Nvidia GeForce-Treiber (GRD) 461.72 WHQL

Der Nvi­dia GeForce-Game-Rea­dy-Trei­ber für Win­dows ist in einer neu­en Ver­si­on erschie­nen. Er unter­stützt alle Nvi­dia-Kar­ten seit der GeForce 600er, über die GeForce 700er, die GeForce 900er, die GeForce 10xx, die GeForce 16xx, die RTX 20xx und bis hin zur aktu­el­len GeForce RTX 30xx Serie, sowie alle Kar­ten der Titan-Serie.

Zum Start der RXT 3060 der pas­sen­de Trei­ber der Mining auf 50 Pro­zent ein­brem­sen soll und erst­mals eBAR für eine Nvi­dia­gra­fik­kar­te ermöglicht.


Release Notes 461.72 (PDF)


Game Rea­dy Dri­ver Updates
Game Rea­dy Dri­vers pro­vi­de the best pos­si­ble gam­ing expe­ri­ence for all major new releases, inclu­ding Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty games. Pri­or to a new title laun­ching, our dri­ver team is working up until the last minu­te to ensu­re every per­for­mance tweak and bug fix is included for the best game­play on day-one.

Game Rea­dy for Outri­ders Demo
This new Game Rea­dy Dri­ver pro­vi­des sup­port for the Outri­ders demo, NVIDIA DLSS in Nioh 2 — The Com­ple­te Edi­ti­on and Mount & Bla­de II: Ban­ner­lord, and NVIDIA Reflex in Rain­bow Six Siege.

Gam­ing Technology
Includes sup­port for GeForce RTX 3060 GPU.

Learn more in our Game Rea­dy Dri­ver article

New Fea­tures and Other Changes
Added sup­port for the fol­lo­wing GPUs.
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060

Fixed Issues in this Release
The fol­lo­wing sec­tions list the important chan­ges and the most com­mon issues resol­ved in this ver­si­on. This list is only a sub­set of the total num­ber of chan­ges made in this dri­ver ver­si­on. The NVIDIA bug num­ber is pro­vi­ded for reference.
• [G‑SYNC][Edge of Eternity/Hitman 2]: The games expe­ri­ence stut­ter and low FPS when using hard­ware-acce­le­ra­ted GPU sche­du­ling in win­do­wed mode. [200685971]
• [G‑Sync][Vulkan Apps]: Per­for­mance drop occurs when using G‑SYNC and swit­ching from full-screen mode to win­do­wed mode using the in-game set­tings. [200681477]
• [The Isle]: Free­style is not sup­port­ed for the game. [3229829]
• [VIndictus][GeForce Expe­ri­ence]: The game can­not be recor­ded. [2203875]
• [X4: Foundations][Vulkan]: The appli­ca­ti­on cra­s­hes when laun­ched on Win­dows 10 (Ver­si­on 1803). [3220107]
• Wall­pa­per Engi­ne app may crash on start­up or upon resu­me from sleep. [3208963]
• [Blu-ray][HDMI]: Fli­cke­ring occurs in Blu-ray play­back when play­ed over HDMI. [3221611]
• Seve­ral desk­top appli­ca­ti­ons fli­cker when Ver­ti­cal Sync is set to the default “Use the 3D appli­ca­ti­on set­ting”. [3252186]
• [Ampere]: Chrome/Edge may expe­ri­ence ran­dom TDR while browsing.[3195894]
LG CX OLED TVs (2020) are not reco­gni­zed as G‑SYNC Com­pa­ti­ble displays.[3244055]
• [Surround][RTX 30 series] PC may dis­play “no signal” mes­sa­ge when enab­ling NVIDIA Sur­round. [3230565]
• [Note­book]: On some Note­books, the ‘Maxi­mum Gra­phics Power’ infor­ma­ti­on miss­ing in the NVIDIA Con­trol Panel > Sys­tem Infor­ma­ti­on page. [200697069]

As with every released dri­ver, ver­si­on 461.72 WHQL of the Release 460 dri­ver has open issues and enhance­ment requests asso­cia­ted with it. This sec­tion includes lists of issues that are eit­her not fixed or not imple­men­ted in this ver­si­on. Some pro­blems lis­ted may not have been tho­rough­ly inves­ti­ga­ted and, in fact, may not be NVIDIA issues. Others may have work­around solutions.
For note­book com­pu­ters, issues can be sys­tem-spe­ci­fic and may not be seen on your par­ti­cu­lar notebook.

Win­dows 10 Issues
• Some desk­top appli­ca­ti­ons may fli­cker or stut­ter when resi­zing the win­dow on some PC con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons [3252200]. See the NVIDIA KBA 5157 for a pos­si­ble workaround.
• [Tom Clancy’s Rain­bow Six Siege][Advanced Opti­mus]: The game may crash while laun­ching. [3257842]
• [GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER]: Ran­dom fli­cke­ring may appear across the top of the moni­tor on some PC con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons. [3184254]
• [World of War­craft: Shadow­lands]: Ran­dom fli­cker may occur in cer­tain loca­ti­ons in the game [3206341]
• [Supre­me Commander/Supreme Com­man­der 2]: The games expe­ri­ence low FPS. [3231218]
• [Bat­man Ark­ham Knight]: The game cra­s­hes when tur­bu­lence smo­ke is enab­led. [3202250]
• [Steam VR game]: Stut­te­ring and lag­ging occur upon laun­ching a game while any GPU hard­ware moni­to­ring tool is run­ning in the back­ground. [3152190]
• [G‑SYNC][NVIDIA Ampere/Turing GPU archi­tec­tu­re]: GPU power con­sump­ti­on may increase in idle mode on sys­tems using cer­tain hig­her refresh-rate G‑SYNC moni­tors. [200667566]
• [You­Tube]: Video play­back stut­ters while scrol­ling down the You­Tube page. [3129705]
• [Note­book]: Some Pas­cal-based note­books w/ high refresh rate dis­plays may ran­dom­ly drop­to 60Hz during game­play. [3009452]

Down­load: GeForce Dri­ver Ver­si­on 461.72 W10

GeForce Dri­ver Ver­si­on 461.72 W7/8

Ver­si­on: 461.72
Datei­grö­ße Ver­schie­de­ne
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 25.02.2021
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows 10, 8.x, 7
Lizenz: Trei­ber