Schlagwort: HBM2E

SK Hynix Starts Mass-Production of High-Speed DRAM, “HBM2E

SEOUL, South Korea, July 1, 2020 — SK hynix Inc. (or ‘the Com­pa­ny,’ announ­ced that it has star­ted the full-sca­­le mass-pro­­duc­­ti­on of high-speed DRAM, ‘HBM2E’, only ten months after the Com­pa­ny announ­ced the deve­lo­p­ment of the new pro­duct in August last year. SK hynix’s HBM2E sup­ports over 460GB (Giga­byte) per second with 1,024 I/Os (Inputs/Outputs) based on (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Synopsys Delivers Silicon-Proven HBM2E PHY IP Operating at 3.2 Gbps

Design­Wa­re HBM2E PHY IP in TSMC’s N7 Pro­cess Deli­vers High Through­put for Advan­ced Gra­phics, High-Per­­for­­mance Com­pu­ting and Net­wor­king SoCs   MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Feb. 25, 2020 /PRNews­wire/ – High­lights: Syn­op­sys’ Design­Wa­re HBM2E IP in TSMC’s N7 pro­cess pro­vi­des up to 409 GBps aggre­ga­te memo­ry band­width with low-power con­sump­ti­on and laten­cy The HBM2E PHY has been veri­fied using TSMC’s CoWoS® tech­no­lo­gy (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Samsung to Advance High Performance Computing Systems with Launch of Industry’s First 3rd-generation (16GB) HBM2E

New HBM2E stacks eight 16Gb DRAM dies to achie­ve 16GB packa­ge capa­ci­ty and ensu­res a sta­ble data trans­fer speed at 3.2Gbps Sam­sung Elec­tro­nics, the world lea­der in advan­ced memo­ry tech­no­lo­gy, today announ­ced the mar­ket launch of ‘Flash­bolt’, its third-gene­ra­­ti­on High Band­width Memo­ry 2E (HBM2E). The new 16-giga­­by­te (GB) HBM2E is uni­que­ly sui­ted to maxi­mi­ze high (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Samsung Electronics Introduces New High Bandwidth Memory Technology Tailored to Data Centers, Graphic Applications, and AI

SAN JOSE, Calif.–Samsung Elec­tro­nics Co., Ltd., the world lea­der in advan­ced semi­con­duc­tor tech­no­lo­gy, today announ­ced its new High Band­width Memo­ry (HBM2E) pro­duct at NVIDIA’s GPU Tech­no­lo­gy Con­fe­rence (GTC) to deli­ver the hig­hest DRAM per­for­mance levels for use in next-gene­ra­­ti­on super­com­pu­ters, gra­phics sys­tems, and arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence (AI). The new solu­ti­on, Flash­bolt™, is the industry’s first HBM2E (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »