WinSCP 5.17.3

Die Open-Source-Soft­ware Win­SCP von Mar­tin Prik­ryl ist ein SFTP‑, FTP‑, Web­DAV- und S3-Cli­ent für Win­dows, der auch das alte SCP-Pro­to­koll unter­stützt. Die Free­ware bie­tet einen geschütz­ten Daten- und Datei­trans­fer zwi­schen ver­schie­de­nen Rech­nern und ermög­licht die Nut­zung ver­schlüs­sel­ter “Tun­nel”.



  • TLS/SSL core upgraded to Open­S­SL 1.1.1f.
  • Web­DAV core upgraded to neon 0.31.0.
  • Instal­ler upgraded to Inno Set­up 6.0.4.
  • Trans­la­ti­on updated: French.
  • Import­ing site-spe­ci­fic key files from File­Zil­la. 1841
  • Show­ing ses­si­on name in Syn­chro­niza­ti­on check­list and Keep remo­te direc­to­ry up to date win­dows, when the ope­ra­ti­on was exe­cu­ted in a new window/from a com­mand line. 1838
  • Session.ScanFingerprint now works even for Ama­zon S3 protocol.
  • Bug fix: Fail­ure after resum­ing sys­tem from sleep. 1829
  • Bug fix: Opti­on to dis­con­nect a ses­si­on was available even while dele­ting local files, and cau­sed fail­ure when sel­ec­ted while no ses­si­on was actual­ly ope­ned. 1836
  • Bug fix: Fail­ure when pri­ma­ry SSH chan­nel fails to open. 1837
  • Bug fix: SHA-1 fin­ger­print of TLS/SSL cer­ti­fi­ca­te was incor­rect­ly pre­sen­ted as MD5 by Session.ScanFingerprint.
  • Bug fix: When drag­ging file via tem­po­ra­ry direc­to­ry it is dele­ted too ear­ly. 1844



Down­load: Win­SCP & Win­SCP Portable
Ver­si­on 5.17.3
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 01.04.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows
Lizenz: Open Source