PowerToys v0.19.0

Erst­mals für Win­dows 95 ver­öf­fent­lich­te Micro­soft eine Samm­lung von kos­ten­lo­sen Hilfs­pro­gram­men unter dem Namen PowerT­oys, zu der auch das bekann­te Twea­kUI gehör­te. Für Win­dows 10 wur­de nun ein Open-Source-Pro­jekt ins Leben geru­fen, das die PowerT­oys wie­der­be­le­ben soll. Gestar­tet war das Pro­jekt mit den Tools Fan­cy­Zo­nes und Short­cut Gui­de. Mitt­ler­wei­le sind noch File Explo­rer, Image Resi­zer, Key­board Mana­ger, Power­Re­name und PowerT­oys Run hin­zu gekommen.

PowerT­oys v0.11.0 — Fan­cy­Zo­nes und Short­cut Guide


or the enti­re com­mit histo­ry, plea­se look at the 0.19 release. Below are just a few of the bul­let items from this release.

Known issues still for PT Run

  • New­ly instal­led apps can’t be found #3553
    • We have a fix but came in too late for 0.19
  • CPU / Memo­ry, still inves­ti­ga­ting #3208
    • We fixed one item and have leads on other improvements
  • Win­Key remap­ping for PT Run can be quir­ky #4578

PowerToys Run

  • Now using low level hooks so can remap Alt+Space to a Win­Key based short­cut #2325
  • PWAs cor­rect­ly recon­gi­ni­zed #3199
  • Dev mode apps can’t be found #3330
  • Dupli­ca­te results due to romaing pro­fi­le data #3180
  • Steam games not found #3425
  • Hid­den files not in results #3449
  • The­ming impro­ve­ments #3485
  • Miss­ing icons #3541
  • Supress Alt-F4 #3796
  • Net­work paths don’t work #4096
  • Search eni­vorn­ment path by default #4200
  • Search desk­top by default #4056
  • Can’t find Ter­mi­nal #3974
  • Can’t find Click­On­ce apps #4025
  • Start typ­ing text is visi­ble then dis­ap­pears on cold start #2974
  • Tab­bing high­light issue for con­text menu #2559#3483
  • Con­text menu but­tons show­ing up when hove­ring with mou­se #2420
  • Pla­ce­ment shut­ters with moni­tors #3535#3018](#3018)
  • blank result box when there’s not­hing on search query #3186
  • Result box sizing issue #2456


  • Detect when pat­tern matching is used #1002


  • Out­look new email win­dows snap­ped to last used zone #1192
  • Teams noti­fi­ca­ti­ons don’t snap #1931
  • Impro­ved mul­ti-thread design. #961
  • Mul­ti­ple Vir­tu­al Desk­top Fixes. #2725#2684, [#2678]#2678), #2633

Keyboard manager

  • Key remap­pings stay acti­ve when flip­ping to Japa­ne­se IME #3397
  • Tab fix when remap Ctrl/Alt #3294
  • Fix remap­ping to alt-tab/win+space style short­cuts #3331
  • Fixed remap­ping to Exten­ded keys (Home, End, Ins, Del, Pg, Arrow keys) #3478
  • Games having incor­rect key map­ping #3647
  • Fixed num­lock remap #3277
  • Sta­bi­li­ty fixes


  • Set­tings v2 is blan­ked #3384
  • Check for update” actual­ly checks for update vs goes to GH page #2535
  • Docs point to redi­rec­tion URL now so we can update wit­hout updating app #3088
  • Mul­ti­ple UX improvements
  • Start at log­in not being respec­ted #3875
  • Now using low level hooks so can remap Alt+Space to a Win­Key based short­cut #2325
  • War­ning added for inva­lid input in hot­keys for [#3992](FZ Set­tings #3992)


  • Can unin­stall via con­trol panel #2012
  • After 0.19.0, Explo­rer won’t restart #2730
  • Mul­ti­ple build sys­tem impro­ve­ments to redu­ce con­flicts #3809#3812#3867#3948


Down­load: PowerT­oys
Ver­si­on: v0.19.0
Datei­grö­ße 18,9 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 30.06.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows 10
Lizenz: Open Source
Web­sei­te PowerT­oys (Git­Hub)