PowerToys v0.14.0

Erst­mals für Win­dows 95 ver­öf­fent­lich­te Micro­soft eine Samm­lung von kos­ten­lo­sen Hilfs­pro­gram­men unter dem Namen PowerT­oys, zu der auch das bekann­te Twea­kUI gehör­te. Für Win­dows 10 wur­de nun ein Open-Source-Pro­jekt gestar­tet, das die PowerT­oys wie­der­be­le­ben soll. Gestar­tet war das Pro­jekt mit den Tools Fan­cy­Zo­nes und Short­cut Gui­de. Die ers­ten bei­den Tools, sowie wei­te­re Infor­ma­tio­nen zu dem Pro­jekt wur­den in einem Blog-Post bei Micro­soft vorgestellt.

PowerT­oys v0.11.0 — Fan­cy­Zo­nes und Short­cut Guide




  • Remo­ved lega­cy edi­tor (along with the set­tings opti­on to choo­se bet­ween the lega­cy edi­tor and the new editor).
  • Added a set­tings to disable Fan­zy­Zo­nes for user defi­ned list of applications.
  • The edi­tor now opens high­light­ing the cur­rent acti­ve layout.
  • Show the cor­rect key­board key for the edi­tor short­cut (with some limi­ta­ti­ons due to the Web­View control).

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the Fan­cy­Zo­nes bug that was ste­al­ing the num­ber keys (most­ly hap­pe­ning when drag­ging Chro­me tabs).
  • Fixed a DPI sca­ling bug in the Fan­cy­Zo­nes edi­tor that was caus­ing the zones to be pla­ced in the wrong posi­ti­on on the screen.
  • Fixed bug pre­ven­ting seve­ral apps from working with Fan­cy­Zo­nes (the­re are still some cases, like remo­te apps, that may not work).



  • The dia­log can be resi­zed (still need to finis­hed the work to hand­le DPI chan­ges when moving the dia­log bet­ween screen with dif­fe­rent scaling %).
  • Added set­tings to res­to­re search and replace flags value from pre­vious run.
  • Added set­tings to enable auto­com­ple­te and auto-suggest.

Bug fixes:

  • Impro­ved RegEx replace result.
  • Fix bug pre­ven­ting sub-fol­der items to be ren­a­med if parent fol­der is also renamed.

Other bug fixes

  • fixed a bug in the run­ner that was caus­ing the tray icon to not appear.
  • minor UI tweaks to the Set­tings appearance (icons posi­ti­on and mar­gins, module’s descrip­ti­on text and docu­men­ta­ti­on links posi­ti­on and margins).
  • fixed a crash in the SortcutGuide.

NOTE: when upgrading from a pre­vious ver­si­on, the instal­ler will clo­se all the Win­dows Explo­rer win­dows in order to update the Power­Re­name shell extension.


Down­load: PowerT­oys
Ver­si­on: v0.14.0
Datei­grö­ße 3,26 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 02.12.2019
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows 10
Lizenz: Open Source
Web­sei­te PowerT­oys (Git­Hub)