Amazon EC2 instances featuring AMD EPYC processors are now available in additional regions

Pos­ted On: Aug 11, 2020

Start­ing today, Ama­zon EC2 C5a ins­tances have expan­ded avai­la­bi­li­ty to include AWS Euro­pe (Stock­holm), Asia Paci­fic (Hong Kong), Asia Paci­fic (Tokyo), Asia Paci­fic (Seo­ul), Euro­pe (Lon­don), US West (N. Cali­for­nia) and Cana­da (Cen­tral) Regi­ons. In addi­ti­on, 8xlarge and 16xlarge sizes of Ama­zon EC2 M5ad and R5ad ins­tances are now available in the US East (N. Vir­gi­nia) Region.

Ama­zon EC2 C5a ins­tances were laun­ched in June of 2020. C5a ins­tances fea­ture 2nd gene­ra­ti­on AMD EPYC™ 7002 series pro­ces­sors run­ning at fre­quen­ci­es up to 3.3 GHz, and are vari­ants of the Ama­zon EC2 com­pu­te opti­mi­zed (C5) fami­ly of ins­tances. M5ad and R5ad ins­tances were laun­ched in March of 2019. The­se ins­tances are vari­ants of Ama­zon EC2 gene­ral pur­po­se (M5) and memo­ry opti­mi­zed (R5) ins­tances and fea­ture AMD EPYC™ 7000 series pro­ces­sors with an all core tur­bo clock speed of up to 2.5 GHz as well as NVMe-based SSD block level ins­tance sto­rage phy­si­cal­ly con­nec­ted to the host server.

The­se EC2 ins­tances fea­turing AMD pro­ces­sors pro­vi­de opti­ons for cus­to­mers who are loo­king to achie­ve a 10% cost savings on their Ama­zon EC2 com­pu­te envi­ron­ment for a varie­ty of workloads. C5a ins­tances are ide­al for a broad set of com­pu­te-inten­si­ve workloads inclu­ding batch pro­ces­sing, dis­tri­bu­ted ana­ly­tics, data trans­for­ma­ti­ons, log ana­ly­sis, gam­ing, and web appli­ca­ti­ons. M5ad ins­tances are ide­al for workloads that requi­re a balan­ce of com­pu­te and memo­ry resour­ces along with high-speed, low laten­cy local block sto­rage inclu­ding data log­ging and media pro­ces­sing. R5ad ins­tances are ide­al for memo­ry inten­si­ve workloads such as high-per­for­mance data­ba­ses, dis­tri­bu­ted in-memo­ry caches, in-memo­ry data­ba­ses, and big data ana­ly­tics. Both M5ad and R5ad will also be bene­fi­ci­al for appli­ca­ti­ons that need tem­po­ra­ry sto­rage of data for scratch space, tem­po­ra­ry files, and caches.

With this regio­nal expan­si­on, C5a ins­tances are now available across US East (N. Vir­gi­nia, Ohio), US West (N. Cali­for­nia, Ore­gon), Euro­pe (Ire­land, Frank­furt, Stock­holm, Lon­don), Asia Paci­fic (Sin­ga­po­re, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seo­ul, Syd­ney) and Cana­da (Cen­tral) Regi­ons. C5a ins­tances are available in 8 sizes, with 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 64 and 96 vCPUs. The­se ins­tances can be purcha­sed as On-Demand, Reser­ved, Spot Ins­tances or as part of a Savings Plan.

With this regio­nal expan­si­on, M5ad, and R5ad ins­tances are available today in US East (N. Vir­gi­nia, Ohio), US West (Ore­gon, N. Cali­for­nia), Asia Paci­fic (Sin­ga­po­re, Tokyo, Syd­ney, Seo­ul, Mum­bai), Euro­pe (Ire­land, Frank­furt, Paris, Lon­don), Cana­da (Cen­tral), South Ame­ri­ca (Sao Pau­lo) and AWS Gov­Cloud (US-West). M5ad and R5ad ins­tances are available in 8 sizes, with 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 64, and 96 vCPUs. The­se ins­tances can be purcha­sed as On-Demand, Reser­ved, Spot Ins­tances or as part of a Savings Plan.

To get star­ted, visit the AWS Manage­ment Con­so­leAWS Com­mand Line Inter­face (CLI), and AWS SDKs. To learn more, visit the AMD Ins­tances Page.