WinSCP 5.15.5

Die Open-Source-Soft­ware Win­SCP von Mar­tin Prik­ryl ist ein SFTP‑, FTP‑, Web­DAV- und S3-Cli­ent für Win­dows, der auch das alte SCP-Pro­to­koll unter­stützt. Die Free­ware bie­tet einen geschütz­ten Daten- und Datei­trans­fer zwi­schen ver­schie­de­nen Rech­nern und ermög­licht die Nut­zung ver­schlüs­sel­ter “Tun­nel”.


  • Back-pro­pa­ga­ted fixes and chan­ges from 5.16–5.16.1 releases: 
    • Secu­ri­ty fix from PuT­TY 0.73: On Win­dows, other appli­ca­ti­ons were able to bind to the same TCP port as a Win­SCP local port for­war­ding. vuln-win-exclu­si­ve­ad­dru­se
    • XML par­ser upgraded to Expat 2.2.9.
    • Bug fix: Error when reope­ning a remo­te file who­se local tem­po­ra­ry copy has been dele­ted. 1790
    • Bug fix: Edi­ted path was hid­den behind a brow­sing but­ton on file/directory path sel­ec­tion boxes. 1791
  • SSH pri­va­te key tools (PuT­TY­gen and Pageant) upgraded to PuT­TY 0.73.
  • Instal­ler trans­la­ti­ons updated: Czech, Dutch, Ger­man, Ita­li­an, Polish, Slo­vak and Turkish.



Down­load: Win­SCP & Win­SCP Portable
Ver­si­on 5.15.5
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 16.10.2019
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows
Lizenz: Open Source