sta­ted Eli Lubitch, Pre­si­dent of Beamr. “We are thril­led to bring to the indus­try the hig­hest den­si­ty and best qua­li­ty for soft­ware enco­ding, by lever­aging AMD’s new pro­ces­sor architecture.”

Video Enco­ding Per­for­mance Optimized

2nd Gen AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors deli­ver excep­tio­nal levels of per­for­mance and TCO for media & enter­tain­ment cus­to­mers,” said Rag­hu Nam­bi­ar, Cor­po­ra­te Vice Pre­si­dent, and Chief Tech­no­lo­gy Offi­cer at AMD. “We are exci­ted to join Beamr with brin­ging high-per­for­mance soft­ware-based video enco­ding powered by AMD EPYC 7002 Series Pro­ces­sors to mar­ket. It is impres­si­ve to see Beamr 5 con­sis­t­ent­ly loa­ding all cores in both sin­gle socket and dual-socket con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons. 8K live enco­ding is the per­fect demons­tra­ti­on of AMD EPYC’s supe­ri­or performance.”

The fan­ta­stic per­for­mance of Beamr 5 is as a result of the high­ly opti­mi­zed par­al­le­lism which can be found insi­de the core archi­tec­tu­re of its codec engi­ne. This is a uni­que fea­ture of all Beamr soft­ware enco­ders and is cover­ed by a por­ti­on of our 45 Inter­na­tio­nal patents that enable the capa­bi­li­ty to encode live 8K 10-bit HEVC video at 60 FPS relia­bly with broad­cast quality.

With the rise of AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Pro­ces­sors in public cloud and pri­va­te data cen­ters, video ser­vices will be hap­py to know that the per­for­mance available with Beamr on AMD for 8K, appli­es to 4K and HD reso­lu­ti­ons as well. This enables maxi­mum fle­xi­bi­li­ty for any com­bi­na­ti­on of video ser­vice capa­bi­li­ties that may be desired.

Expan­ding the Beamr Soft­ware Enco­ding Eco­sys­tem with AMD EPYC™ Processors

Users of Beamr 5 include some of the big­gest OTT video strea­ming ser­vices in the world. Broad­cas­ters, Pay TV dis­tri­bu­tors, and OTT strea­ming ser­vices are racing to show con­su­mers that they have the most com­pel­ling con­tent, with equal­ly matched video quality.


Down­load the Solu­ti­on Brief to learn more about the Beamr — AMD EPYC™ 8K live soft­ware enco­ding solu­ti­on:

For a clo­ser view of the video qua­li­ty that this ground­brea­king 8K live enco­ding solu­ti­on can pro­du­ce, you can meet with the Beamr team at the IBC show in Ams­ter­damSep­tem­ber 13th to the 17th, 2019. The Beamr booth will be found in Hall 5.C50.

About Beamr

Beamr ser­ves the world’s top Pay TV and OTT video ser­vice pro­vi­ders as the lea­ding desi­gner and deve­lo­per of high-per­for­mance broad­cast-gra­de enco­ding and opti­miza­ti­on soft­ware solu­ti­ons. Beamr video enco­ding pro­ducts enable the hig­hest video qua­li­ty and bit­ra­te effi­ci­en­cy for MSOs, OTT con­tent dis­tri­bu­tors, broad­cas­ters, and video strea­ming plat­forms. Backed by 45 Inter­na­tio­nal patents, Beamr’s codec and con­tent-adap­ti­ve enco­ding tech­no­lo­gy extend into a line of HEVC and H.264 enco­ders that fea­ture CABR, a rate-con­trol mode that enables gua­ran­teed qua­li­ty with bit­ra­tes up to 50% smal­ler than VBR as a result of the enco­der adap­ting per­fect­ly to the spe­ci­fic needs of the con­tent being encoded. Foun­ded in 2009, Beamr inves­tors include Veri­zon Ven­tures, Inno­va­ti­on Endea­vors, and Disruptive.

AMD, EPYC, and com­bi­na­ti­ons the­reof, are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc.