Process Lasso v9.5.0.40

Pro­cess Las­so ist ein auto­ma­ti­sier­tes Win­dows Pro­zess­ma­nage­ment- und Opti­mie­rungs-Tool für Win­dows Vis­ta, 7, 8 und 10, das die Reak­ti­ons­fä­hig­keit des Sys­tems — beson­ders bei hohen Pro­zes­sor­aus­las­tun­gen — durch einen eige­nen Algo­rith­mus posi­tiv beein­flus­sen soll. Neben einer kos­ten­pflich­ti­gen Pro-Ver­si­on sind zusätz­lich eine Ser­ver-Edi­ti­on sowie älte­re Ver­sio­nen für Win­dows XP und Win­dows 2000 verfügbar.


Win­dows has a par­ti­cu­lar­ly bad pro­blem deal­ing with threads that deci­de they want to con­su­me every bit of CPU time they can get their hands on (CPU bound threads). A sin­gle CPU bound thread run­ning at Nor­mal prio­ri­ty can bring an enti­re sin­gle-CPU sys­tem to a stall, as demons­tra­ted by our gra­phi­cal pro­of of con­cept below. Yes, it is true – belie­ve it or not! It is this worst case sce­na­rio that Pro­cess Las­so was ori­gi­nal­ly writ­ten to address. By tem­po­r­a­ri­ly lowe­ring the prio­ri­ty of the offen­ding pro­cess, your PC can be saved from a full stall.


v9.5.0.40 – Dec 18 2019 – major

  • Added Regu­lar Expres­si­on matching to mul­ti­ple fields for Ins­tance Balan­cer, Watch­dog, and CPU Limi­ter rules. See docu­men­ta­ti­on on pro­cess matching.
  • Opti­miza­ti­ons to GUI
  • Impro­ve­ments to Acti­ve Pro­ces­ses tab
  • Lar­ge num­ber of assor­ted fixes and enhance­ments
    (35) GUI: Restore average CPU utilization to active processes tab
    (33) GUI: Watchdog dialog: Replace CPU % threshold drop-down with edit box
    (33) GUI: Watchdog dialog: Round CPU % given in decimal to nearest integer pending Watchdog support for such
    (29) GUI: Bring existing instance of Insights to foreground if already running
    (29) Core: Fix issue with traditional rules when user is appended after single character process match (e.g. *:jerem)
    (29) InstallHelper: Cosmetic to dialogs
    (27) Insights: Added menu item for Advanced ProBalance Options dialog
    (27) Insights: Fix some settings could revert when changed from Advanced ProBalance Options dialog
    (23) Insights: Fixes and enhancements
    (25) GUI: Make Process Lasso info (e.g. config path) selectable in About Dialog for copy/paste
    (23) GUI: Instance Balancer dialog: Show error when user tries to add static core count rule with 0 cores specified
    (21) GUI: Assortment of small cosmetic and internal improvements
    (21) GUI: Optimizations
    (17) GUI: Fix a filter issue with mixed case in some fields
    (15) GUI: Rewrote process icon management
    (5..11) GUI: Some refactoring of Active Processes tab code
    (89) Core: Add RegEx (and multi-field) support to CPU Limiter, Watchdog, and Instance Balancer
    (89) GUI: Add 'help' buttons beside process match strings for Instance Balancer, CPULimiter, and Watchdog
    (87) Core: Fix Instance Balancer issue when total logical cores is not evenly divisible by per-instance core count
    (87) GUI: Add Windows 10/2019 build number to status bar
    (87) GUI: Support Dark Mode up to Win10 build 19536
    (85) GUI: Add 'View / Colors / Always allow Dark Mode' for user over-ride on untested new Win10 builds
    (85) GUI: Change priority adjusted log action text to remove colon
    (83) GUI: Fix a reported GUI crash
    (77) GUI: Add dynamic (updating) RAM stats to SmartTrim dialog
    (77) GUI: Remove cache size from status bar RAM part
    (73) Core.InstanceBalancer: Allow 'childof:' prefix to be any character case
    (73) GUI: Fix Show/hide graph button one pixel too wide in Active Processes view
    (71) GUI: Show icons in Active Processes tab
    Language updates


Down­load: Pro­cess Lasso
Ver­si­on: v9.5.0.40
Datei­grö­ße 2,28 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 18.12.2019
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows Vis­ta, 7, 8 und 10 (32- und 64-Bit)
Lizenz: Free­ware, Pro Ver­si­on kostenpflichtig
Web­sei­te bits­um
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