Schlagwort: 8K

Beamr Delivers World’s First 8K Live HEVC Software Video Encoder powered by an AMD EPYC™ Processor In Time for Tokyo 2020 Olympics

Beamr has unleas­hed a world record video enco­ding bench­mark by show­ing 8K broa­d­­cast-qua­­li­­ty live enco­ding in soft­ware run­ning on a sin­gle socket AMD EPYC™ 7742 pro­ces­sor. TEL AVIV, Isra­el, Sept. 13, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Beamr Ima­ging Ltd. announ­ced today with AMD  that they have achie­ved a first for the strea­ming video indus­try by demons­t­ra­ting Beamr 5, ope­ra­ting on a sin­gle socket AMD EPYC™ (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »