GeForce Is Made for Gaming, CMP Is Made to Mine

We’re limi­ting the hash rate of GeForce RTX 3060 GPUs so they’re less desi­ra­ble to miners and laun­ching NVIDIA CMP for pro­fes­sio­nal mining.

We are gamers, through and through. We obsess about new gam­ing fea­tures, new archi­tec­tures, new games and tech. We desi­gned GeForce GPUs for gamers, and gamers are clamo­r­ing for more.

Yet NVIDIA GPUs are pro­gramma­ble. And users are con­stant­ly dis­co­ve­ring new appli­ca­ti­ons for them, from wea­ther simu­la­ti­on and gene sequen­cing to deep lear­ning and robo­tics. Mining cryp­to­cur­ren­cy is one of them.

With the launch of GeForce RTX 3060 on Feb. 25, we’re taking an important step to help ensu­re GeForce GPUs end up in the hands of gamers.

Halving Hash Rate

RTX 3060 soft­ware dri­vers are desi­gned to detect spe­ci­fic attri­bu­tes of the Ethe­re­um cryp­to­cur­ren­cy mining algo­rithm, and limit the hash rate, or cryp­to­cur­ren­cy mining effi­ci­en­cy, by around 50 percent.

That only makes sen­se. Our GeForce RTX GPUs intro­du­ce cut­ting-edge tech­no­lo­gies — such as RTX real-time ray-tra­cing, DLSS AI-acce­le­ra­ted image ups­ca­ling tech­no­lo­gy, Reflex super-fast respon­se ren­de­ring for the best sys­tem laten­cy, and many more — tail­o­red to meet the needs of gamers and tho­se who crea­te digi­tal experiences.

To address the spe­ci­fic needs of Ethe­re­um mining, we’re announ­cing the NVIDIA CMP, or, Cryp­to­cur­ren­cy Mining Pro­ces­sor, pro­duct line for pro­fes­sio­nal mining.

CMP pro­ducts — which don’t do gra­phics — are sold through aut­ho­ri­zed part­ners and opti­mi­zed for the best mining per­for­mance and effi­ci­en­cy. They don’t meet the spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons requi­red of a GeForce GPU and, thus, don’t impact the avai­la­bi­li­ty of GeForce GPUs to gamers.

For ins­tance, CMP lacks dis­play out­puts, enab­ling impro­ved air­flow while mining so they can be more den­se­ly packed. CMPs also have a lower peak core vol­ta­ge and fre­quen­cy, which impro­ves mining power efficiency.

Crea­ting tail­o­red pro­ducts for cus­to­mers with spe­ci­fic needs deli­vers the best value for cus­to­mers. With CMP, we can help miners build the most effi­ci­ent data cen­ters while pre­ser­ving GeForce RTX GPUs for gamers.