AMD Grafiktreiber — Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.9.2

Mit der Ver­si­on 20.9.2 der Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2020 Edi­ti­on wur­den wie­der eine Rei­he von klei­ne­ren Feh­lern besei­tigt, außer­dem wird das Spiel Star Wars: Squa­drons unter­stützt. Seit der Ver­si­on 19.2.3 wer­den Mobil­pro­zes­so­ren mit inte­grier­ter Vega-Gra­fik unter­stützt, sodass Note­book­be­sit­zer nicht mehr auf den Trei­ber­sup­port der jewei­li­gen Her­stel­ler ange­wie­sen sind, son­dern die­sen Trei­ber eben­falls nut­zen können.


  • Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.9.2 Highlights

    Support For

    • STAR WARS™: Squadrons

    Added Vulkan™ Support

    • VK_KHR_buffer_device_address
      • This exten­si­on is used to query the device address of a buf­fer to allow for shader access to that buffer’s sto­rage via the SPV_KHR_physical_storage_buffer SPIRV extension.
    • VK_EXT_robustness2
      • This exten­si­on pro­vi­des stric­ter rest­ric­tions for hand­ling reads and wri­tes that are out of bounds. It spe­ci­fies that out-of-bounds reads must return zeros and out-of-bounds wri­tes must be dis­card­ed. This exten­si­on also adds sup­port for null descriptors.
    • VK_EXT_shader_image_atomic_int64
      • This exten­si­on extends exis­ting 64-bit inte­ger ato­mic sup­port to images, which pro­vi­des more effi­ci­ent access than buf­fers. This allows appli­ca­ti­ons to quick­ly impro­ve their per­for­mance with minor chan­ges to their code.

    Fixed Issues

    • Some games may exhi­bit stut­ter inter­mit­tent­ly during game­play on Rade­on RX 5000 series gra­phics products.
    • Rade­on Free­Sync may fail to enable after updating Rade­on Soft­ware wit­hout a sys­tem reboot.
    • Screen fli­cke­ring may be obser­ved while MSI Afterbur­ner™ is run­ning or enab­led on the system.
    • X‑Plane 11™ may expe­ri­ence an appli­ca­ti­on hang or crash when using the Vul­kan® API.
    • DOOMVFR may expe­ri­ence cor­rup­ti­on or arti­fac­ting in game on Rade­on RX 5000 series sys­tem configurations.
    • Per­for­mance metrics over­lay may fail to open or appear after the sys­tem wakes from sleep.
    • Call of Duty®: WWII may expe­ri­ence black tex­tures on the ground or walls in zom­bies game mode.
    • Blo­cky cor­rup­ti­on may be obser­ved in Detroit: Beco­me Human™ on some Rade­on RX 5000 series gra­phics products.
    • Using the Movies&TV appli­ca­ti­on to edit video clips may result in green cor­rup­ti­on in the clips.
    • Per­for­mance metrics may report incor­rect values for cur­rent VRAM usa­ge after an exten­ded peri­od of gameplay.
    • With HDR enab­led, Win­dows® desk­top may expe­ri­ence fli­cke­ring, and per­forming a task switch while in a game may cau­se colors to beco­me washed out or over saturated.
    • World of War­craft™ may expe­ri­ence cor­rup­ti­on issues with anti-ali­a­sing enab­led on DirectX®12 API.
    • Laun­ching Rade­on Soft­ware after a dri­ver upgrade, may cau­se the Auto OC dia­lo­gue to appear with “0 Mhz” when the Auto OC fea­ture has been pre­vious­ly enab­led on Rade­on RX Vega series gra­phics products.

    Known Issues

    • Enhan­ced Sync may cau­se a black screen to occur when enab­led on some games and sys­tem con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons. Any users who may be expe­ri­en­cing issues with Enhan­ced Sync enab­led should disable it as a tem­po­ra­ry workaround.
    • Per­for­mance Metrics Over­lay and the Per­for­mance Tuning tab incor­rect­ly report hig­her than expec­ted idle clock speeds on Rade­on RX 5700 series gra­phics pro­ducts. Per­for­mance and power con­sump­ti­on are not impac­ted by this incor­rect reporting.
    • Audio may expe­ri­ence insta­bi­li­ty when con­nec­ted through an Audio Video Recei­ver via HDMI® on Rade­on RX 5000 series gra­phics products.
    • Modi­fy­ing the HDMI Sca­ling slider may cau­se FPS to beco­me locked to 30.

    Important Notes

    • AMD Ryzen™ Mobi­le Pro­ces­sors with Rade­on™ Vega Gra­phics FAQ for Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2020 Edi­ti­on can be found here.

    Package Contents

    The Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2020 Edi­ti­on 20.9.2 instal­la­ti­on packa­ge con­ta­ins the following:

    • Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2020 Edi­ti­on 20.9.2 Dri­ver Ver­si­on (Win­dows Dri­ver Store Ver­si­on 27.20.12031.1000)


Down­load: Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2020
Ver­si­on: 20.9.2
Datei­grö­ße Win­dows 10: 427,88 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 29.09.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows 10 und 7
Lizenz: pro­prie­tär