Samsung to Advance High Performance Computing Systems with Launch of Industry’s First 3rd-generation (16GB) HBM2E

New HBM2E stacks eight 16Gb DRAM dies to achieve 16GB package capacity and ensures a stable data transfer speed at 3.2Gbps

Sam­sung Elec­tro­nics, the world lea­der in advan­ced memo­ry tech­no­lo­gy, today announ­ced the mar­ket launch of ‘Flash­bolt’, its third-gene­ra­ti­on High Band­width Memo­ry 2E (HBM2E). The new 16-giga­byte (GB) HBM2E is uni­que­ly sui­ted to maxi­mi­ze high per­for­mance com­pu­ting (HPC) sys­tems and help sys­tem manu­fac­tu­r­ers to advan­ce their super­com­pu­ters, AI-dri­ven data ana­ly­tics and sta­te-of-the-art gra­phics sys­tems in a time­ly manner.


With the intro­duc­tion of the hig­hest per­forming DRAM available today, we are taking a cri­ti­cal step to enhan­ce our role as the lea­ding inno­va­tor in the fast-gro­wing pre­mi­um memo­ry mar­ket,” said Cheol Choi, exe­cu­ti­ve vice pre­si­dent of Memo­ry Sales & Mar­ke­ting at Sam­sung Elec­tro­nics. “Sam­sung will con­ti­nue to deli­ver on its com­mit­ment to bring tru­ly dif­fe­ren­tia­ted solu­ti­ons as we rein­force our edge in the glo­bal memo­ry marketplace.”


Rea­dy to deli­ver twice the capa­ci­ty of the pre­vious-gene­ra­ti­on 8GB HBM2 ‘Aquabolt’, the new Flash­bolt also shar­ply increa­ses per­for­mance and power effi­ci­en­cy to signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ve next-gene­ra­ti­on com­pu­ting sys­tems. The 16GB capa­ci­ty is achie­ved by ver­ti­cal­ly stack­ing eight lay­ers of 10nm-class (1y) 16-giga­bit (Gb) DRAM dies on top of a buf­fer chip. This HBM2E packa­ge is then inter­con­nec­ted in a pre­cise arran­ge­ment of more than 40,000 ‘through sili­con via’ (TSV) micro­bumps, with each 16Gb die con­tai­ning over 5,600 of the­se micro­sco­pic holes.


Samsung’s Flash­bolt pro­vi­des a high­ly relia­ble data trans­fer speed of 3.2 giga­bits per second (Gbps) by lever­aging a pro­prie­ta­ry opti­mi­zed cir­cuit design for signal trans­mis­si­on, while offe­ring a memo­ry band­width of 410GB/s per stack. Samsung’s HBM2E can also attain a trans­fer speed of 4.2Gbps, the maxi­mum tes­ted data rate to date, enab­ling up to a 538GB/s band­width per stack in cer­tain future appli­ca­ti­ons. This would repre­sent a 1.75x enhance­ment over Aquabolt’s 307GB/s.


Sam­sung expects to begin volu­me pro­duc­tion during the first half of this year. The com­pa­ny will con­ti­nue pro­vi­ding its second-gene­ra­ti­on Aquabolt lin­e­up while expan­ding its third-gene­ra­ti­on Flash­bolt offe­ring, and will fur­ther streng­then col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons with eco­sys­tem part­ners in next-gene­ra­ti­on sys­tems as it acce­le­ra­tes the tran­si­ti­on to HBM solu­ti­ons throug­hout the pre­mi­um memo­ry market.