PowerToys v0.33.1

Erst­mals für Win­dows 95 ver­öf­fent­lich­te Micro­soft eine Samm­lung von kos­ten­lo­sen Hilfs­pro­gram­men unter dem Namen PowerT­oys, zu der auch das bekann­te Twea­kUI gehör­te. Für Win­dows 10 wur­de nun ein Open-Source-Pro­jekt ins Leben geru­fen, das die PowerT­oys wie­der­be­le­ben soll. Gestar­tet war das Pro­jekt mit den Tools Fan­cy­Zo­nes und Short­cut Gui­de. Mitt­ler­wei­le sind noch File Explo­rer, Image Resi­zer, Key­board Mana­ger, Power­Re­name, PowerT­oys Run, Mar­tin Chrzan’s Color Picker und Video Con­fe­rence Mute hin­zu gekommen.

PowerT­oys v0.11.0 — Fan­cy­Zo­nes und Short­cut Guide


Where is the Video Conference utility?

We’ll be doing a 0.34 expe­ri­men­tal release week of March 8th. We feel we are near rea­dy to add in Video Con­fe­rence mute into the sta­ble release pen­ding feed­back from the pen­ding 0.34 expe­ri­men­tal release.

Installer hash


Highlights from v0.33 Stable/0.34 Experimental


  • Updated over­view links to be lan­guage agno­stic to the docs site.
  • First time load’ expe­ri­ence. The hope is a quick, light way to learn about basic func­tion­a­li­ty. We have some more work to do and want to also use the same frame­work for tea­ching about updates as well.
  • Loca­liza­ti­on corrections


  • Adjus­ted edi­tor UX based on feed­back. Thanks @niels9001!
  • New opti­ons to chan­ge zone acti­va­ti­on algorithm.

File Explo­rer

  • Impro­ved how SVG images are pre­view­ed in the pre­view pane, thanks@Drakula44!
  • @Aaron-Junker has crea­ted a pro­of of con­cept for using Mona­co edi­tor for pre­vie­w­ing dev files. This will enable over 125+ file types.

PowerT­oys Run

  • Plug­in Mana­ger now is in set­tings. You can direct­ly turn on / off, include items in gene­ral search, and chan­ge the action key! Thanks @htcfreek for the gre­at feedback!
  • Impro­ved sup­port for addi­tio­nal win­dow mana­gers by abs­trac­ting out shell pro­cess calls. Thanks @davidegiacometti!
  • Fix for PT Run regis­tering the hot­key on non-sup­port­ed OS versions.
  • ~ will now act as the user home direc­to­ry in Fol­der plug­in. Thanks @davidegiacometti
  • Ser­vice plug­in has adjus­ted sta­tus messages

Video Con­fe­rence Mute (Expe­ri­men­tal)

  • Adjust video muting to levera­ge DirectShow.
  • Goal is to have 0.34 expe­ri­men­tal release week of March 8th.


  • When restart­ing as admin, the set­tings now will reopen. Thanks @davidegiacometti!

ARM64 Pro­gress

  • Inves­ti­ga­ti­on on how we’ll accom­plish Set­tings with the XAML Island and WPF app.



Down­load: PowerT­oys
Ver­si­on: v0.33.1
Datei­grö­ße 35 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 04.03.2021
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows 10
Lizenz: Open Source
Web­sei­te PowerT­oys (Git­Hub)