PowerToys v0.25.0

Erst­mals für Win­dows 95 ver­öf­fent­lich­te Micro­soft eine Samm­lung von kos­ten­lo­sen Hilfs­pro­gram­men unter dem Namen PowerT­oys, zu der auch das bekann­te Twea­kUI gehör­te. Für Win­dows 10 wur­de nun ein Open-Source-Pro­jekt ins Leben geru­fen, das die PowerT­oys wie­der­be­le­ben soll. Gestar­tet war das Pro­jekt mit den Tools Fan­cy­Zo­nes und Short­cut Gui­de. Mitt­ler­wei­le sind noch File Explo­rer, Image Resi­zer, Key­board Mana­ger, Power­Re­name, PowerT­oys Run und Mar­tin Chrzan’s Color Picker hin­zu gekommen.

PowerT­oys v0.11.0 — Fan­cy­Zo­nes und Short­cut Guide


For the enti­re com­mit histo­ry, plea­se look at the 0.25 release. Below are just a few of the bul­let items from this release.

Our goals for 0.25 release cycle was to focus on sta­bi­li­ty, acces­si­bi­li­ty, loca­liza­ti­on and qua­li­ty of life impro­ve­ments for both the deve­lo­p­ment team and our end users. Our first end to end loca­liza­ti­on pass has been done. We know it isn’t per­fect but we are in 17 lan­guages now. If you find an issue, plea­se file a loca­liza­ti­on bug.

Our [prio­ri­ti­zed roadmap][roadmap] of fea­tures and uti­li­ties that the core team is focu­sing on.

Highlights from October 2020


  • First pass on loca­liza­ti­on com­ple­te. 17 dif­fe­rent lan­guages. We know the­re will be some rough are­as, plea­se make us awa­re so we can cor­rect them.
  • Log­ging added into the installer
  • Lar­ge sums of acces­si­bi­li­ty issues fixed.
  • Less noti­fi­ca­ti­ons for installing
  • FxCop work is almost ful­ly wrap­ped up

Color Picker

  • Addi­tio­nal color style sel­ec­tions such as CYMK and HSL


  • Mul­ti­ple bugs fixed
  • Bet­ter zone dra­wing improvements

Key­board manager

  • Fixed ter­mi­nal input map failure
  • Bet­ter app compat
  • Mul­ti­ple bug fixes
  • Abili­ty to direct­ly disable keys/shortcuts

PowerT­oys Run

  • expan­ded envi­ron­ment var sear­ching such as %windr%
  • mul­ti­ple crash bug fixes
  • Impro­ve­ments on cal­cu­la­tor plugin
  • Direct­ly able to over­ri­de theming
  • Win­dows will open to what shell you want
  • Bet­ter action key support 
    • = for direct calculator
    • ? for direct file searching
    • . for direct for applications
    • // for direct URL
    • < for run­ning processes
    • > for shell processes

Dev docs

  • Added mul­ti­ple deve­lo­per rela­ted docs.




Down­load: PowerT­oys
Ver­si­on: v0.25.0
Datei­grö­ße 21,3 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 29.10.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows 10
Lizenz: Open Source
Web­sei­te PowerT­oys (Git­Hub)