GIGABYTE AMD Motherboard Adopt the Latest AGESA Microcode to Solve the SMM Callout issue

Plea­se down­load the latest BIOS from GIGABYTE’s offi­ci­al web­site for rela­ti­ve secu­ri­ty issues, enhan­ced per­for­mance, and opti­mi­zed stability


Tai­pei, Tai­wan, July 8th 2020 – GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd, a lea­ding manu­fac­tu­rer of mother­boards, gra­phics cards, and hard­ware solu­ti­ons, announ­ced today the latest BIOS update just recent­ly for AMD plat­form mother­boards. It not only sup­ports 3rd Gen. AMD Ryzen™ XT desk­top pro­ces­sors, but also pro­vi­des effec­ti­ve solu­ti­ons for some of the hid­den SMM Call­out rela­ted secu­ri­ty issues on the AMD APU.

GIGABYTE has been working clo­se­ly with AMD to pro­vi­de the best per­for­mance, enhan­ced user expe­ri­ence, and the reco­very of secu­ri­ty issues. After the pre­vious release of new BIOS for Ryzen™ XT pro­ces­sors, GIGABYTE is also awa­re of the pos­si­bi­li­ty of SMM Call­out rela­ted secu­ri­ty issues on AMD APU pro­ces­sors released from 2016 to 2019. The issue enables atta­ckers to exe­cu­te any coding and con­trol the who­le sys­tem through the sys­tem mana­ge mode of AMD AGESA microcode.

At the time recei­ved the new AMD AGESA micro­code, GIGABYTE RD con­firm­ed that GIGABYTE BIOS with AMD AGESA Com­bo V2 and Com­bo V1 micro­code, not only sup­ports 3rd Gen. AMD Ryzen™ XT desk­top pro­ces­sors, but also pro­vi­des an effec­ti­ve solu­ti­on for the pos­si­ble SMM Call­out rela­ted secu­ri­ty issues on part of the AMD APU. Users can update the latest BIOS to mother­boards through mul­ti­ple ways such as GIGABYTE @BIOS, Q‑Flash. With Q‑Flash Plus on the X570 and B550 series mother­boards, users can easi­ly update BIOS wit­hout even instal­ling a pro­ces­sor, memo­ry, gra­phics cards, so they can enjoy the new BIOS easi­ly and take full advan­ta­ge of the new processors.

The latest Beta BIOS for GIGABYTE AMD X570, B550 mother­boards has been uploa­ded to the offi­ci­al web­site. The latest BIOS for X470, B450, and other chip­sets will be con­ti­nu­al­ly uploa­ded after the midd­le of July. Users can down­load to opti­mi­ze their sys­tems. Plea­se visit the GIGABYTE offi­ci­al web­site for the latest BIOS update.

AMD Plat­form Mother­board BIOS update List:


BIOS Ver­si­on

Beta BIOS Release Date

For­mal BIOS Release Date


F20 and after

Mid. of June, 2020
(rea­dy for download)

Mid. of July, 2020


F2 and after *

Mid. of June, 2020
(rea­dy for download)

Mid. of July, 2020


F51 and after

Mid. of July, 2020

End. of July, 2020


F51 and after *

Mid. of July, 2020

End. of July, 2020


F50 and after

Mid. of July, 2020

End. of July, 2020


F50 and after

Mid. of July, 2020

End. of July, 2020


F50 and after *

Mid. of July, 2020

End. of July, 2020


*Note:Please update BIOS to F4 ver­si­on on B550 AORUS MASTER;to F3 ver­si­on on B450M AORUS ELITE;to F2 ver­si­on on B450M H;to F2 Ver­si­on on A320M HD3.

For more infor­ma­ti­on and news on GIGABYTE pro­ducts, plea­se visit the offi­ci­al GIGABYTE web­site:

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, Ryzen, and com­bi­na­ti­ons the­reof are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc.