Cisco Appoints AMD President and CEO Dr. Lisa T. Su to Board of Directors

News Sum­ma­ry:

  • AMD Pre­si­dent and CEO Dr. Lisa Su Appoin­ted to Cis­co Board of Directors.
  • Dr. Su’s busi­ness lea­der­ship com­bi­ned with tech­no­lo­gy and semi­con­duc­tor exper­ti­se will be a tre­men­dous asset to Cisco’s Board.

SAN JOSE, Calif., Janu­ary 27, 2020 – Cis­co today announ­ced the appoint­ment of Dr. Lisa T. Su, AMD pre­si­dent and CEO, to its board of direc­tors effec­ti­ve today.

Lisa is an accom­plished busi­ness lea­der with deep exper­ti­se in the semi­con­duc­tor indus­try,” said Chuck Rob­bins, chair­man and CEO, Cis­co. “We look for­ward to her con­tri­bu­ti­ons to Cisco’s board and our busi­ness as we con­ti­nue to deve­lop ground brea­king tech­no­lo­gies, and a new inter­net for the 5G era that will help our cus­to­mers inno­va­te fas­ter than ever before.”

Dr. Su, 50, joi­n­ed AMD in 2012 and has held the posi­ti­on of Pre­si­dent and Chief Exe­cu­ti­ve Offi­cer sin­ce Octo­ber 2014. She also ser­ves on AMD’s Board of Direc­tors. Pre­vious­ly, Dr. Su ser­ved as Seni­or Vice Pre­si­dent and Gene­ral Mana­ger, Net­wor­king and Mul­ti­me­dia at Frees­ca­le Semi­con­duc­tor, Inc., and was respon­si­ble for glo­bal stra­tegy, mar­ke­ting and engi­nee­ring for the company’s embedded com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and appli­ca­ti­ons pro­ces­sor busi­ness. Dr. Su joi­n­ed Frees­ca­le in 2007 as Chief Tech­no­lo­gy Offi­cer, whe­re she led the company’s tech­no­lo­gy road­map and rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment efforts. Dr. Su spent the pre­vious 13 years at IBM in various engi­nee­ring and busi­ness lea­der­ship posi­ti­ons, inclu­ding Vice Pre­si­dent of the Semi­con­duc­tor Rese­arch and Deve­lo­p­ment Cen­ter respon­si­ble for the stra­te­gic direc­tion of IBM’s sili­con tech­no­lo­gies, joint deve­lo­p­ment alli­ances and semi­con­duc­tor R&D ope­ra­ti­ons. Pri­or to IBM, she was a mem­ber of the tech­ni­cal staff at Texas Instru­ments Incor­po­ra­ted from 1994 to 1995. Dr. Su has a Bache­lor of Sci­ence, Mas­ter of Sci­ence and Doc­to­ra­te degrees in Elec­tri­cal Engi­nee­ring from the Mas­sa­chu­setts Insti­tu­te of Tech­no­lo­gy (MIT).

For more infor­ma­ti­on about Cisco’s board of direc­tors visit here.

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Cis­co (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the world­wi­de tech­no­lo­gy lea­der that has been making the Inter­net work sin­ce 1984. Our peo­p­le, pro­ducts, and part­ners help socie­ty secu­re­ly con­nect and sei­ze tomorrow’s digi­tal oppor­tu­ni­ty today. Dis­co­ver more at and fol­low us on Twit­ter at @Cisco.


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