BOINC Client 7.16.11

Ber­ke­ley Open Infra­struc­tu­re for Net­work Com­pu­ting (kurz BOINC) ist ein Open­so­ur­ce-Frame­work für ver­teil­tes Rech­nen (Dis­tri­bu­ted Com­pu­ting) ent­wi­ckelt von der Uni­ver­si­tät Ber­ke­ley bzw. deren Space Sci­ence Lab. Für die momen­tan knapp 50 akti­ven Pro­jek­te — an denen auch Pla­net 3DNow! mit sei­nen Teams teil­nimmt — ist der BOINC-Cli­ent Vor­aus­set­zung zur Teilnahme.


Changes in 7.16.11

  • Win instal­ler: bump VBox ver­si­on to 6.1.12.
  • Mana­ger: chan­ge “Show gra­phics” but­ton to “Stop gra­phics” when gfx run­ning (Mac only)
  • Mac: Fix screen­sa­ver coor­di­na­tor to run pro­per­ly under Mac OS 11 Big Sur
  • Mac: Enable clo­se but­ton in pro­ject gra­phics run by BOINC Mana­ger “Show Graphics”
  • Mana­ger: remo­ve coo­kie-based auto­at­tach schemes
  • Cli­ent: if AM rep­ly includes a pro­ject we’­re atta­ched to under a dif­fe­rent account, honor the params in the AM rep­ly, e.g resour­ce share.
  • Cli­ent: Pass user prio­ri­ty con­fig items to wrappers
  • Mac: Impro­ved screen­sa­ver logic for OS 10.15 Catalina
  • Cli­ent: allow spe­ci­fy­ing device name in cc_config.xml
  • Mana­ger: don’t let user attach to account mana­ger as a project.
  • Cli­ent: initia­li­ze log flags to tasks, sched_ops, file_xfer
  • Added a war­ning when the mana­ger detects a second copy of itself
  • Cli­ent: mea­su­re disk usa­ge in terms of allo­ca­ted disk space, not file size
  • Cli­ent: avo­id CPU star­va­ti­on when GPU com­pu­ting is suspended
  • Cli­ent: don’t allow emp­ty GUI RPC password
  • Cli­ent: don’t show “no work” mes­sa­ges as notices
  • Cli­ent: let a pro­ject mas­ter URL chan­ge from http: to https: wit­hout invol­ving the user.
  • When par­sing NVIDIA dri­ver ver­si­on, max minor ver­si­on with 99.
  • Cli­ent: GUI RPC: bind to INADDR_ANY if a remo­te host is actual­ly configured


Down­load: BOINC Cli­ent
Ver­si­on: 7.16.11
Datei­grö­ße 113,90 MiB (Mit VirtualBox)
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 08.09.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android
Lizenz: Open­so­ur­ce
Web­sei­te BOINC