TYAN Now Offering AMD EPYC™ 7003 Processor Powered Systems

New Cloud, AI, and Storage Server Platforms to Accelerate Breakthroughs in Big Data Processing for the Modern Data Center


Pro­ducts : GC68AB8036 GC68AB8036-LE GC68B8036-LE GC79AB8252 GC79B8252 
TN73B8037 TN83B8251 TS65B8253 TS75AB8252 

Newark, Calif. – March 15, 2021 – TYAN®, an indus­try-lea­ding ser­ver plat­form design manu­fac­tu­rer and a MiT­AC Com­pu­ting Tech­no­lo­gy Cor­po­ra­ti­on sub­si­dia­ry, today intro­du­ced AMD EPYC™ 7003 Series Pro­ces­sor-based ser­ver plat­forms fea­turing effi­ci­en­cy and per­for­mance enhance­ments in hard­ware, secu­ri­ty, and memo­ry den­si­ty for the modern data center.

Big data has beco­me capi­tal today. Lar­ge amounts of data and fas­ter ans­wers dri­ve bet­ter decis­i­ons. TYAN’s indus­try-lea­ding ser­ver plat­forms powered by 3rd Gen AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors enable busi­nesses to make more accu­ra­te decis­i­ons with hig­her pre­cis­i­on,” said Dan­ny Hsu, Vice Pre­si­dent of MiT­AC Com­pu­ting Tech­no­lo­gy Corporation’s Ser­ver Infra­struc­tu­re BU. “Moving the bar once more for workload per­for­mance, EPYC™ 7003 Series pro­ces­sors pro­vi­de the per­for­mance nee­ded in the heart of the enter­pri­se to help IT pro­fes­sio­nals dri­ve fas­ter time to results,” said Ram Ped­dib­hot­la, cor­po­ra­te vice pre­si­dent, EPYC pro­duct manage­ment, AMD. “Time is the new metric for effi­ci­en­cy and EPYC 7003 Series pro­ces­sors are the per­fect choice for the most diver­se workloads, hel­ping pro­vi­de more and bet­ter data to dri­ve bet­ter busi­ness outcomes.”

High memory capacity, multi-node and data cache servers to power the cloud

TYAN’s Trans­port CX lin­e­up with AMD EPYC 7003 Series pro­ces­sors is desi­gned for cloud and data ana­ly­tics that requi­re lar­ge memo­ry capa­ci­ty and fast data pro­ces­sing. The Trans­port CX GC79-B8252 and Trans­port CX GC79A-B8252 are 1U dual-socket ser­ver plat­forms which are ide­al for high-den­si­ty data cen­ter deploy­ment with a varie­ty of memo­ry-based com­pu­ting appli­ca­ti­ons. Two sys­tems fea­ture 32 DDR4 DIMM slots, two stan­dard PCIe Gen.4 x16 expan­si­on slots, and an OCP 3.0 LAN mez­za­ni­ne slot. The GC79-B8252 plat­form pro­vi­des four 3.5‑inch SATA dri­ve bays and four 2.5‑inch NVMe dri­ve bays with tool-less car­ri­ers, while the GC79A-B8252 plat­form offers twel­ve 2.5‑inch dri­ve bays with up to twel­ve NVMe U.2 support.

The Trans­port CX GC68-B8036-LE and Trans­port CX GC68A-B8036 are cost-opti­mi­zed sin­gle-socket cache ser­ver plat­forms fea­turing 16 DDR4 DIMMs, a pair of PCIe Gen.4 x16 expan­si­on and an OCP 2.0 LAN mez­za­ni­ne slot in 1U. The GC68-B8036-LE sup­ports four 3.5‑inch SATA and four 2.5‑inch tool-less NVMe dri­ve bays for lar­ge sto­rage capa­ci­ty; the GC68A-B8036 accom­mo­da­tes twel­ve 2.5‑inch tool-less dri­ve bays with sup­port for up to twel­ve NVMe U.2 devices for appli­ca­ti­ons with high sto­rage per­for­mance requirements.

The Trans­port CX TN73-B8037-X4S is a 2U mul­ti-node ser­ver plat­form with four front-ser­viced com­pu­te nodes. Each node sup­ports one AMD EPYC 7003 Series pro­ces­sor, four 2.5‑inch tool-less NVMe/SATA dri­ve bays, eight DDR4 DIMM slots, three inter­nal coo­ling fans, two stan­dard PCIe Gen.4 x16 expan­si­on slots, two inter­nal NVMe M.2 slots and one OCP 2.0 LAN mez­za­ni­ne slot. The plat­form is sui­ted for high-den­si­ty data cen­ter deploy­ments and tar­gets sca­le-out appli­ca­ti­ons with lar­ge num­bers of nodes.

Optimized for accelerate computational workloads in HPC, AI and deep learning

Lever­aging 3rd AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors, the TYAN Trans­port HX pro­duct line deli­vers lea­der­ship com­pu­te in super­com­pu­ting and deep lear­ning. The Trans­port HX TN83-B8251 is a 2U 4‑GPU ser­ver with two CPUs, two PCIe 4.0 x16 high-speed net­wor­king cards, and eight 3.5‑inch hot-swap SATA or NVMe U.2 tool-less dri­ve bays. The plat­form sup­ports up to four dou­ble-width GPU cards that can be used to sca­le up the num­ber of GPUs to impro­ve HPC and deep lear­ning performance.

Opti­mi­zed for HPC and vir­tua­liza­ti­on appli­ca­ti­ons, the Trans­port HX TS75-B8252 and Trans­port HX TS75A-B8252 are 2U dual-socket ser­ver plat­forms with sup­port for 32 DIMM slots and up to nine PCIe 4.0 slots. The TS75-B8252 accom­mo­da­tes twel­ve hot-swap, tool-less 3.5‑inch dri­ve bays with up to four NVMe U.2 sup­port; TS75A-B8252 accom­mo­da­tes 26 hot-swap, tool-less 2.5‑inch dri­ve bays with up to eight NVMe U.2.

Hybrid software-defined storage server to drive outstanding performance

TYAN Trans­port SX lin­e­up is desi­gned to deli­ver mas­si­ve I/O and memo­ry band­width for sto­rage appli­ca­ti­ons. The Trans­port SX TS65-B8253 is a 2U hybrid soft­ware sto­rage ser­ver for various dat­a­cen­ter and enter­pri­se deploy­ment sup­port­ing the dual-socket AMD EPYC 7003 Series pro­ces­sor, 16 DDR4 DIMM slots and seven stan­dard PCIe 4.0 slots. The plat­form is equip­ped with up to two 10GbE and two GbE onboard net­work con­nec­tions, twel­ve front 3.5‑inch tool-less SATA dri­ve bays, up to four NVMe U.2 devices, and two rear 2.5‑inch tool-less SATA dri­ve bays for boot dri­ve deployment.

In addi­ti­on, TYAN offers drop-in AMD EPYC 7003 Series pro­ces­sor sup­port on exis­ting EPYC 7002 Series pro­ces­sor-opti­mi­zed ser­ver plat­forms through a BIOS update. Cus­to­mers can enjoy all-new “Zen 3” CPU archi­tec­tu­re with full fea­ture func­tion­a­li­ty from their cur­rent 2nd Gen AMD EPYC pro­ces­sor-based platforms.

Supporting Resources:

Plea­se watch this video about TYAN 3rd Gen AMD EPYC ser­vers desi­gned for modern data centers.