Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 19.12.3

Mit der Ver­si­on 19.12.3 liegt ein ers­tes Hot­fix-Update der AMD die Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2020 Edi­ti­on vor, das zahl­rei­che Feh­ler besei­ti­gen soll. Seit der Ver­si­on 19.2.3 wer­den Mobil­pro­zes­so­ren mit inte­grier­ter Vega-Gra­fik unter­stützt, sodass Note­book­be­sit­zer nun nicht mehr auf den Trei­ber­sup­port der jewei­li­gen Her­stel­ler ange­wie­sen sind, son­dern die­sen Trei­ber eben­falls nut­zen kön­nen. Für die­se hat AMD auch eine FAQ ver­öf­fent­licht.

  • Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 19.12.3 Highlights

    Fixed Issues

    • Game and boost clocks may be incor­rect­ly repor­ted for Rade­on™ RX 5500 XT gra­phics pro­ducts in Rade­on Software.
    • Rade­on Soft­ware Install may expe­ri­ence an error and fail to detect AMD gra­phics hard­ware when a cer­tain WiFi adap­ter is enab­led in the system.
    • Rocket League™ may crash or expe­ri­ence an appli­ca­ti­on hang after per­forming a task switch.
    • A black screen may occur when Per­for­mance Metrics Over­lay is open and chan­ging game resolution.
    • After dis­ab­ling Rade­on Soft­ware Over­lay users may still see the toast mes­sa­ges for the over­lay short­cut while in full­screen games.
    • Audio from cus­tom sce­nes may con­ti­nue to play after recor­ding or strea­ming has been stopped.
    • Instal­ler audio has been redu­ced as it was too loud on some sys­tem configurations.
    • Some users may be unable to sel­ect drop downs in gra­phics set­tings for Tes­sel­la­ti­on Mode.
    • Rade­on ReLi­ve may appear to be miss­ing or not available to install on some sys­tem con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons with Hyper‑V enabled.
    • New­ly added game pro­files may fail to enable the curr­ent­ly sel­ec­ted glo­bal gra­phics set­tings opti­ons in their profile.
    • Per­forming an auto update from web to Adre­na­lin 2020 Edi­ti­on from Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on may fail with an error code.
    • Impro­ved Rade­on Chill expe­ri­ence when using a gam­ing mouse.
    • Swit­ching bet­ween bor­der­less and full­screen in some games when Per­for­mance Over­lay is enab­led and Rade­on Free­Sync is enab­led may cau­se stuttering.
    • Mech­War­ri­or 5: Mer­ce­na­ries™ may expe­ri­ence black cor­rup­ti­on near the bot­tom of the screen clo­se to the play­er model.
    • Rade­on Anti-Lag may fail to enable for DirectX® 9 appli­ca­ti­ons when enab­led in the glo­bal gra­phics set­tings options.
    • Rade­on Anti-Lag may fail to enable for Coun­ter-Strike: Glo­bal Offensive™.
    • The cus­tom stream opti­on may fail to pre­sent users with a url box to choo­se their endpoint.
    • DirectML Media Fil­ters may fail to app­ly Ups­ca­le and Denoi­se when attemp­ting to do both at the same time on one image.
    • Some Rade­on Free­Sync enab­led dis­plays may expe­ri­ence LFC inter­mit­tent­ly enab­ling mid game caus­ing poor per­for­mance or stutter.
    • A grey box may pre­vent users from set­ting cus­tom hot­keys in the sce­ne editor.
    • Per­forming Auto Tuning for gra­phics clocks on Rade­on RX 5700 XT may result in an extre­me­ly high OC or unsta­ble OC.
    • Some games may expe­ri­ence insta­bi­li­ty and screen loss or con­trol loss when per­forming a task switch when the Gam­ing pro­fi­le is set in Rade­on Soft­ware which enables Rade­on Enhan­ced Sync.
    • Rade­on Image Shar­pe­ning may fail to enable in Star Wars Jedi: Fal­len Order™.
    • HDCP 2.2 enab­led con­tent may fail to play on some Rade­on RX 500 series gra­phics products.

