ZenTimings 1.2.2

Zen­Ti­mings ist ein klei­nes Tool, wel­ches alle wich­ti­gen Spei­cher-Timings , Span­nun­gen, Infi­ni­ty Fabric- und Spei­cher­con­trol­ler­tak­te für Sys­te­me mit einem AMD Ryzen Pro­zes­sor anzeigt und das .NET Frame­work von Micro­soft benö­tigt (Ver­si­on 4.0 oder neuer).


v1.2.2 Jan 3 2021
  • Add PHYWRD, PHYWRL, PHYRDL and Power­Down readings.
  • Add DRAM and VTT rea­dings (sta­tic) from BIOS on some mother­boards (MSI and Gigabyte).
  • Add sup­port for both SMU ver­si­on num­ber vari­ants to fix Picas­so vol­ta­ge rea­dings on some systems.
  • Add sup­port for Dali APUs (https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/amd/cores/dali).
  • Opti­mi­zed start­up, pro­gress is repor­ted in the splash screen.
  • Save set­tings in the same direc­to­ry of the app for bet­ter por­ta­bi­li­ty and upgrade.
  • Small UI adjus­t­ments and fixes.
  • Old lega­cy ver­si­on is now EOL. Repla­ced by new ver­si­on with strip­ped the­mes support.
  • Remo­ve hover sta­te of came­ra icon.
  • Attempt to fil­ter incor­rect VSOC values repor­ted by SVI2 TFN plane.
  • Bet­ter error reporting.
  • Fix instal­led DRAM modu­les slot labels.
  • Fix power table rea­ding on 32bit OS.
  • Fix occa­sio­nal pro­blem with rea­ding power table on first load after boot.


Down­load: Zen­Ti­mings
Ver­si­on: 1.2.2
Datei­grö­ße 0,442 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 03.01.2021
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows XP/Vista/7/8/10
Lizenz: Free­ware