    Known Issues

    • Some Rade­on R9 200, Rade­on R9 300 and Rade­on R9 Fury series gra­phics pro­ducts may expe­ri­ence insta­bi­li­ty with a limi­t­ed num­ber of DirectX®9 or DirectX®11 games when using a high refresh rate 120hz+ dis­play. A work­around if you are expe­ri­en­cing this issue is to lower your dis­plays refresh rate.
    • Tri­als Rising™ may expe­ri­ence exces­si­ve fog/smoke in some are­as of the game.
    • CPU usa­ge may remain some­ti­mes remain high once Rade­on Game Advi­sor has been invo­ked during a game.
    • Fac­to­ry Reset install may keep pre­vious­ly con­fi­gu­red Rade­on Soft­ware game pro­files. This can cau­se mis­match bet­ween glo­bal gra­phics set­tings and per pro­fi­le settings.
    • Text over­flow in some UI boxes or toast mes­sa­ges may be expe­ri­en­ced in some lan­guage localizations.
    • Con­trols for ver­ti­cal sync may be hid­den or dis­ap­pear when Rade­on Enhan­ced Sync is enabled.
    • Rade­on Soft­ware may open with an incon­sis­tent size or may not keep it’s pre­vious­ly set size when opened.
    • Some Vul­kan® gam­ing appli­ca­ti­ons may crash when per­forming a task switch with Rade­on Image Shar­pe­ning enabled.
    • Inte­ger Sca­ling may cau­se some video con­tent to show fli­cker when the dis­play reso­lu­ti­on is set to less than nati­ve resolution.
    • Per­for­mance Metrics Over­lay may appear to lock frame rate at 60 fps when per­forming a task switch in or out of a game.
    • Batt­le­field™ V may expe­ri­ence an appli­ca­ti­on hang when chan­ging set­tings in game with Rade­on Boost enab­led on Rade­on RX 5700 series gra­phics products.
    • Per­forming a reso­lu­ti­on chan­ge while Rade­on Soft­ware over­lay is open may cau­se an appli­ca­ti­on hang or TDR.
    • Enab­ling Rade­on Image Shar­pe­ning on HDR enab­led dis­plays may cau­se colors to beco­me washed out.
    • Mor­tal Kom­bat 11™ may expe­ri­ence an appli­ca­ti­on crash after the splash screen on Rade­on RX 5700 series gra­phics products.
    • SETI@Home may be pro­vi­ded incor­rect results from Rade­on RX 5700 series gra­phics products.

    Added Vulkan™ Support

    • VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore (Win7 Support) 
      • This exten­si­on intro­du­ces a new sema­pho­re type that uses an inte­ger pay­load to iden­ti­fy a point in a time­line. The exten­si­on sup­ports query­ing the sema­pho­re, host wait/signal ope­ra­ti­ons, and device wait/signal operations.
    • VK_KHR_shader_float_controls
      • This exten­si­on sup­ports query­ing and over­ri­ding the default beha­vi­or of roun­ding modes, denor­mals, signed zero and infi­ni­ty for floa­ting point computations.
    • VK_KHR_separate_depth_stencil_layouts
      • The exten­si­on sepa­ra­tes the depth and sten­cil bits allo­wing their image lay­outs to be set independently.
    • VK_EXT_tooling_info
      • This exten­si­on allows appli­ca­ti­ons to query Vul­kan tools that are acti­ve on the developer’s system.
    • VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_feedback
      • This exten­si­on adds a mecha­nism to pro­vi­de feed­back to an appli­ca­ti­on about pipe­line creation.

    Important Notes

    • AMD Ryzen™ Mobi­le Pro­ces­sors with Rade­on™ Vega Gra­phics FAQ for Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2020 Edi­ti­on can be found here.

    Package Contents

    The Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2020 Edi­ti­on 19.12.3 instal­la­ti­on packa­ge con­ta­ins the following:

    • Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2020 Edi­ti­on 19.12.3 Dri­ver Ver­si­on  (Win­dows Dri­ver Store Ver­si­on 26.20.15003.5016)


Down­load: Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2020
Ver­si­on: 19.12.3
Datei­grö­ße Win­dows 10: 481,88 MiB
Win­dows 7:  660,68 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 18.12.2019
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows 10 und 7
Lizenz: pro­prie­tär